Monday, May 25, 2009

Nintendo NES System - Video Game Console Bundle (Includes 2 Controllers / Zapper / Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt)

Super Mario Bros.: The classic tale of an Italian plumber smashing bricks and stepping on mushrooms and turtles in order to rescue the princess. Duck Hunt: The basic light zapper game for the NES. Two game modes allowed the player to either shoot ducks with the help of the trusty hound or to fire at clay pigeons.
Customer Review: Great game, good value, excellent service.
My son really wanted this game because the previous one we picked-up at a yard sale stopped functioning properly. I thought the price charged was very reasonable and we received it within a matter of days, with all the components promised and in excellent working condition. I have nothing but good things to say about this seller and his product.
Customer Review: New fun for my nieces
This game is so much fun, my nieces love it, they thinnk it is the newest console for 2009. LoL, I got six games with it, and a lot of other stuff. It is great

Selling products on eBay is one of the best ways to make money on the Internet today, and it is an art, not a science. Those sellers who manage to sell the top selling items on eBay are invariably the most successful.

The popular auction site has become the largest marketplace in the world, and there are literally millions of people selling stuff on the popular auction site. There are even more buyers who visit the site looking for items to purchase. This is the power of the most popular auction site online: the millions of buyers who go to the site with money in their pockets looking for something to buy, and those buyers determine the top selling items on eBay.

Of all the people who sell there, only a small percentage make the really big bucks. What makes the difference between those who make lots of money and those who just make a few bucks here and there? Those sellers who make it big do so by listing the top selling items in hot, lucrative niches.

Selling popular products is the single most important element when it comes to making big money on eBay. Lots of sellers make money, but those who make the really big money manage to find and list in the top selling items.

So what are the top selling items on eBay? These change constantly as market trends change, but at this writing some of the most popular products include video gaming systems and videogame accessories. Two of the most popular systems are the Sony Playstation system and the Wii system. People who play games on these systems buy many accessories that go along with the games, and manufacturers are coming up with more creative accessories all the time. One of the reasons this niche is so popular is that many videogame enthusiasts purchase every new accessory that becomes available.

Would you like to learn more about the top selling items on eBay?

You can download the free Guide here: Secret eBay Niches.

new videogame
