Friday, July 31, 2009

Sonic Adventure Sega Dreamcast COMPLETE Game

After several years in video game retirement, Sonic the Hedgehog returns as the star of a graphically stunning 3-D adventure game that blows away every other game in the genre. Sonic is joined by five of his friends in a massive quest that spans over 50 game levels filled with remarkable visuals and a pulsating soundtrack. Taking full advantage of the unprecedented processing power of the Dreamcast, Sega's development crew, Sonic Team, has designed several gravity-defying game levels that will keep gamers hooked.

Our favorite level is Windy Valley, which requires you to survive the stormy perils of a tremendous tornado. This tyrant of nature chases you relentlessly before ultimately sucking you into the air and up through its eye. During the chase, the tornado manages to tear up just about everything on the screen. This dizzying visual spectacle moves so fast that you will literally hold on to the game controller for dear life.

Assuming you survive the tornado, there are several more challenging areas to conquer, including a level that requires you to snowboard directly in the path of a fast-approaching avalanche. During the Emerald Coast level, you will race across a precarious dock as a killer whale attacks from below, destroying the wood planks underneath your feet while you attempt to outrun the crazed creature.

We also liked the numerous mini-games scattered throughout this title. When you least expect it, Sonic Adventure tosses in some old-fashioned arcade action, such as pinball or bumper car racing. In between, you can raise virtual pets, known in the game as "Chao." These characters, which are saved using the optional Visual Memory Unit (VMU), can be combined with other Chao characters exchanged between friends or downloaded via the Internet.

Gamers looking to show off the strong processing power of the 128-bit Dreamcast will definitely want to pick up this title. Simply put, Sonic Adventure's graphics surpass those of any other game currently available on any home video game system. Let the Sonic assault begin. --Brett Atwood


  • Strong replay value
  • Stunning graphics
  • Bonus virtual pet game
  • Six different game characters


  • May be too fast-moving for some players
  • Awkward camera angles can inhibit gameplay in some areas

Customer Review: Sonic Adventure an "All time Classic"
This is the game that started it all for the Dreamcast. Sonic got a new look and a whole new level of appreciation. To bad after Sonic Adventure 2 things started to turn sour as he got ported to other Systems. Almost a decade later and I still have my appreciation for this title. Yes not everything is perfect, but it's still way above average. If you never played it before, please pick it up if you have a Dreamcast. You will not be dissapointed at all and it is well worth the $10 you will spend for it.
Customer Review: Buy it.
It was the best selling game on the Dreamcast for a reason. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this game. Buy it.

It was a few weeks ago when a lone nutcase bought a few guns and killed 32 people in one of the worst massacres in U.S. history at Virginia Tech. So far, there have only been a few mumblings here and there that the media is to blame in all of this, most predominately by Dr. Phil. He accuses the videogame industry of being somehow complicit in this one crazed gunman's actions, which is obviously unfounded and ridiculous. But there are always congressmen in office who are otherwise ineffectual in getting anything done to stop guns from getting in the hands of mental patients, who go on tirades against the entertainment community when something like this happens.

Thankfully, most people are waking up and seeing that mental psychosis is responsible for these crazy people's actions, not the latest Rob Zombie horrorfest. The movie studios for the most part capitulated to congress' need for a better system of screening out hard "R" rated movies that are unsuitable to kids under 18 years old. They now force i.d.'s to be shown at all ticket windows to allow teenagers to buy tickets to r-rated movies. Now that another massacre has occurred, they might be encouraged to force even stricter guidelines on r-rated movies.

The Federal Trade Commission regulates video game ratings, and is the watchdog for the movie industry, making sure that r-rated flix are not seen or bought on dvd by kids under 18 years old. The FTC chairman, Deborah Platt Majores states "The latest FTC report shows improvement, but also that the entertainment industry has more work to do." The FTC conducted a research group whereby they sent a variety of children into a retail store to buy r-rated dvds. Eighty-one percent of kids 16 and younger were able to buy R-rated movies in 2003, and that number dropped just 10 percentage points to 71 percent in 2006.

Based on these statistics, and in light of the shootings at Virginia Tech, there is reason to believe that retail video chains like Blockbuster will be in the headlights of watchdog groups like the FTC to make sure movies like "Hostel" and "The Devil's Rejects" do not get into the hands of 12-year-olds.

Hopefully, a massacre like Virginia Tech will never happen again, and R-rated movies should be given the freedom to grow as a genre so movies like "The 300" can be made for the vast movie-going audience's never ending appetite for extreme, well made action.

Rob Mead has written many articles about internet marketing and how to create and find great website content that will increase your web site's traffic overnight. Go to and you will be able to use all of the web site's resources and articles in your quest for internet success.

xbox 360 videogames

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Tribe [Game Download]

Customer Review: Real Time Tribe
This is a cute, family friendly game. You start off with a handful of characters that all wash up on shore on the island you select. You can set priorities for individual tribe members, such as gathering food, construction, or science. You can also designate building to be constructed. Creating new characters is accomplished by clicking one tribe member onto an adult tribe member of the opposite sex, and then you have a small infant running around the island. Each character has his or her own strengths. This is a casual, fun game. Since the game is in real time, your people will age and continue to work, even you are not playing the game. If you enjoy Tycoon games, you will probably like this game as well.

Because the popularity of videogame Gran Turismo is so immense, it is surprising that many Americans aim to import a Nissan Skyline to US. Surely, there are many other sophisticated and fashionable car models from different brands but Nissan's Skyline is one of a kind, something car owners and car collectors would always want to have especially if they are already 'cultured' by the car racing video game phenomenon. The case of Gran Turismo and Nissan Skyline in the US is one proof on how videogames can be a good promotional and campaign activity for products.

It is a common fact that at times, people value products that they hardly acquire. In the case of Nissan Skyline, not only are car owners spending too much effort and money on purchasing the vehicle. Because Nissan does not operate any assembly facility in North America, the only way any American can own the vehicle is to import a Nissan Skyline to US. Thus, to buy the car, one needs to go to Japan for procurement.

Because the Nissan Skyline's assembly and engine customization is built for the Japanese and Asian markets, there would definitely be inevitable troubles when people import a Nissan Skyline to US. Skylines are not built to conform automatically to the car manufacturing standards set by the Federal car industry. Thus, there is a need to secure the intermediation and assistance of a Certified Commercial Importer. The CCI would perform the required conversions with matching certifications to conform with the standards of the NHTSA, EPA and other vehicle regulating bodies.

When you import a Nissan Skyline to US, expect that the process would be a lengthy and costly one. A CCI's service fees can already cost a huge amount of money, with figures that usually turns off most people aiming to import a Nissan Skyline. This factor makes owning and securing a Nissan Skyline more rare in the US. There are just too many documents and shipping requirements to be filled out, so better get your patience tested.

Some people try to save on expenses by first importing the Nissan Skyline to Canada, which is expected to cost comparatively smaller. Then, the car would be imported from Canada to the US. This strategy has worked for some, but there is no assurance it would work most of the time. It is better to avoid the risks involved.

As you import a Nissan Skyline to US, be reminded that the process may not be an easy and convenient one but would certainly be satisfying when successfully completed.

Learn the A to Z on how to import cars from Japan Also, read another popular article on why people are rushing to import cars from Japan

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nintendo DS Lite Game Card Case

Cases for protecting and storing your Nintendo DS game cards
Customer Review: Great Storage for DS games...but shipping costs prohibit purchase
I like these storage cases (three to a pack) for I can easily take four games with me (3 in case; 1 in DS) during short trips; or take all cases when gone for longer periods of time and need more game variation. HOWEVER, I was initially going to purchase them via vendor through Amazon until I tallied up the cost of the cases and shipping. The plastic cases are inexpensive and small...shipping should NOT be excessive IMHO. I also now wish I would have a larger case to hold more games for extended travel as the three cases tend to move around a lot in my DS mini back pack storage finding the "right" case with the game I want to play is often funny as the last pack I pick up is the one with the game. I noticed a newer version of this type of case that holds 16 games at a time. You might want to go with that, particularly if you have Amazon Prime, which over time saves money on shipping costs, and if you have more than 12 games (I am getter there!). Lastly - I have had NO trouble with the cases breaking or generally storage/holding ability of the cases (the one described for this review). A good product but check around locally for one that will ultimately cost less due to the shipping costs. Ranking - 5 stars for the cases themselves; 3 stars for the shipping costs through this vendor.
Customer Review: A perfect fit...
I needed to buy some extra game cases because I filled up the ones that came with an accessory pack I bought with my DS. Those cases held four games and fit in my DS backpack and was hoping to be able to buy more of those, but they are not available. I found these and they are perfect! 3 cases that hold 3 games for only $5. The cases are very slim and sturdy. The games sit perfectly in the slots and mine don't rattle around like some reviewers have said. They're not completely clear but you can see what games it holds perfectly. I have since filled these cases and am buying another set. I love them.

Over the last year we have interviewed more than 10 leading neuroscientists and psychologists worldwide to learn about their research and thoughts, and have news to report.

What can we say today that we couldn't have said only 10 years ago? That what neuroscience pioneer Santiago Ramon y Cajal claimed in the XX century, "Every man can, if he so desires, become the sculptor his own brain", may well become reality in the XXI.

Let's now debunk 10 myths, still too prevalent, that may prevent us from seeing the full potential of this emerging field:

Myth 1: It's all in our genes.

-- Reality: A big component of our lifelong brain health and development depends on what we do with our brains. Our own actions, not only our genes, influence our lives to a large extent. Genes predispose us, not determine our fates.

Myth 2: The field of Cognitive/ Brain Fitness is too new to be credible.

-- Reality: The field rests on solid foundations dating back more decades. What is new is the number and range of tools that are now starting to be available for healthy individuals.

Myth 3: Medication is and will remain the only evidence-based intervention for a number of brain-related problems.

-- Reality: Cognitive training programs are starting to show value as complements to drug-based interventions.

Myth 4: We need to buy very expensive stuff to improve our brains.

-- Reality: Every time we learn a new skill, concept or fact, we change the physical composition of our brains. Lifelong learning means lifelong neuroplasticity.

Myth 5: Schools should just focus on basic skills like Reading and Math.

-- Reality: "Mental muscles," such as working memory, are fundamental to academic performance and are currently overlooked by the school system.

Myth 6: Crossword puzzles, or our daily job activities, are the best way to keep one's mind sharp.

-- Reality: Computer-based programs can be more effective at training specific cognitive skills.

Myth 7: Videogames are always a waste of time.

-- Reality: Scientifically-designed, computer-based programs can be a good vehicle for training specific skills. For example, it has been shown that short term memory can be expanded by such programs.

Myth 8: This means kids will spend more time playing videogames.

-- Reality: In Japan - the world's earliest adopter of brain-related videogames- overall home videogame sales have declined, with children playing less over time. Interestingly, adults in Japan have started to play brain-related video games more, and we are starting to see the same trend with adults in the US and Europe.

Myth 9: Brain exercise is only for seniors. And, only about memory.

-- Reality: People of all ages can benefit from a variety of regular brain exercises. For active professionals, managing stress and emotions is often a good first step.

Myth 10: This all sounds too soft to be of real value to managers and professionals.

-- Reality: There is nothing soft about the hard science-based training of specific cognitive and emotional skills.

Now you know. Exercising our brains is as important as exercising our bodies!

Copyright (c) 2007 SharpBrains

Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of, which provides the latest science-based information for Cognitive Fitness and Cognitive Training, and has been recognized by Scientific American Mind, MarketWatch, Forbes, and more. Alvaro holds MA in Education and MBA from Stanford University, and teaches The Science of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong Learning Institute.

wii videogame

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Xbox 360 Arcade Console with Bonus Game

The Xbox 360 Arcade System gives you immediate access to the Next-Gen power of high-definition video, DVD movie playback, digital music, photos, online connectivity and of course the great gameplay that Xbox 360 is renowned for, while ensuring that you retain the flexibility to choose additional features to customize your system to your specific needs.

Xbox 360 Arcade System
The Xbox 360 Arcade Bundle
Xbox 360 Arcade bundle with included accessories
Under the Hood of Xbox 360
Xbox 360 is much smaller than its predecessor--it measures approximately 3.3 by 12.2 by 10.2 inches and weighs 7.7 lbs. It's powered by custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU with three symmetrical cores each running at 3.2 GHz. It also carries a custom ATI graphics processor with 10 MB of embedded DRAM. This is powerful enough to draw 500 million triangles per second. In other words, it makes for great looking games on standard TVs, and even better looking ones on HDTV sets thanks to built-in support for HDTV (720p/1080i/1080p) resolutions.

The unit has a 12x dual-layer DVD-ROM drive, which plays both the game media and progressive-scan DVD movies right out of the box. For game-save and media storage, Xbox 360 Arcade System users can choose to stick with the Memory Unit included with the bundle, or upgrade to either the detachable 20GB hard drive or the 120 GB hard drive (both sold separately). Along with storing files, the hard drive will make the Xbox 360 backward-compatible with a large part of the existing Xbox game library.

Control your Gameplay
The Xbox 360 Arcade System comes with one Xbox 360 Wireless Controller with rumble. Xbox 360 uses a refined button layout for its controllers. Back and Start buttons sit at the center of the controller and between them is a new Xbox Guide button, which instantly takes the user to the Xbox 360 user "Dashboard" interface. From there, they can check for friends online, access personal digital content like photos songs, and more. The black and white buttons of the first Xbox controllers have been replaced with new shoulder buttons placed above the left and right triggers. The Xbox 360 can accommodate up to four wireless controllers and has three USB 2.0 slots to use for wired controllers or for streaming your digital media from digital cameras, MP3 players, and any Windows XP-based PC. Microsoft has also created a video-conferencing camera, sold separately, that will work with the system.

Xbox 360 Console Chooser

The Media Experience
All Xbox 360 titles can be played in either standard or high-definition resolution in 16:9 widescreen, with anti-aliasing for smoother graphics. Game designers will be able to take advantage of the system's multi-channel surround sound. The Xbox 360's digital media allows users to supplement any game's music from tracks in their own personal library. Five titles are bundled on a single disc included with the Xbox 360 Arcade System. These are:

  • Feeding Frenzy
  • Luxor 2
  • Boom Boom Rocket
  • Pac-Man Championship Edition
  • Uno
Xbox 360's built-in Ethernet port allows users to connect their system to the Xbox LIVE service via their broadband connection. Utilize the free Xbox LIVE Silver Membership included with your console or upgrade to a Gold Membership to create a Gamertag and gamer card to express your online identity, chat live with voice chat (separately sold headset required), and connect to Xbox LIVE Marketplace to download free and premium expansions, maps, game demos, movies, TV shows and other digital content. The separately sold wireless network adapter supports the common 802.11a, -b, and -g standards.

What's in the box

  • Xbox 360 console (without hard drive)
  • 256 MB Memory Unit
  • Wireless controller
  • Xbox LIVE Silver membership
  • Composite AV cable
  • 5 Arcade LIVE titles (included on disc): Feeding Frenzy, Luxor 2, Boom Boom Rocket, Pac-Man Championship Edition, Uno
  • Sega Superstars Tennis Game

Customer Review: Doesnt Deserve EVEN A ONE!
THIS SYSTEM SUCKS AND AFTER A WEEK I HAVE THE RED RINGS! I Hate This Dont Waste your Money On 360! Now I have A Ps3 And Its WAY Better!
Customer Review: Best Console Ever! By Far!
First off, Go Microsoft! Thanks for creating such a wicked cool console system! It's sleek, it's cool, it's neat, and it's awesome! Big thank you to Bill Gates! Anyway, the Xbox 360 beats the PS3 and Wii hands down. It has a large and impressive array of games that can be played on it, it has the best online service of any next-gen console currently out there, and it just looks so cool! I remember taking the packaging off and smelling the aroma of new electronics! While that doesn't smell real good, that smell always reminds me nowadays of when I first got my Xbox 360. The Arcade verison replaced the Core version that the 360 launched with and it now comes with a free bonus game, although it didn't when I got mine last year. It has a 256MB memory card, which is enough if you're not planning on having tons of music, games, and movies on your 360. If you're using it just for games, it'll be fine. If not, you may want to buy more memory or a hard drive. The 360 has loads of really cool games, such as my favorites: The Bourne Conspiracy, the three current-gen Tomb Raiders, GRAW 1 and 2, and a few others. The console can play all these and more and can even play some original Xbox games, although you have to download some sort of program from the Internet and have a hard drive to play those games. Even so, the Xbox 360 is a masterful gaming console and should be the undispusted champion.

There are so many ways to market your products or business these days. With the definition of marketing becoming increasingly vague, each day, people are being very open-minded about new marketing practices. Take Google AdWords, for example. It wasn't likely for businesses to spend billions of dollars each year on things like pay-per-click search engine advertising, ten years ago. Now, it's the fastest and most cost-effective marketing technique available.

It may cost you anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 to run an ad in a small print magazine. But how would you know if people are reading your ads or even seeing them? How many people read your ad? What are the demographics? How effective was the ad? How many people buy your advertised product in comparison to the number that read your ad? These things cannot be measured through conventional advertising as easily or as quickly as they can with today's technology-driven advertising methods.

Unless you can afford to hire four-figure marketing analysts, advertising specialists, and spend millions on marketing research, to firms like Neilson, then you need to start using low-cost marketing techniques. These techniques can be just as affective for your small business, are far more rewarding, and involve less risk.

Here are the five low-cost marketing techniques I've found to be most effective in Internet Marketing.

As far as Internet Marketing goes, word-of-mouth advertising seems to be the most promising technique of all. Affiliate marketing, email marketing, direct marketing, JV marketing, and network marketing all use the "word of mouth" technique. Any commercial or ad can tell you that this product is great and that you really need to buy it, but there's nothing more convincing than a friend telling you that. How many times do you remember hearing that infamous catch-phrase, kids always get, "if all your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you do it too"? The reality is that kids actually do jump off of a bridge just because their friends are doing it. Teenagers don't all go out to buy the same brand jeans or the latest videogame console because they really need it. They just follow the crowd, because they want to be a part of the crowd. This is what managers call bounded rationality. A consumer's decision to buy a product may not always seem rational, but it is rational within their frame of mind.

The second low-cost marketing technique I find to be extremely useful in a highly competitive market is what I like to call the get personal technique. This is yet another growing trend in Internet Marketing. It helps create a slow and steady rapport with individual potential customers. If you sound like a friend, act like a friend, and look like a friend - then you must be a friend! It seems silly, I know, but it actually works. Establishing a friendly and informal relationship with your customers is a good way to keep customers coming back and buying more from you. You'd be surprised at how an informal e-mail from you, using the customer's first name, and talking to them about your life on a personal note will work wonderings in creating life-long customer relationships that pay-off.

I know many of you probably have gotten sick of hearing about AdWords, but there seems to be one marketing technique in particular that delivers the most success with this program. I've heard some call this the never stop selling technique. The beauty of AdWords is that you are free to use it how you want. Some people believe they have no control over the way their ads are displayed, and use AdWords with a point, click, and try your luck approach. That couldn't be further from the truth! The biggest difference between an ad campaign that has a 15 or 20% conversion ratio and one that only gets 0.1 - 5% conversion is the constant trial and error process used by the expert marketers. The key is to never stop testing (i.e. never stop selling).

Here are some quick tips for you to improve your AdWords campaigns with the "never stop selling" technique:

Check your add analytics and stats every 3 hours.

Change ads every 24 hours.

Avoid using the same titles in the same ad campaign.

Compare between site-targeted and keyword-targeted ad results.

Capitalize the first letter of each word in your ads (especially the title).

Remember you have very little space to write your ads in, use it wisely, and keep in mind that it's the tiniest changes that make the biggest difference. If you find you have a higher CT conversion with site-targeted ads, but a lower sales conversion then go back and negate the differences. Recalculate your cost-benefit and change your bids to reach the optimal sales conversions with lowest cost in advertising expenditures. Just because the customer walked out of the store doesn't mean the sale can't be made. Keep customers coming back with new ads, different targeting strategies, and constant testing.

Tracking your CTs is vital in making this technique work more affectively. One of my favorite AdWords experts has taught me that everything on the Internet can be measured. So we should take advantage of that and really measure our results.

Now here's another one that still works fairly well to this day. The article marketing technique is one of the cheapest forms of Internet marketing around. Websites like articlemarketer are making this process easier and more dynamic. This program offers a lifetime subscription for around $200 and allows you to submit your articles to thousands of e-zines and article databases for a very cheap price. Usually this technique proves more effective with those of you selling informational products or services. However, it can still work for other products when applied properly.

Giving people free information to sell them on your products or services is a form of promotional advertising. You offer them a free sample and if they like what they see they can buy with confidence. Typically your customers will think "if I can get this much information for free - just think how much information I'll get when I pay for the product or service". Throw in a free report with your newsletter. Post links to your website on your blogs. All this information will be your free sample to attract more customers.

Finally, we come to the free advertising technique. This is probably the least effective of Internet Marketing techniques, but I felt it was still worth mentioning since some have reported good results with this technique in the past. The trick to free advertising is that it isn't really advertising to anyone except the advertisers themselves. It's more like a glass of water that's stirred constantly to give the illusion of expansion in a very finite environment. People that join safe lists, banner exchange programs, or any of those types of free advertising gimmicks, aren't joining to read or see YOUR advertising. They're joining to advertise their own products. That's why the water always stays inside the glass. It never goes anywhere. However, there is one way around this. Because it's free you're not really loosing anything, but the time spent on setting up these programs. So instead of trying to advertise in the middle of all the noise and end up frustrating yourself in the process, try to build relationships with other advertisers. This can actually be a flip-side to free advertising and I've seen it work before.

Upon testing the effectiveness of a large safe list program offering a double opt in list of more than 50,000 members, I found that only 1 out of every 1,000 emails were even remotely interesting. That means that the chances of me buying into any of the products or services offered in the tens of thousands of emails, I received every week, were probably 1 to every 1 million emails. If that's not a long shot I don't know what is. But the reason anyone even bothers with these programs is because they hope that they would get that lucky one-in-a-million chance and land a sale. My advice to you is don't waste your time. Unless you can think of a creative way to implement the previous four techniques into these free advertising programs, you really don't stand a chance of making any real sales. For example, don't try to sell products. Offer free samples and bring the leads to your website. Then get them to join your mailing list. That way you can drive them away from all the noise and have a nice serene conversation about your products. They're much more likely to buy from you when they get a chance to clearly hear you out.

So let's wrap up. To review we'll go over all the techniques very briefly. You might want to write these down on flashcards and keep them on your desk while brainstorming. They will remind you of how you don't always need a huge budget to market your products. Here are our five low-cost marketing techniques:

Word of Mouth (get people selling for you)

Get Personal (be a friend and they will trust you)

Never Stop Selling (don't let failure stop you from trying harder)

Article Marketing (free samples build consumer confidence)

Free Advertising (opportunity can be where you least expect it)

Not all of these techniques may work for you, but with a little creativity and some determination you can market your products to great success on a shoestring budget. The important thing is that you put in the effort. You can throw all the money in the world at marketing techniques and strategies, but without the strenuous efforts of squeezing every last drop of benefit from your marketing campaign, you are still leaving money on the table.

If you're starting a small business and wish to learn more about small business startup, visit the website to find affordable small business services.

top videogame

Monday, July 27, 2009

Kings Quest Collection 7 Game Pack

Available for the first time on Windows XP.Sate yourself on Sierra Entertainment's collection of the King's Quest Series for the PC. Relive the glory days with the following fantasy smash hits: Quest for the Crown, Romancing the Throne, To Heir is Human, The Perils of Rosella, Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder, Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow and The Princeless Bride. Relive the nostalgia, romance and classic adventure on your home computer.
Customer Review: Great if you only want Kings Quest 7
I wanted to play Kings Quest 7 again; LOVED that game. I figured I would buy the collection and play some of the older ones as well, even though I knew they were keyboard driven. ACK. No way, the graphics were beyond bad and the other games just plain unplayable. BUT, KQ7 is great!
Customer Review: The Great Early Years Of Sierra Inc. Long Gone
I'm sure many people remember when the first Kings Quest came out in 1984 from Sierra Inc and grew up loving this series forever after. The first game started as you played a knight trying to win the throne of a kingdom and you did this by doing certain quest to return the treasures of the kingdom. The second game was now that you became king you have to have a queen and you see one in a far away place thus you begin your quest to find your future queen. The third game had you play a beaten orphan servant boy to an evil wizard and the quest was to free yourself from the wizard and find your true family. The fourth quest had you play the daughter of the king from the first two games the quest an this adventure is to save the life of the ailing king. The fifth game had you play the king of the first two games the adventure this time was to save your family from a n evil wizard out to avenge his brother for what the king's son did to him in the third game this was first kings quest that had voice actors but sadly they weren't that good. The sixth game had you playing the kings son from the third game this time it's the son looking for a wife and like his father finds one an a far away place being held captive the quest is to free your future bride and set free her homeland from the evil vizard this game also had voice actors but this time professional ones that did a very good job. The last of the true kings quest game had you play the daughter of the king from the fourth game this quest had you trying to escape from a attempted marriage and trying to find what you truly wished to do with your life this game also had great voice actors for the characters but this game also just made use of the mouse controller with a more point and click action rather than typing in commands like the previous four games. To those who have gotten use to the new games don't expect great graphics in the first four games as these were made in 256 colors at best the graphics aren't bad but again if your use to todays Pc games you won't care to much for these games. The audio as well won't probably be up to par with today pc gamers as the first five games use midi music instead of wav audio music again the sounds and music aren't bad but don't expect the audio music quality like todays games. To this box set for the price though I say to all people who played these games as kids growing up get this right away and remember fondly the bygone days of Sierra Inc. and how we played the pc games...

The overwhelming popularity of portable MP3 players has brought with it all new innovations in using this new technology. The most popular application that has come out recently are podcasts.

Podcasts are the automatic distribution of MP3 files via RSS or XML. With podcasts, a user downloads software and installs it in order to receive their favorite podcasts automatically from the podcasts website. Apple iTunes is an example of a podcast software that can deliver podcasts to your personal computer. The files that are downloaded come in an mp3 format and you can then listen to them in your personal computer or better yet, on your portable MP3 player so you can bring your podcast episodes wherever you go.

Podcasts are like radio programs with one big difference. Anyone can make and distribute their podcasts. This makes it a true populist initiative. Podcasters can rant about their favorite political issue, talk about their CD collections, discuss plot twists in their favorite comic book titles or even advise people about how to make podcasts. The subjects and topics that can be discussed in podcasts are only limited by your imagination.

Just like popular TV or radio shows, there are already podcasts that can be considered as widely popular. Below are some popular podcasts that you should try:

The Onion Radio News This is a daily podcast that features short news clips from The Onions 24 hour radio news network. For those who still dont know The Onion, it is an online news network that puts a satirical spin on the latest news and political issues.

New York Times Front Page This is a daily summary of the top headlines of every weekday morning.

X-Play Daily Videogame Podcast This is another daily podcast that offers gamers the latest gaming news, tips, tricks as well as previews of upcoming games.

Meditation Station This podcast is aimed at people who are stressed and are seeking to achieve a little focus on their hectic lives. The regular meditations can help you de-stress.

This Week in Tech This award-winning podcast finds Leo Laporte and other well-known tech luminaries discussing the latest tech trends.

Science Friday Making Science Radioactive this weekly podcast discusses the latest news and trends in science, technology, health and the environment.

Ebert & Roeper Popular film critics Ebert & Roeper review and discuss the merits (or demerits) of the latest movies showing in Hollywood.

Indiefeed: Alternative/Modern Rock This is a great way of getting great songs from the alternative/modern rock genre. Everyday the podcast features one song that includes information about the artist as well as where to buy the album. This podcast is redefining how music is being delivered to people.

The Catalyst Podcast This is a community that aims to raise the next generation of leaders and teaches them about the church and culture.

Penn Jillette The popular and edgy magician airs excerpts of his popular satellite radio show to his fans.

Travel with Rick Steves This is a weekly hour-long conversation with experts and callers about travel, culture, people and the kind of stories that you only get when you travel.

Philip Nicosia is the webmaster of, which supplies podcasting software and information all about podcasting.

ds videogame

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nintendo DS Lite Game Card Case

Cases for protecting and storing your Nintendo DS game cards
Customer Review: Great Storage for DS games...but shipping costs prohibit purchase
I like these storage cases (three to a pack) for I can easily take four games with me (3 in case; 1 in DS) during short trips; or take all cases when gone for longer periods of time and need more game variation. HOWEVER, I was initially going to purchase them via vendor through Amazon until I tallied up the cost of the cases and shipping. The plastic cases are inexpensive and small...shipping should NOT be excessive IMHO. I also now wish I would have a larger case to hold more games for extended travel as the three cases tend to move around a lot in my DS mini back pack storage finding the "right" case with the game I want to play is often funny as the last pack I pick up is the one with the game. I noticed a newer version of this type of case that holds 16 games at a time. You might want to go with that, particularly if you have Amazon Prime, which over time saves money on shipping costs, and if you have more than 12 games (I am getter there!). Lastly - I have had NO trouble with the cases breaking or generally storage/holding ability of the cases (the one described for this review). A good product but check around locally for one that will ultimately cost less due to the shipping costs. Ranking - 5 stars for the cases themselves; 3 stars for the shipping costs through this vendor.
Customer Review: A perfect fit...
I needed to buy some extra game cases because I filled up the ones that came with an accessory pack I bought with my DS. Those cases held four games and fit in my DS backpack and was hoping to be able to buy more of those, but they are not available. I found these and they are perfect! 3 cases that hold 3 games for only $5. The cases are very slim and sturdy. The games sit perfectly in the slots and mine don't rattle around like some reviewers have said. They're not completely clear but you can see what games it holds perfectly. I have since filled these cases and am buying another set. I love them.

And the more sophisticated and social video games available today mean that a family night spent playing video games can be an engaging interactive experience, and even an educational one! Video games are expensive, though, with many new titles selling for more than sixty dollars (US) each. One way to save a lot of money is to buy "pre-played" or used video games.

Another great pastime is to track down older games for older systems: so-called "retro gaming" is very popular among teenagers, who are discovering and playing old classics that are new to them. Often these games are the same ones that parents remember from their own childhoods, which makes for an even better family experience.

Between garage sales, video game stores and your own closets and attics, you can probably find older video game consoles, those Ataris and Intellivisions, Nintendo Entertainment Systems and Segas that took up all your time in your own childhood. Today, these older consoles can often be found for only a few dollars, and they often come with a random selection of old games already! Finding the exact games you're looking for can be more of a challenge, but luckily we have the Internet for that.

There are literally millions and millions of old videogame cartridges and CDs for sale on online auction sites and other clearinghouses, often for only a few dollars. Of course, one downside of buying online is that you don't get to see, examine or test the game before paying. If you have the luxury of a used or "vintage" video game store in your area, you should use this! Be sure to examine the games for damage, and if possible TEST them before you pay and leave the store. Of course, modern games can be "used" too.

Many people buy the newest games, play them from start to finish in only a week or two, and then return them to the stores for credit. These "barely used" games can often be found for half the new price, or less! That's a terrific savings for being a few weeks behind the curve.

Again, whether you're buying a game that is two weeks old, or two decades old, be sure to check out the sellers history, or at least be certain of the store's return policy, in case you get a scratched disk or damaged game cartridge. Have fun with your gaming experiences, life is to short not too.

Chris Jensen is a contributing author of Jetfly Blog. For more related articles and views visit Jetfly Shop now. Also, for the best up-to-date related online products, check out Jetfly Vintage Game Shop for todays current online deals.

nintendo videogame

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sony PSP Game Case - Black

Molded EVA exteriors and soft jersey interiors help protect the Sony PSP. Interior stretch mesh pockets are perfect to hold memory cards, UMD discs, ear buds and cables

Children from all around the world have been awed by the Marx toy soldiers since the 1950s. The previous generation was really into such action figures because during their time, wars were just concluded. Now, interest in collecting the figures has been revived.

Marx toy soldiers were a masterpiece and flagship toy product of Louis Marx and Company. The toy manufacturing firm was founded by a veteran toy maker, Louis Marx, who has been referred to across the toy making industry as 'Toycoon'.

Especially since the 1950s, the company was known for selling trademark and all-original lines of toys, which are most associated with the military. If you are wondering why the company is focused on military action figures, you should know that Mr. Marx was a former sergeant at the US Army prior to his establishment of the company.

Through time, their toy soldiers, in particular, have been among the most sought after and interesting toys specifically for boys. Many observers note that back in the days, girls had Barbie dolls while boys did not get left behind as they have the action-packed and very impressive action figures.

As time passed, likes and preferences of kids changed dramatically. With the advent of computer games, action figures like those of Marx's have been put aside and have often observed drastic declines in sales. But many enthusiasts and fanatics of the original vintage toy soldiers have been asking software and videogame developers about virtual games featuring them. Unfortunately, up to now, development for such has yet to take place, but clearly there's some extensive interest.

Even though the company is long out of business, Marx toy soldiers are starting to mark a comeback as a vintage collectible. Vintage toy collecting in general is responsible to some degree for the revival of interest, but the loyalty of long-time avid collectors is certainly highly responsible as well. In addition to the vintage toy soldiers, some small companies specializing in action figures are also doing re-casts of some of the more popular Louis Marx toys, including the toy soldiers. But, of course, some collectors will always prefer the original.

You can find great buys on Marx toy soldiers and other brands of vintage toy soldiers at:

Jenni Kerala is a writer, collector and Ebay addict who loves to find interesting and beautiful collectibles - especially vintage and antique items - on the online marketplace.

wii videogame

Friday, July 24, 2009

County Fair [Game Download]

Customer Review: good and simple
This game is pretty basic.If you like zoo tycoon or any of the other tycoon games where your in charge and need to build things then you will like it.Not a whole lot of excitement.Just easy and relaxing if you like those type of games.

By nature, most businessmen are highly motivated people, ready to take on anything standing between them and whatever variety of success they're in pursuit of. Not all businessmen, though, are ready and willing to take on the broader challenge of purchasing a master franchise license and tackling the much larger-scale difficulties of operating a business that sells and oversees other businesses. Master franchisees aren't any kind of superior businessmen, but they are wired a little differently, naturally able to govern the operations of others instead of doing the ground-level operations themselves. If you're one of these special few and are interested in master franchises, below are 10 of the best business opportunities for you.

1) Gold's Gym

If being a master franchisee for the worlds #1 name in health and fitness is of interest to you, there is literally no better business to go with. Offering at least 7 different ways of helping clients change their bodies and change their lives, running a franchise is not an entirely easy job, so there is a lot to teach franchisees. But Gold's Gym does just that with a 5-day, 28-class initial training course coupled with ongoing training in all areas of both fitness and business for all franchisees.

2) Play N Trade

Though it may be hard to believe, the videogame industry made a whopping $9.5bil in 2007, making this a serious business for serious businessmen. Within the market, Play N Trade has been recognized as one of the top 10 new franchises of 2008 by Entrepreneur Magazine. Customers love the retail business for the vast assortment of gaming goods they provide and franchisees love it for the extraordinary support they get from their franchisors.

3) Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning

Among their carpet-cleaning competitors, this franchise opportunity stands out for a number of reasons, not the least of which being their 30 solid years of franchising experience which has resulted in over 2500 different franchises. This business is a division of the Home Depot, a name franchisees can trust, and despite the low price tag of $25,000, Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning has the potential to earn serious profits right from the start. All things considered, this isn't a hard sell for a master franchisee to make to a prospective sub-franchisee.

4) Firkin Pubs

The perfect opportunity for the cheeky and slightly irreverent businessman, Firkin Pubs, as the largest chain of English Pubs in North America, is known for being rather cheeky themselves, and they'll be the first to admit it. Master franchisees learn how to help their budding franchises get everything from real estate issues to staff recruitment in order so that everything runs as effectively at new locations as it already does for the 45 pubs that already exist.

5) Bear Creek Coffee

This is a franchise business whose flexible business plan makes it easy to sell. As a master franchisee looking for prospective franchise owners, having a coffee roaster business that is prepared to fit into a drive-through, a sit-down caf, a cart, or a kiosk vastly widens the number of people capable of operating a franchise. And with a profit-driven model that doesn't stop at coffee but includes pastries, sandwiches, smoothies, and retail products, the sky is the limit for their profits.

6) Hand and Stone Massage Spa

Every year, America spends $10bil on massage therapy, and when you consider that massage spas have less overhead than most businesses because there's no stock to keep, there are a plethora of reasons for interested people to get into this franchise business. Even for those franchisees who don't know the ropes of this specific industry, a total 5 weeks of training is in place to get them fully equipped for ownership. And once those franchises are up and running, that means royalty fees for master franchisees.

7) NAPA Auto Parts

In their own words, NAPA Auto Parts matches people who have "Main Street" ethics with others who have "Wall Street" know-how. As a master franchisee, you fill the "Wall Street" side of that formula, and if you're anything like the NAPA Auto Parts developers who have already set up the 6,000 stores in operation today, completing that business formula can definitely pay off.

8) Johnnie's Dog House

Unlike restaurants that take a one-size-fits-all approach to the business of food service, Johnnie's Dog House is a business that is equipped to address the food needs of virtually all settings. Designs exist that put the business on carts outside big-box hardware stores, in fast-casual locations in shopping centers and on college campuses, and even in small kiosks at airports and malls. Wherever a franchisee proposes to put a Johnnie's Dog House, you, as the master franchisee, have the tools to make it happen.

9) CleanNet USA

85% of building owners contract cleaning companies to keep their offices tidy, making the opportunity for entrance and expansion in this industry enormous. And with that opportunity in mind, CleanNet USA provides everything a master franchisee needs to succeed: a good sales system, automated service scheduling, and software to manage franchisees and customers well.

10) Yakety Yak Wireless

This franchise prides itself on being "customer-centric," providing clients with all the cell phone options available and consulting them in their purchase, not just making a sale. Master franchisees do much the same: matching well suited franchisees with the franchise opportunity instead of simply trying to make a business sale. This is only helped by an extraordinary marketing system that puts the Yakety Yak Wireless name in the public eye, so you don't have to.

Not all franchise businesses offer the opportunity to be a master franchisee, so the selection set is not endless, but there is still a healthy handful to choose from. If none of the opportunities above is quite what you're looking for, keep looking, because the one you're waiting for may be just around the corner.

Find more master franchises including coffee franchises and auto parts franchises at Franchise Gator

ds videogame

Xbox 360 Pro Console 60GB with 2 Bonus Games

Bring gaming to life in your living room with the Xbox Video Game System, the essential center-piece to any home entertainment set up. Beneath the cool, tough exterior is a system capable of powering the very best single and multiplayer gaming experiences available today.Designed to push gaming to the absolute limit, the Xbox console delivers incredible graphics and cinematic sound that will drop you and your friends deep into the heart of the action. The immense range of top-class games and online gaming with Xbox Live mean there will never be another dull moment.
Customer Review: the best
xbox 360 is simply the best. the best games, the best online experience, streaming netflix, etc. what more could you want.
Customer Review: Frequent Shopper
I brought the x-box for my grandson for Valentine's Day. He is ejoying every minute of it.

As you may know, Bratz are the most popular dolls in North America and the UK - even more popular than Barbie! Bratz have even had nine of their own movies, the first one entitled Bratz: Starrin & Stylin', and since then, they have had five music album releases, CD towers, boomboxes, their own animated show on DVD, and 2005's #1 girl-targeted videogame published by THQ - along with twelve other console and PC games. Flash game site owners know this, and have catered to the publics needs by allowing you to play Bratz games for free on their websites.

A little about the dolls:

Bratz dolls are about ten inches tall, and are very similar artistically to a popular Japanese animation technique called "chibi", seen in anime and manga. In this artistic form, you will see disproportionately large heads and eyes, to exaggerate facial expression. Generally, you will also see a small nose, and a small torso. The only thing that differentiates the Bratz style from the chibi style, is the full lips - which is a large step in the opposite direction from animes & mangas almost invisible lip design.

Carter Bryant, a toy designer, created the Bratz dolls and showed his designs to Isaac Larian, the CEO of MGA (Micro-Games America Entertainment) in 2000. And it wasn't so much Mr. Larian who gave the O.K. on these dolls, as it was his daugher, Jasmin, who he found was enthralled by the designs - and just by chance had been visiting the office that day!

Cloe, Sasha, Jade and Yasmin were the first dolls to be released. When you play Bratz games, which one are you?

Ramza Beoulve is a game enthusiast of all kinds. He can be reached by the Contact Us link at

ds videogame

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Smart Girl's: Party Game

Rated as one of the only developmentally appropriate preschool games for the Nintendo DS by the Children's Technology Review, Smart Girls Party Game is the perfect choice for parents looking for the right opportunity to safely and responsibly introduce their daughter to the exciting and educational world of gaming.

' Smart Girl's Party Game' game logo
Your Daughter's First Video Game
Packed with more than 18 fun, exciting, and interactive mini-games tailored to both appeal to, and spark the curiosity of pre-school level girls, Smart Girl's Party Game provides a challenging, rewarding and entertaining first experience with technology that girls with carry with them for a lifetime. Mini-games within it allow players to use their fingers or the DS stylus to direct action and concentrate on puzzle-solving and the development of rudimentary critical thinking skills through gameplay involving child-familiar activities like music, memorization, counting and coloring. The result is a teaching tool that also provides a fun, wholesome first gaming experience that children can take with them anywhere.

Key Game Features:

  • Fun For Girls - An assortment of mini-games specifically designed with young girls in mind.
  • Wholesome, Skill Building Mini-Games - With 18 mini-games that bring out your child's creativity and talents, this title will keep your little one occupied for hours.
  • Entry Point/Age Appropriate - Perfectly designed with the youngest gamers in mind, our title delivers on providing a fun, safe and creative environment that parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents will approve of. This title is a safe bet for introducing them into the pastime of playing games.
  • Ease of Use with the DS - Using the unique features of the DS, your child can interact with the games using the stylus or their fingers, actively engaging and incorporating them into the world of learning and fun.

Learning music in 'Smart Girl's Party Game'
Fun with music.
View larger.
Happy flowers in the garden in 'Smart Girl's Party Game'
Growing friendships.
View larger.
Learning from pets in 'Smart Girl's Party Game'
Learning from pets.
View larger.
Puzzles in 'Smart Girl's Party Game'
Plenty of puzzles.
View larger.

Customer Review: Great Game
My 8 year old loves this game. Her 5 year old sister got a different party girls game for Christmas, and her older sister kept wanting to play it, so I ordered this one. What a hit! I read several reviews that older kids might not like this game, but I think it depends on the kid. Both my girls love it. A perfect game to just pick up for 5 or 10 minutes here and there.
Customer Review: Another great Smart Girls game
These Smart Girls games are great. There are a lot of things to do, lots of learning games, and it is easy for those younger kids who can't quite read yet. My daughter is 5, and I bought her a Smart Girls game when she was 4. She loves it and plays with it a lot, so when I saw a new one I grabbed it for the holidays. She was so excited to get another one. I played around with it and was happy to see all the different things she can do. Connect the dots, coloring, photo games, etc. Keeps her busy on trips so we don't hear "are we there yet?" and helps her wind down at the end of the day. I will continue to purchase the smart girls series, and she would probably even like the smart boys as well. Great game.

Advertising is a tool. When used properly works very effectively as compared to other ways of communicating to the masses and is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization.

Advertising is not difficult once you have identified your customers and targeted your market. This helps you determine when, where, what, and how to advertise. It's a way of making people aware of a product and such awareness can have a positive impact on the company's bottom line and image and has become more art than science. Good ads can create markets and boost products that aren't the best technology.

Using Search Engines as Advertising

Online advertising now makes up a very significant portion of all advertising in the United States and continues to grow incredibly fast. Search engines now offer advertising space next to their search results which exposes the advertisers. Major search engines like Google are interested in expanding into all forms of advertising, including the $7 billion outdoor market billboards.

Search engine marketing, as well as web advertising, is earning money from clicking on ads, and the main reason why web advertising is effective, as web advertising in the form of text ads is extremely targeted. Search remains the big daddy and according to eMakerter. It will account for 40% of the $25 billion that marketers will spend online this year.

With search engine advertising, advertisers pay either a fixed price to have their ads linked to specific keywords, such as "videogame," or bid against other advertisers in an auction. The ads generally run across an array of sites, and advertisers pay only when users click on the ads

Video Advertising

Online video is getting is getting more popular by the day and a massive amount of people are going online just to watch. Video sites like YouTube are so popular in the video sharing world that marketers have found it a great place to submit their videos a get lots of visitors. They simply put an interesting video of their services and get lots of traffic, it's just that simple.

The four major career paths in advertising are account management, creative, media and research. So what ever form of advertising you my use, make sure you advertise your business to see your business grow.

Business to Business Reviews offers more information, tips and advice, visit: Work from Home Business Opportunity.

new videogame

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Disney's Aladdin Fun Super Nintendo SNES Game Classic

Customer Review: horrible
This game is not fun. I have loved Aladdin on the Genesis for years and I came across this game and decided to play it. It is inferior in every way to the Genesis game. Steer clear of this game.
Customer Review: ALADDIN'S FIRST!
I had this game for a long time.The music and graphics are still pretty good.This game is for every one.The one for Sega I think is more harder and this one is medium.The game gives you lives,bonuses,and cheats as you go along.You can throw apples and jump on the bad guys!With the help of Jenie,Abu the Monkey,the Flying Carpet,and the pretty Princess Jasmine beat Jafar in 1,2,3!

Nowadays, people treat sleep as more of a luxury than a necessity. Many are all too willing to give up on sleep for even the most mundane reasons, such as watching a television program, partying with friends, finishing an exciting book and playing a videogame. With the growing financial crisis, a lot of individuals are also willing to sacrifice a restful sleep at night for a higher paying work at night or an extra job to help make ends meet.

However, it is vital for everyone to know that sleep is as essential to optimum health as food and water. A person can get sick physically for chronic lack of sleep. In fact, experts believe that you can die in just a few weeks of not sleeping at all.

If you are one of the many who are having trouble sleeping, you should realize that there are a lot of things you can do to promote better sleep. In fact, even slight changes in your routine or simply turning off all the lights in your bedroom at night could already aid in making you catch a snooze.

Here are other simple ways in which you can achieve a restful sleep:

1. Go Get Yourself A Massage

Stress is the leading cause of insomnia and other sleep problems. If you are unable to achieve a restful slumber every night, you might want to have a massage to relax your muscles and your mind. Using essential oils, such as lavender and chamomile, can also promote sleep.

If you do not have a lot of money to spend, just ask your spouse or partner to knead your back, rub your feet or gently massage your temples. If he or she is a bit more giving, you can request for a full body massage. But make sure that you do the same for your partner if he or she needs to relax too.

2. Indulge In A Warm Bath

After a taxing day at work or a difficult day taking care of your baby and your home, you can benefit from a warm bath at the end of the day. A couple of minutes in a warm bath could help relax sore muscles. To achieve a sleep inducing ambiance, you can light some scented candles and play soft music so that after you step out of the bath, you will be craving for a warm bed to sleep on. However, do not stay soaked in warm water for too long because you will feel tired and you might lose your vitality, which is not very helpful if you want to sleep restfully. Also, do not leave lighted candles as they might cause fire.

3. De-Clutter Your Room

Your mind will not be inspired to rest if you surround yourself with clutter. It would be very difficult for your mind to ease and relax if it sees a lot of strewn papers on the floor or books on the bed, dirty laundry scattered everywhere and the entire room in a state of utter mess. Your subconscious mind will be alert and awake because it knows that there are still a lot of things that has not been properly done. If you haven't been sleeping well for the entire week, try cleaning your room over the weekend and you will see that this will help you get your much-needed forty winks.

4. Take Some Natural Sleep Supplements

Popping a sleeping pill is not always the right thing to do when you have sleep problems. For those who are taking other medications, this might even prove to be detrimental. An alternative to sleeping pills is a natural sleep supplement. Some supplements like Somulin are not meant to correct or cure your sleep problems; but they are created to promote a more satisfying sleep. To know more about Somulin, just go to

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

psp videogame

Family Party: 30 Great Games

Family Party: 30 Great Games lets up to four players join in a wide variety of games that are fun for the whole family. Featuring everything from Track and Field competitions to shooting games, and making full use of all the madcap action allowed by the Wii controller, these addictive games will provide hour after hour of incredible entertainment.

Family Party: 30 Great Games lets up to four players join in a wide variety of games. View larger.

Get started with the single-player Challenge mode. View larger.

Choose from loads of characters, such as an old grannie or a guy dressed as a dog.
View larger.
From Zany to Brainy
Family Party will have you frantically shaking your Wii remote to make your character run, and mashing the A and B buttons to jump over hurdles and smash through paper walls in track-and-field type events. You'll also be kept on the edge of your seat as you hold the remote sideways and manipulate the D pad to get your character across a teetering platform.

More than just physically challenging, some of these games require serious mental concentration, like the counting game that has you counting up higher and higher with only the first five numbers to start you off. From coordination to intense meditation, this pack of games will keep your whole family on its figurative and literal toes.

Work Your Way Through Loads of Fun
Gamers should start off with the single-player Challenge mode. Not only will this familiarize users with the various game types by putting them through a random set of games, but it will also unlock the mini-games for Battle mode where up to four players can go head-to-head. And while there are ultimately 12 character profiles to choose from, several of which are pretty wild, there are some that require you to unlock them first.

In Battle mode, gamers can select up to six games at a time, allowing users to play them all consecutively without having to interrupt the fun every time with the menu screen. There are also five themes that gamers will need to master, including: shooting, muscle, castle, athletic, and variety. And while some mini-games use the same controls, there is a wide enough selection of random challenges to keep gamers working on their skills to gain mastery.

Family Party: 30 Great Games is a challenging but highly entertaining collection of mini-games that will have you coming back time after time, whether you are on your own, or trying to take the title from your family and friends.

Family Party: 30 Great Games is a silly and entertaining collection of mini-games that will have you coming back time after time.

Customer Review: Don't bother buying
This game is awful. If you are using a "smaller tv" the four quadrants make things very difficult to see. The controls require too much coordination and the games that are on the front aren't even ones that are unlocked. None of the shooting games are unlocked nor are the strategy. I am very disapponted in this game and wish it was possible to return it and get my money back.
Customer Review: Eh...Not the best game out there.
I bought this when I first got my Wii because I wanted to have some variety...and play something other than Wii Sports for awhile. This game was a great deal, I thought, at 30 games for $20. I've got to say...the game WAS kind of fun...but only because everyone was shaking their controllers like crazy and failing over and over again. It's difficult to get the game to do what you want it to do. The controls are WAY too sensitive, and if you don't move JUST RIGHT, you will never win. Also, the screen is divided for 4 players, even in single player mode, so the graphics are very small and there is too much happening on the screen that doesn't even apply to what you are doing. Overall, it's good for the price and for a few laughs, but too frustrating to play for more than 20 min or so at a time.

Science fiction has emerged as acceptable in the literary cannon with the inclusion of a wide selection of science fiction writers as worthy of studying. At least this was one of the facts I learnt of a genre which I had for long associated with popular thrillers when we discussed Contemporary American Literature in the US a year or so ago.

Science fiction is a broad genre of fiction often involving speculations on current or future science or technology usually in books, art, television, films, games, theater, and other media. In the age of television, computers and other technology, the fascination of contemporary fiction writers with technology has become an extension of the sphere of social realism for the exploration of writers..

Science fiction is akin to fantasy. But it differs from it in that, its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically postulated laws of nature though some elements might still be pure imaginative speculation.

Science fiction is largely then writing entertainingly and rationally about alternate possibilities in settings that are contrary to known reality including:

A setting in the future, in alternative time lines, or in a historical past that contradicts known historical facts or archaeological records

A setting in outer space, other worlds, or one involving aliens.

Stories that contradict known or supposed laws of nature.

Stories that involve discovering or applying new scientific principles, such as time travel or psionics,

Stories that involve the discovery or application of new technology, such as nanotechnology, faster-than-light travel or robots,

Stories that involve the discovery or application of new and different political or social systems

Science fiction also involves imaginative extrapolations of present day phenomena, such as the thoughtful projection forward of contemporary medical practices such as organ transplants, genetic engineering, and artificial insemination or the evolving social changes such as the rise of the suburb and the growing disparity between the rich and poor.

Science fiction has a widening range of possibilities in themes and form. It embraces many other subgenres and themes.

Science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein defines it as "realistic speculations about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method." For Rod Serlin whilst "fantasy is the impossible made probable, Science Fiction is the improbable made possible.There are thus no easily delineated limits to science fiction. For even the devoted fan- has a hard time trying to explain what it is.

Hard science fiction, gives rigorous attention to accurate detail in quantitative sciences producing many accurate predictions of the future, but with numerous inaccurate predictions emerging as seen in the late Arthur C. Clarke who accurately predicted geostationary communications satellites, but erred in his prediction of deep layers of moondust in lunar craters.

"Soft" science fiction its antithesis describes works based on social sciences such as psychology, economics, political science, sociology and anthropology with writers as Ursula K. Le Guin and Philip K. Dick. and its stories focused primarily on character and emotion of which; Ray Bradbury is an acknowledged master.

Some writers blur the boundary between both. Mack Reynolds's work, for instance, focuses on politics but anticipates many developments in computers, including cyber-terrorism.

The Cyberpunk genre, a portmanteau of "cybernetics" and "punk" ,emerged in the early 1980s." First coined by Bruce Bethke in his 1980 short story"Cyberpunk," its time frame is usually the near-future and its settings are often dystopian. Its common themes include advances in information technology, especially of the Internet (visually abstracted as cyberspace (possibly malevolent), artificial intelligence, enhancements of mind and body using bionic prosthetics and direct brain-computer interfaces called cyberware, and post-democratic societal control where corporations have more influence than governments. Nihilism, post-modernism, and film noir techniques are common elements. Its protagonists may be disaffected or reluctant anti-heroes. The 1982 film Blade Runner is a definitive example of its visual style with noteworthy authors in the genre being William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Pat Cadigan, and Rudy Rucker.

Science fiction authors and filmmakers draw on a wide spectrum of ideas. Many works overlap into two or more commonly-defined genres, while others are beyond the generic boundaries, being either outside or between categories.The categories and genres used by mass markets and literary criticism differ considerably.

Time travel stories popularized by H. G. Wells' novel The Time Machine with antecedents in the 18th and 19th centuries are popular in novels, television series ( Doctor Who), as individual episodes within more general science fiction series ( "The City on the Edge of Forever" in Star Trek, "Babylon Squared" in Babylon 5, and "The Banks of the Lethe" in Andromeda )and as one-off productions such as The Flipside of Dominick Hide.

Alternate history stories based on the premise that historical events might have turned out differently. using time travel to change the past, or simply set a story in a universe with a different history from our own. Classics in the genre include Bring the Jubilee by Ward Moore, in which the South wins the American Civil War and The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick, in which Germany and Japan win World War II. .

Military science fiction exploits conflicts between national, interplanetary, or interstellar armed forces; in which the main characters are usually soldiers. It has much details about military technology, procedures, rituals, and history; and sometimes using parallels with historical conflicts. Examples include Heinlein's Starship Troopers followed by the Dorsai novels of Gordon Dickson. Prominent military SF authors include David Drake, David Weber, Jerry Pournelle, S. M. Stirling, and Lois McMaster Bujold. Joe Haldeman's The Forever War , a Vietnam-era response to the World War II-style stories of earlier authors is a critique of the genre. Baen Books cultivates military science fiction authors. Television series within this subgenre include Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1 and Space: Above and Beyond. There is also the popular Halo videogame and novel series.

Related genres include speculative fiction, fantasy, and horror,. alternate histories (which may have no particular scientific or futuristic component), and even literary stories that contain fantastic elements, such as the work of Jorge Luis Borges or John Barth. Magic realism works have also been said to be within the broad definition of speculative fiction.

Fantasy is closely associated with science fiction. Many writers, including Robert A. Heinlein, Poul Anderson, Larry Niven, C. J. Cherryh, C. S. Lewis, Jack Vance, and Lois McMaster Bujold have therefore worked in both genres. Writers such as Anne McCaffrey and Marion Zimmer Bradley have written works that appear to blur the boundary between the two related genres Science Fiction conventions routinely have programming on fantasy topics and fantasy authors such as J. K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien (in film adaptation) have won the highest honor within the science fiction field, the Hugo Award. Larry Niven's The Magic Goes Away stories treat magic as just another force of nature subject to natural laws which resemble and partially overlap those of physics.

In general, science fiction is the literature of things that might someday be possible, and fantasy is the literature of things that are inherently impossible.with magic and mythology being amongst its popular themes.It is common to see narratives described as being essentially science fiction but "with fantasy elements." such narratives being termed "science fantasy"..

Horror fiction is literature of the unnatural and supernatural, aimed at unsettling or frightening the reader, sometimes with graphic violence. " Although not a branch of science fiction, its many works incorporates science fictional elements. Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, is a fully-realized science fiction work , where the manufacture of the monster is given a rigorous science-fictional grounding. The works of Edgar Allan Poe also helped define the science fiction and the horror genres. Today horror is one of the most popular categories of film.

Modernist works from writers like Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, and StanisBaw Lem bordering Science Fiction and the mainstream.have focused on speculative or existential perspectives on contemporary reality. According to Robert J. Sawyer, "Science fiction and mystery have a great deal in common. Both prize the intellectual process of puzzle solving, and both require stories to be plausible and hinge on the way things really do work." Isaac Asimov, Anthony Boucher, Walter Mosley, and other writers incorporate mystery elements in their science fiction, and vice versa.

Superhero fiction is a genre characterized by beings with hyper physical or mental prowess, generally with a desire or need to help the citizens of their chosen country or world by using their powers to defeat natural or supernatural threats. Many superhero fictional characters have involved themselves (either intentionally or accidentally) with science fiction and fact, including advanced technologies, alien worlds, time travel, and interdimensional travel; but the standards of scientific plausibility are lower than with actual science fiction.

Some of the best-known authors of this genre include Stan Lee, Keith R. A. DeCandido, Diane Duane, Peter David, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman, George R. R. Martin, Pierce Askegren, Christopher Golden, Dean Wesley Smith, Greg Cox, Nancy Collins, C. J. Cherryh, Roger Stern, and Elliot S! Maggin.

As a means of understanding the world through speculation and storytelling, science fiction has antecedents back to mythology, though precursors to science fiction as literature began to emerge from the 13th century (Ibn al-Nafis, Theologus Autodidactus) to the 17th century (the real Cyrano de Bergerac with "Voyage de la Terre la Lune" and "Des tats de la Lune et du Soleil") and the Age of Reason with the development of science itself. Voltaire's Micromgas was one of the first, together with Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels. Following the 18th century development of the novel as a literary form, in the early 19th century, Mary Shelley's books Frankenstein and The Last Man helped define the form of the science fiction novel] later Edgar Allan Poe wrote a story about a flight to the moon. More examples appeared throughout the 19th century. Then with the dawn of new technologies such as electricity, the telegraph, and new forms of powered transportation, writers like Jules Verne and H. G. Wells created a body of work that became popular across broad cross-sections of society. In the late 19th century the term "scientific romance" was used in Britain to describe much of this fiction. This produced additional offshoots, such as the 1884 novella Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott. The term would continue to be used into the early 20th century for writers such as Olaf Stapledon.

In the early 20th century, pulp magazines helped develop a new generation of mainly American SF writers, influenced by Hugo Gernsback, the founder of Amazing Stories magazine. In the late 1930s, John W. Campbell became editor of Astounding Science Fiction. A critical mass of new writers emerged in New York City. Called the Futurians, This group included Isaac Asimov, Damon Knight, Donald A. Wollheim, Frederik Pohl, James Blish and Judith Merril. Other important writers during this period included Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, and A. E. Van Vogt. Campbell's tenure at Astounding is considered to be the beginning of the Golden Age of science fiction, characterized by hard SF stories celebrating scientific achievement and progress. This lasted until postwar technological advances, new magazines like Galaxy under Pohl as editor, and a new generation of writers began writing stories outside the Campbell mode.

In the 1950s, the Beat generation included speculative writers like William S. Burroughs. In the 1960s and early 1970s, writers like Frank Herbert, Samuel R. Delany, Roger Zelazny, and Harlan Ellison explored new trends, ideas, and writing styles, as was a a group of writers, mainly in Britain, who became known as the New Wave. In the 1970s, writers like Larry Niven and Poul Anderson began to redefine hard SF while Ursula K. Le Guin and others pioneered soft science fiction.

In the 1980s, cyberpunk authors like William Gibson turned away from the traditional optimism and support for the progress of traditional science fiction. Star Wars helped spark a new interest in space opera, focusing more on story and character than on scientific accuracy. C. J. Cherryh's detailed explorations of alien life and complex scientific challenges influenced a generation of writers.

Emerging themes in the 1990s included environmental issues, the implications of the global Internet and the expanding information universe, questions about biotechnology and nanotechnology, as well as a post-Cold War interest in post-scarcity societies; Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age comprehensively explores these themes. Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan novels brought the character-driven story back into prominence.

The Next Generation began a torrent of new SF shows, of which Babylon 5 was among the most highly acclaimed in the decade. There was also the television series Star Trek. :A general concern about the rapid pace of technological change crystallized around the concept of the technological singularity, popularized by Vernor Vinge's novel Marooned in Realtime and then taken up by other authors. Television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and films like The Lord of the Ring created new interest in all the speculative genres in films, television, computer games, and books. According to Alan Laughlin, the Harry Potter stories have been very popular among young readers, increasing literacy rates worldwide

While SF has provided criticism of developing and future technologies, it also produces innovation and new technology. The discussion of this topic has occurred more in literary and sociological than in scientific forums.

Cinema and media theorist Vivian Sobchack examines the dialogue between science fiction film and the technological imagination. Technology does impact how artists portray their fictionalized subjects, but the fictional world gives back to science by broadening imagination. While more prevalent in the beginning years of science fiction with writers like Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Frank Walker and Arthur C. Clarke, new authors like Michael Crichton still find ways to make the currently impossible technologies seem so close to being realized]

This has also been notably documented in the field of nanotechnology with University of Ottawa Professor Jos Lopez's article "Bridging the Gaps: Science Fiction in Nanotechnology." Lopez links both theoretical premises of science fiction worlds and the operation of nanotechnologies.

Science fiction has brought in the primacy of technology as a culture making it otherwise called 'technoculture' which in literature describes a new proximity between the author and technology. From the computer code accompanying the text of Laurie Anderson's stories from the Nerve Bible to the metaphors of binary computer logic used by Thomas Pynchon in The Crying of Lot 49 to the full partnership of computer and authorship represented by hypertext fiction, many recent literary developments suggest a shift in paradigm linking creativity with the telecommunications machine that now facilitate- and mediate - human contact. This has also resuscitated science fiction as an experimental literary genre that has for over three decades being producing compelling dystopian visions, social allegories, and innovative variations on traditional forms of fantasy. constituting a new and powerful engagement with technology as a social and creative force.

The possibilities just as the dangers of technologies are immense. The present day technologies might be used by women and other historically disenfranchised groups as tools to embody and enforce new social relations. In Feral Lasers Gerald Vizenor's crossblood trickster technician Almost Browne harnesses first-world technology to produce holographic laser light shows that project the ghosts of the past over the landscapes of the Quidnunc reservation and urban Detroit. And Almost Browne asserts the cause of light rights in the courtroom where he is being tried for causing a public disturbance,whilst people inspired by him deploy the lasers to revise histories to hold their memories, and to create a new wilderness over the interstates.

Born and schooled in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Arthur Smith has taught English for over thirty years now at various Educational Institutions. He is now a Senior Lecturer of English at Fourah Bay College where he has been lecturing for the past eight years.

Mr Smith's writings have been in various international media like West Africa Magazine, Index on Censorship, Focus on Library and Information Work,,, and He participated in a seminar on contemporary American Literature in the U.S. in 2006. His growing thoughts and reflections on this trip which took him to various US sights and sounds could be read at

His other publications include: Folktales from Freetown, Langston Hughes: Life and Works Celebrating Black Dignity, and 'The Struggle of the Book'

ds videogame

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Race 07: Official WTCC Game

Real cars, real racing. That's what it's all about in RACE 07. Enjoy 9 different racing classes, each with its own distinctive character. From the prestigious World Touring Car Championship to the insane speed of the F3000 class. These are just a few of the many cars and classes featured in this ultimate racing sensation. Hit the road on one of the 32 real-life racing circuits or city tracks and see the track through the unique Helmet Camera or with the immersive Action Camera. Enjoy RACE 07 and experience virtual racing like you've never experienced it before.

Experience virtual racing like you've never experienced it before.

The new damage model features detachable wheels, nose sections, engine covers, even wings are independently detachable upon impact.

Welcome to a New Level of Simulated Racing
RACE 07--The Official WTCC Game features the full FIA WTCC season of 2007 including all cars and tracks, as well as several new support classes and tracks from all over the world. The game also features the full WTCC season of 2006 which was included in the games predecessor RACE--The WTCC Game, released in 2006 on PC.

For the first time ever SimBin is also presenting single seater action with Formula cars. Race with the incredibly fast Formula 3000, Formula BMW and in addition also the Radical sports cars with the models SR3 and SR4.

To support these new race classes the player will be offered the choice between one- or two-race-format. The highly detailed damage system is also adapted to give the Formula cars the vulnerability they have in real life.

RACE 07 comes with a score of new tracks and added track variations including several new city tracks, alternate track layouts and reversed track option. Several new community oriented features, game modes and online functionalities will also be announced later.

All in all RACE 07 features more than 300 cars in 9 different classes on 32 real life racing tracks and city circuits from all over the world.

The Cars of RACE 07

WTCC 2007
All the real world championship cars from the WTCC 2007 series, modelled in minute detail. The ultimate in touring car racing!

WTCC 2006
All the real world championship cars from the WTCC 2006 series, modelled in minute detail. The ultimate in touring car racing!

Rearwheel driven fun. Powerslides and an awesome sense of speed and control is what the three different Caterham models will bring to the table.

Enjoy six different Radical models and configurations, giving you the "trackday feel" of a car that is solely built for speed.

Formula 3000
Singleseaters like never experienced on a PC before. More power, more grip, more exitement

Formula BMW
The singleseater class where many talents start their career. Provides close racing and lots of overtaking.

WTCC 1987
A blast from the past! The classic cars from 1987 that defined an era in touring car racing.

Mini Cooper
Single car make racing series, providing the closest racing possible.

Key Features

  • Over 300 Cars
    RACE 07 features over 300 cars in 9 different racing classes. It includes the full 2007 and 2006 seasons of the WTCC, the fantastic BMW E30 M3 and Alfa Romeo 75 Turbo from WTCC 1987, Formula 3000, Formula BMW, the Mini Cooper Challenge, the Radical SR3 and SR4 in various configurations as well as the Caterham CSR200, CSR260 and CSR320 Concept.
  • Formula cars and Sports cars
    Next to the touring cars RACE 07 also features Formula cars as well as sports cars. To enhance the experience of driving the open race cars we have developed a helmet camera as never seen before. Not only does it accurately resemble the view from inside a helmet, it also has all the visor dynamics the real fan could wish for. The visor gets dirty and can be cleaned by pulling off a protective layer of plastic, the so called Tear-off. This all contributes to a unique experience.
  • True to life damage
    A new damage system have been created for RACE 07, this is done to also support the formula class and Radical cars, the new damage model features detachable wheels, nose sections, engine covers, even wings are independently detachable upon impact.
  • 32 Different tracks and variations from all over the world, including city tracks
    RACE 07 features 32 tracks from all over the world, closely modeled after their real-live examples. Next to the famous real life racetracks RACE 07 also feature several city tracks for even more intense action. Several tracks are exclusively represented in RACE 07 and are not featured in any other motorsports games.
  • Enhanced track dynamics
    With RACE 07 all tracks comes with a strengthened attention to details. Focus has been on trying to recreate the atmosphere surrounding real life racing and race tracks. 3D audience and more than double the amount of track side objects are just a few of the steps taken to improve the immersion of actually being on one of the real life race tracks included in the game.
  • Car filter
    RACE 07 features a car filter that allows you to mix cars and classes as you please. Use the car filter to create single make racing or mix formula cars, sports cars and touring cars.
  • Human-like AI opponents that will force you into an error.
    The AI in RACE 07 is better than ever. They behave as natural, trying to force you into an error, putting the pressure on by making moves and stressing you by flashing their headlights. You'll have a hard time defending from these fanatics; the strength/aggression of the opponents can also be adjusted in the game!
  • Online artificial intelligence
    RACE 07 includes online AI which means that you can fill up the field of cars on a server with computer generated opponents. This feature assures a challenging online experience, even if you are just a few people logged into the server.
  • Enhanced community appeal; community drivers, customized skins and league-support
    RACE 07 has everything racing-communities could wish for. Not only are the loyal fans of SimBin racing games already represented in the game through their names on various cars, they will also be able to host leagues and use their own car skins in the game, creating the ultimate individual championships.
  • The two-race-format
    RACE 07 truthfully recreates the WTCC all the way to the two-race format of the real WTCC races. The top eight finishers in the first race will switch places on the grid for the second race and the winner of the race session is the player who gathers the most combined points in the both races.
  • Bugs and dirt on window
    A new version of the bug on window and dynamic weather effects system used in RACE is being introduced for RACE 07, this will also work on the helmet visor and will greatly enhance the immersion factor while playing the game. Functioning window wipers allow you to sweep away both rain and insects.
  • Dynamic weather effects
    Dynamic water drops on helmet visor and windows are simulated in real-time to simulate the sensation of racing in wet or intermediate weather conditions, the liquids are also being affected by the wind speed.
  • Performance monitor
    The performance monitor included with RACE 07 is designed to help the player find the best compromise between visual appearance and game performance, the player can set a target frame rate, once set the game will suggest the best suitable graphical settings after having monitored the games performance during a race session.
  • New controller interface
    With the new controller interface much more attention is paid to the players wanting to drive the cars using a joy-pad, keyboard or utilize the mouse steering option. Added controller logics have been applied to make control of the cars with a joy-pad just as involving and satisfying as with a wheel. The new controller interface allows for several controller profiles to be created by the player.
  • Offline and online versions
    RACE 07 features the option of choosing between an offline and online version when the player installs the game. The offline version offers all the same content as the online version but the player will not be able to join in online multiplayer races or compete on the official RACE 07 leader boards with this version. The online version of RACE 07 needs to be installed in order to play multiplayer races and to compete on the official RACE 07 leader boards. The online version is Steam enabled and includes the Steam application.

Functioning window wipers allow you to sweep away both rain and insects.

Next to the touring cars RACE 07 also features Formula cars as well as sports cars.

300 cars on 32 tracks.

Game Modes

Race Event
In a Race Event being on the grid and waiting for the race to start can be just a few clicks away, or it can be a complete racing experience featuring all sessions and options of a real life race weekend. The player will be able to select which settings and sessions to use, to customize the race weekend to his/her liking.

Time Attack
Time attack is a multiplayer mode being played on one PC and should be thought of as a social game mode. The player can compete against friends sharing one PC, by setting lap times and chasing the ghost car of his/her friends, or aim for the top spot on the RACE 07 leader boards. Players can check their positions on the official leader boards after or even during a session.

Practice Mode
If the player want to improve lap times or experiment with car setups? Then practice mode is the ideal choice, in practice mode there are no restrictions and sessions can be arranged just as the player likes them.

Championship mode
Championship mode will give the player the chance to experience the 2006 or 2007 WTCC championship. The player will go through the full championship experience, visiting all the tracks of the 2006 or 2007 seasons, experiencing the unique 2-race format of the WTCC including the reverse grid for the second race, being penalized with penalty weights when performing well and much more.

Custom Championship
With Custom Championship we want to offer the players an easy to use configuration screen for setting up their own championships. This means the player chooses what car to use and then what track(s) to use, when these choices have been made the game will from these choices generate a new championship file.

In short the player can create a championship using all existing tracks in the game or as little as two when creating a custom championship. The choice of using a one or two race format is available to the player when setting up a custom championship. The choice of enabling or disabling the weight penalty is available to the player when setting up a custom championship.

RACE07 features support for 24 opponents in multiplayer mode. These can be either players or AI opponents, or a mix of both. The option of having AI opponents (or Ôbots') makes sure that even with a small group of players you can still have a full grid of cars.

Multiplayer options are included for both online and LAN. Players can serve and play, hosting the game from their own computer and allowing other players to join or setup a dedicated server, the dedicated server application is included with the game.

The Tracks of RACE 07

The 14 tracks used by the WTCC series in 2006 and 2007

Three bonus tracks, not used in the WTCC series. Two classics and a brand new gaming debut!

Different layouts as used on the real tracks, giving a completely different feel and race in well known environments.

The Cars of Race 07
In total RACE 07 features over 300 cars, from the touringcars from the official WTCC series to the formula cars of the International Formula 3000 Masters and the Radical sportscars. The purpose is to offer a wide variety of cars, giving you the possibility to try as many different cars as possible. Each car will be featured with its unique characteristics, sounds, behavior and details.

RACE 07 features 9 different racing classes including 3 fully licensed championships; FIA WTCC, International Formula 3000 Masters and the Mini Cooper Challenge.

The Tracks of Race 07
RACE 07 has received a significant boost in the track department. In total it features 32 tracks including several variations and alternate track layouts. It will feature purpose built legendary racetracks such as Monza, Imola, Zandvoort and Brands Hatch, but also narrow and intense city environments on circuits such as Pau, Porto, Macau and the unique Vara Raceway.

Like the cars, all factors are in place to give the customer the full racing experience on tracks that are closely modeled after their real-life examples. An approximate increase of 100% in details ( polygons ) have been added to the tracks in RACE 07 compared with all earlier SimBin titles, mainly focusing on adding more atmosphere and life to the tracks and pitlanes, with more trackside objects and more crowds and spectators.
Customer Review: Very good simulation
I purchased Race 07 before I purchased GTR 2. I was and still am pleased with Race 07. GTR 2 is an improvement, but since Race 07 has different cars, both products are good to have. The interface of GTR 2 is refined over Race 07. Race 07 is a very good simulation game. And by the way, in my opinion you should not waste your money and more importantly, your time, on GRID. GRID is most certainly not worthy of my time and money. I have reviewed it with some detail.
Customer Review: What a ball,,,Drivable...!
-////-------> This game isn't easy to start out with in "Arcade" on the roundest track Even, for Me.."Where I am".. But It sure shows promise as I practice. I'm using My Sidewinder Precision 2 J/Stick I'm glad I have It as My "Vibrating Wheel from AVB GC-SW1 isn't doing well in any Games I've tryed It on so far...{About 1/2 Dozen}, but I'm sure I'll get better.

The current recession has undoubtedly spurred an unending number of articles, analyses, and commentaries on corners of the business world that haven't been struck as hard by the economic slowdown as others. Everyone is looking to make some more money while things are generally tight, and finding an unaffected business opportunity is an utterly logical way of doing that. It can often take a lot of searching, though: particularly because writers continue to spotlight the same handful of business sectors over and again. Home repair, car repair, healthcare, education, and a few others keep turning up as viable businesses during recession, but that's old news. At least one is often overlooked: entertainment.

When researching recession and the industries that have historically thrived under its conditions, one of the first things that comes up is a seedy list of taboo industries like liquor and prostitution. It may seem a little inappropriate to mention it, but there is reason for that trend. These industries survive because people weighted with the troubles tied to a lagging economy just want to escape reality, at least for a time. And that is the same root reason for which more innocent forms of entertainment succeed during economic dry spells as well.

There is one caveat to this pursuit of escape, however. Even though people are looking to get away from their troubles, they still remain relatively cognizant of their economic condition, which makes them reticent to go hog wild on entertainment luxuries they may have once indulged in. High-price items like concert, theater, and sports tickets all take a back seat to cheaper forms of entertainment.

During the Great Depression, it was incredibly common to find theaters packed to their breaking points on a regular basis, because 15 cents for a movie, though not cheap, was a price people were willing to pay to get away from life. Today, with the prominence and monetary value of at-home entertainment options, people are just as likely to stay in, rent an action flick, watch their sitcoms, or gather round the gaming console and take each other on in a shoot-em-up.

In fact, this is truer than anyone could have foreseen. With only two months remaining to the end of 2008, the cumulative growth of the American economy this year is expected to reach only 2.4%, which in itself is pretty pathetic. But, when you compare that to the year's growth rate of the videogame industry, it could almost make a grown businessman cry. By end of year, the gaming market is expected to have grown at least 20%. And videogames aren't alone; DVD sales and rentals are up too. In its first week on the shelf, the Blu-Ray version of the Movie Iron Man set a new record for sales, moving over 500,000 copies, and the regular DVD version of the movie sold over five million copies, amassing just under $100mil in that same week. What makes that truly amazing is that it was also the week that Congress decided to throw $700bil to bail out the stock market.

The clear conclusion is that though the vast majority of the American business world is suffering immensely under the weight of economic decline, at-home entertainment simply is not. Now, readers could take that only to mean that Blockbuster, Nintendo, and Best Buy are laughing themselves all the way to the bank, but that's only half the story. Below are a list of franchises that specialize in this booming industry as well, franchises that an entrepreneur would be wise to investigate further if 20% growth sounds appealing.

Play N Trade

With over 500 stores currently in operation around the world, Play N Trade is universally recognized as the dominant retail franchise in videogame industry. The goal of every store is to provide the best gaming outlet with a comprehensive stock of products (including retro gaming gear alongside today's trendsetting merchandise) and an enjoyable atmosphere in which customers can sit down and try games before purchasing. Franchisees work semi-absentee, and the corporate center does everything within its power to support each franchise, ensuring fun for franchisees, employees, and customers.

The Exchange

This franchise has one goal and one goal only, to provide consumers with the greatest selection of movies, music, and games available. To date, 30 years of experience in the industry has culminated in a method of operation that includes one of the most remarkable POS computing systems available, known as Exchangeware. This custom program makes the process of purchasing, pricing, trading, and selling media as simple and streamlined as can be. To boot, this franchise business comes with a complete startup package, making life for the franchisee as simple as possible also.


This home based business has become increasingly popular in recent months, as more and more entrepreneurs recognize how profitable it really is. Franchisees, who primarily work from home, stage automated DVD rental machines at various everyday locations like grocery stores and shopping centers, where passing customers can then insert a dollar and rent a new movie for the night. There is virtually no overhead, little upkeep, and it can be run entirely solo.

Gamer Doc

Though Gamer Doc is the newest franchise to the videogame world, the central management team has over 30 years of cumulative experience in matters of franchising. This combination of long-term knowhow and newness to the field make this business for sale one of the freshest and most promising business opportunities currently on the market. What they have made is a retail establishment that has the knowledge to serve hardcore gamers but also the simplicity and hospitality to cater to first-time gamers who may otherwise be turned off to the industry.

There are many ways to go in the entertainment world, but the fact remains that entertainment is a solid source of income even while times are generally tough. Of all industries, this is the one that has what it takes to not just weather a recession, but take full advantage of it.

Find more franchise business opportunities including computer & internet franchises and video game store franchises at Franchise Gator.
