Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Transformers the Game

Control the outcome in the battle for Earth this summer with Transformers, the official game of the blockbuster film. Protect the earth as Autobots or destroy it as Decepticons as you lead the Transformers in the epic battle for control of planet Earth! Make a choice: Protect Earth as Autobots or destroy it as Decepticons. With dual campaigns, the fate of the world is in your hands.
Customer Review: This game is absolutely awful...
so to be honest i could care less about transformers... no offense to those who are into that whole scene but when i bought my ps3 (recently) this game was included and i thought... "hmmm, this could be pretty cool i bet" - hah! now that's a joke... this game is absolutely worthless, and i'm upset because at the moment it's the only one i'm stuck with. i can't wait to trade it in for store credit so i can get something else. I have serious trouble completeing challenges because of the awful controls and the annoying camera. and even if i did beat the level im stuck at now i doubt i would play any further because the missions and fighting are stupid anyhow... you get to chase these guys around town while endless numbers of busses and cars get in your way (which fly away like cardboard when you hit them, not even a scratch shows, not to mention you can't even run over the pedestrians... they just magically avoid your vehicle... LAME), and when you finally get to fight another robot you have 1 attack button that does the same stupid combo over and over. This game was obviously rushed and gave me about 2 minutes worth of satisfaction because a) i just got a ps3 & b) blowing up the buildings and transforming was fun for 1 of those 2 minutes, the other minute was fun because i ended up playing Zelda PH for my DS when i realized i was wasting my time with such a terrible ps3 game... to those who have accidentally (or purposefully) encountered this game i feel your pain!
Customer Review: Does not live up to expectations
I grew up watching the original series and ended up loving the most recent movie. But, I have to say, this game was one major disappointment. While I wasn't expecting this game to be a God of War or a Ratchet and Clank, I was expecting some quality and some degree of good gameplay. Instead, I got the feeling that this game was designed with 10 year olds in mind. The missions are fairly generic with seemingly little variation and become boring quite quickly which isn't made any better by the fairly small size of the maps. The AI for the bad guys is pretty weak, quite predictable and easily figured out during "big" boss battles. Sad to say, the parts of the game I found most exciting was transforming and unlocking extras like artwork. Suffice to say, playing as some of my childhood favorites was certainly not worth the $60 this game cost.

According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, about 58% of adults in the US experience insomnia or some form of sleeping difficulties. Respondents to the poll also believe that their lack of restful sleep significantly affects their work performance, their relationship with others, motor skills and ability to avoid accidents, and even their health. Research studies actually show that sleep deprivation can speed up aging, slow down metabolism and even increase a person's risk for developing diabetes, high blood pressure and other serious illnesses.

If you are having difficulty staying or falling asleep, waking up too early, or feeling sluggish after you wake up, then you are probably suffering from some form of insomnia. You really do not have to worry too much if you are just experiencing short bouts of sleep problems or deprivation because of some trivial reasons. There is a big chance that your body can deal with a few days of lack of restful sleep. However, having chronic insomnia is another matter. If not having a good night's sleep is becoming the norm in your life, you have to do something about your problem now or suffer the consequences in the future.

Here are some tips that are effective in improving your snoozing time:

Hit The Bed When You Feel Tired

If you feel sleepy and tired, your mind and body are signaling that they need some time to rest and recover from a very busy schedule or strenuous activity. Take advantage of these moments to get even a 30-minute nap. As much as possible, do not fight your urge to sleep because if you do, you might find it more difficult to fall asleep as your mind and body will be in an extended active mode. On the contrary, if you don't feel like sleeping yet, do not go to bed and stare at the ceiling or force yourself to sleep. Instead, go out of your bedroom, do some stretching or other relaxing exercises and hit the bed when your mind and body are both ready to snooze.

Exercise During The Evening

Majority of those with sedentary lives are suffering from insomnia. If you spend too much time watching television or playing games on your computer or videogame consoles before your bedtime, your mind will stay active until the wee hours of the morning. Thus, it would be helpful if you exercise during the evening, just a few hours before you sleep. After a strenuous activity, you will feel tired in a couple of hours and have a bigger chance of getting deep and uninterrupted slumber time.

Follow A Routine

If you train your body to rest at ten o'clock every night and wake up at seven or eight the following morning, you will see that this will come naturally to you even during the weekends. However, if you suddenly change your routine and sleep late on Friday or Saturday nights, your body clock will go haywire and it will take some time before you can get the rhythm back. If you are the kind of person who is having difficulty sleeping, it is advisable for you to stick to your routine for a while and avoid breaking your sleeping schedule.

Stay Away From Caffeine After Mid-day

A glass of iced tea, cup of coffee or can of soda taken during dinner can actually affect your sleeping pattern. As much as possible, you need to stop yourself from indulging in caffeine-rich beverages or foods after lunchtime.

There are also some sleeping aids in the market that are effective in helping you sleep soundly at night. Aside from following the tips enumerated above, you can also take supplements that promote better sleep. Just make sure that what you pick is all natural and safe. One product that is guaranteed safe and effective is Somulin. Visit http:///www.somulin.com/ for more details.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com

