Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guides)

Unlock all characters and every stage!
Strategies for casual and tournament players!
Detailed info on all items and assist trophies!
Strategies to clear every event!
Detailed Subspace Emissary walkthrough for 100% completion!
Customer Review: A Very Shallow Guide
This guide could at the very least be useful for those who have never played a Super Smash Bros. game, but sadly a lot of the information provided, such as character strategies, is very basic and common sense logic (this guy has a shield, you can use that to block projectiles..). The most useful aspect of the book for me was the list of unlockables and how to achieve them, but we have the internet for that I suppose.
Customer Review: Just used it for a few things, then gave in!
This guide book, really doesn't supply the day-to-day stratergies that hard-core gamers want, in fact I just find this guide useless, I just bought it for the Secrets and The Target Test statergies, everything was BS to me. Especially the Character Rankings, SERIOUSLY, it gives JigglyPuff a better rating than Pikachu (Yes I love Pikachu), the guy that wrote this book stuck to his Stratergies, and other stuff. Also the guy who wrote this book is a critic, the rankings he gave for the character are terrible, and he gave Marth a 9, all the other characters he gave 8 or lower. Alot of the Stratergies don't even deplete my Grandmother's playing styles, and alot of it is just bad detailed info, I only found atleast 3-5 things helpful and that's it. It says "Detailed Information On How To Get 100% On Subspace Emminasary", yeah right. Where are the freaking maps? I would also like to have a damage list on the average base of damage is. I really hate the rankings. IMO this book will only supply you with recycled and old Stratergies, i'd suggest go to Youtube.com and look up videos for Stratergies. Other than that this book is useless. 2/5

As you may know, Bratz are the most popular dolls in North America and the UK - even more popular than Barbie! Bratz have even had nine of their own movies, the first one entitled Bratz: Starrin & Stylin', and since then, they have had five music album releases, CD towers, boomboxes, their own animated show on DVD, and 2005's #1 girl-targeted videogame published by THQ - along with twelve other console and PC games. Flash game site owners know this, and have catered to the publics needs by allowing you to play Bratz games for free on their websites.

A little about the dolls:

Bratz dolls are about ten inches tall, and are very similar artistically to a popular Japanese animation technique called "chibi", seen in anime and manga. In this artistic form, you will see disproportionately large heads and eyes, to exaggerate facial expression. Generally, you will also see a small nose, and a small torso. The only thing that differentiates the Bratz style from the chibi style, is the full lips - which is a large step in the opposite direction from animes & mangas almost invisible lip design.

Carter Bryant, a toy designer, created the Bratz dolls and showed his designs to Isaac Larian, the CEO of MGA (Micro-Games America Entertainment) in 2000. And it wasn't so much Mr. Larian who gave the O.K. on these dolls, as it was his daugher, Jasmin, who he found was enthralled by the designs - and just by chance had been visiting the office that day!

Cloe, Sasha, Jade and Yasmin were the first dolls to be released. When you play Bratz games, which one are you?

Ramza Beoulve is a game enthusiast of all kinds. He can be reached by the Contact Us link at http://www.eskoshi.com

angry videogame

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sonic Adventure Sega Dreamcast COMPLETE Game

After several years in video game retirement, Sonic the Hedgehog returns as the star of a graphically stunning 3-D adventure game that blows away every other game in the genre. Sonic is joined by five of his friends in a massive quest that spans over 50 game levels filled with remarkable visuals and a pulsating soundtrack. Taking full advantage of the unprecedented processing power of the Dreamcast, Sega's development crew, Sonic Team, has designed several gravity-defying game levels that will keep gamers hooked.

Our favorite level is Windy Valley, which requires you to survive the stormy perils of a tremendous tornado. This tyrant of nature chases you relentlessly before ultimately sucking you into the air and up through its eye. During the chase, the tornado manages to tear up just about everything on the screen. This dizzying visual spectacle moves so fast that you will literally hold on to the game controller for dear life.

Assuming you survive the tornado, there are several more challenging areas to conquer, including a level that requires you to snowboard directly in the path of a fast-approaching avalanche. During the Emerald Coast level, you will race across a precarious dock as a killer whale attacks from below, destroying the wood planks underneath your feet while you attempt to outrun the crazed creature.

We also liked the numerous mini-games scattered throughout this title. When you least expect it, Sonic Adventure tosses in some old-fashioned arcade action, such as pinball or bumper car racing. In between, you can raise virtual pets, known in the game as "Chao." These characters, which are saved using the optional Visual Memory Unit (VMU), can be combined with other Chao characters exchanged between friends or downloaded via the Internet.

Gamers looking to show off the strong processing power of the 128-bit Dreamcast will definitely want to pick up this title. Simply put, Sonic Adventure's graphics surpass those of any other game currently available on any home video game system. Let the Sonic assault begin. --Brett Atwood


  • Strong replay value
  • Stunning graphics
  • Bonus virtual pet game
  • Six different game characters


  • May be too fast-moving for some players
  • Awkward camera angles can inhibit gameplay in some areas

Customer Review: Sonic Adventure an "All time Classic"
This is the game that started it all for the Dreamcast. Sonic got a new look and a whole new level of appreciation. To bad after Sonic Adventure 2 things started to turn sour as he got ported to other Systems. Almost a decade later and I still have my appreciation for this title. Yes not everything is perfect, but it's still way above average. If you never played it before, please pick it up if you have a Dreamcast. You will not be dissapointed at all and it is well worth the $10 you will spend for it.
Customer Review: Buy it.
It was the best selling game on the Dreamcast for a reason. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this game. Buy it.

Okay, so that's a stupid question. Or at least it may initially sound like one. In terms of publication and distribution, and their dependency on advertisements, comics are clearly magazines by definition. Which would then make graphic novels compiled magazines... which they are clearly (I hope) not.

But the fact is that "comic book" is a dirty term in the art world. And though the work of people such as Daniel Clowes, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman and too many other fine writers to mention, has done much to remedy this, the comic is still looked upon with disdain. Libraries and schools live in fear of the day that little Timmy is lured in by the colourful pictures of his first graphic novel, and vows never to read another novel again. Which is stupid, of course; the majority of those who read graphic novels are also literature lovers.

And then there are the critics. Bookworms and concerned parents feared that their beloved tomes would become obsolete with the dawn of television. Only almost a century after its conception was cinema embraced as a valuable art form. The videogames, a medium still in its infancy, is currently being subjected to the same media prejudice that faced the feel good movies of the 1920s. But whereas devotees and aficionados are willing to discuss the videogame medium, and argue as to whether it qualifies as high art, the same question is rarely focused on comics. This could be that, since the comic medium's maturity in the late sixties through to the mid-eighties, comics have been critically appreciated in a new, if not particularly bright, light.

Weary media lecturers will bore their students about the potential of "sequential art," but these academics rarely raise interest in anything other than the obvious award-winning "worthy" choices - Maus, Persepolis and the works of Scott McCloud, Harvey Pekar and Robert Crumb. All great starting points, of course, but any who dares to mention superhero books in such lessons will likely receive only scornful glares. Perhaps this is because comics, for the most part, share the shelves with that most unfairly treated of literary genres: Science Fiction and Fantasy. Works such as The Sandman, Watchmen, Strangers in Paradise and Cerebus the Aardvark are too often viewed as little more than fantastical nonsense for preoccupied adolescents. And as long as their creators continue to be imaginative and original, striving to push the boundaries of contemporary fiction, this is unlikely to change.

A friend told me not long ago that he'd read everything ever written by Alan Moore, but refused to read a graphic novel by any other author. I find it baffling that one could get so much enjoyment from the comic book medium yet have no desire to take that interest further. I wanted to tell him to read something else. Write him a list of recommendations, even.

But instead I kept my mouth shut. His loss, I figured.

Carl Doherty created http://www.holycr4p.com/ under supervision of his doctor, who conceived the criticism and categorisation of every film that Carl watches as a way of tackling his obsessive compulsive disorder. He has now watched 23 films, and is not entirely sure he liked any of them. Carl currently resides in Southend-on-Sea where he shares an abandoned warehouse with a buffy-tufted marmoset named Tautilus Samson. Together they have all sorts of adventures.

Read more of Carl's comic, graphic novel, and film related features and reviews, as well as more on Are Comics Books? at http://www.holycr4p.com/

angry videogame

Sunday, June 28, 2009

PSone System - Video Game Console

If the original PlayStation was the video game console equivalent of the '60s-era Volkswagen Beetle--economic, reliable, loads of fun--the PS One could be considered the new Beetle--a hip restyling of those same qualities.

Make no mistake: the PS One has all of the same functionality as the original PlayStation workhorse, will work with all of the same peripherals and accessories, and will play the existing PlayStation game library, as well as audio CDs (also note that, like the original PlayStation, it's not compatible with the more advanced PlayStation 2). The difference here is that this new model is quite a bit smaller than its older brother, and quite a bit cuter, too.

The system is made up of a 32-bit, 34-MHz RISC processor with 16 Mbits of main memory, 8 Mbits of graphics memory, 24-channel stereo sound, double-speed CD-ROM drive, and one Dual Shock analog controller. That's not a lot of power, compared to a next-generation system like the Sega Dreamcast; but, when you factor in its very low price and the enormous library of games that are available (more than 1,000 that are spread across every genre imaginable), one can see easily why it's as good a deal as ever. If rumors of exciting future accessories for the PS One (a four-inch LCD screen attachment, to name one) are true, this little machine could become a great option for the on-the-go gamer. --Porter Hall
Customer Review: The Truth
I recently purchased a PSone System and it did arrive as described and on time. I immediately hooked it to the TV and put in the game I already had and it fired right up. It was 8 years since I last played the PSone, but when the game came on and I began to play, it brought back memories. The PSone still worked like before and I highly recommend this for everybody.
Customer Review: Very Good!
Very good console. Sony came out with alot of fun games to play on this system. Just make sure you don't touch the little round lens in the console or you will be very sorry.

There are so many ways to market your products or business these days. With the definition of marketing becoming increasingly vague, each day, people are being very open-minded about new marketing practices. Take Google AdWords, for example. It wasn't likely for businesses to spend billions of dollars each year on things like pay-per-click search engine advertising, ten years ago. Now, it's the fastest and most cost-effective marketing technique available.

It may cost you anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 to run an ad in a small print magazine. But how would you know if people are reading your ads or even seeing them? How many people read your ad? What are the demographics? How effective was the ad? How many people buy your advertised product in comparison to the number that read your ad? These things cannot be measured through conventional advertising as easily or as quickly as they can with today's technology-driven advertising methods.

Unless you can afford to hire four-figure marketing analysts, advertising specialists, and spend millions on marketing research, to firms like Neilson, then you need to start using low-cost marketing techniques. These techniques can be just as affective for your small business, are far more rewarding, and involve less risk.

Here are the five low-cost marketing techniques I've found to be most effective in Internet Marketing.

As far as Internet Marketing goes, word-of-mouth advertising seems to be the most promising technique of all. Affiliate marketing, email marketing, direct marketing, JV marketing, and network marketing all use the "word of mouth" technique. Any commercial or ad can tell you that this product is great and that you really need to buy it, but there's nothing more convincing than a friend telling you that. How many times do you remember hearing that infamous catch-phrase, kids always get, "if all your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you do it too"? The reality is that kids actually do jump off of a bridge just because their friends are doing it. Teenagers don't all go out to buy the same brand jeans or the latest videogame console because they really need it. They just follow the crowd, because they want to be a part of the crowd. This is what managers call bounded rationality. A consumer's decision to buy a product may not always seem rational, but it is rational within their frame of mind.

The second low-cost marketing technique I find to be extremely useful in a highly competitive market is what I like to call the get personal technique. This is yet another growing trend in Internet Marketing. It helps create a slow and steady rapport with individual potential customers. If you sound like a friend, act like a friend, and look like a friend - then you must be a friend! It seems silly, I know, but it actually works. Establishing a friendly and informal relationship with your customers is a good way to keep customers coming back and buying more from you. You'd be surprised at how an informal e-mail from you, using the customer's first name, and talking to them about your life on a personal note will work wonderings in creating life-long customer relationships that pay-off.

I know many of you probably have gotten sick of hearing about AdWords, but there seems to be one marketing technique in particular that delivers the most success with this program. I've heard some call this the never stop selling technique. The beauty of AdWords is that you are free to use it how you want. Some people believe they have no control over the way their ads are displayed, and use AdWords with a point, click, and try your luck approach. That couldn't be further from the truth! The biggest difference between an ad campaign that has a 15 or 20% conversion ratio and one that only gets 0.1 - 5% conversion is the constant trial and error process used by the expert marketers. The key is to never stop testing (i.e. never stop selling).

Here are some quick tips for you to improve your AdWords campaigns with the "never stop selling" technique:

Check your add analytics and stats every 3 hours.

Change ads every 24 hours.

Avoid using the same titles in the same ad campaign.

Compare between site-targeted and keyword-targeted ad results.

Capitalize the first letter of each word in your ads (especially the title).

Remember you have very little space to write your ads in, use it wisely, and keep in mind that it's the tiniest changes that make the biggest difference. If you find you have a higher CT conversion with site-targeted ads, but a lower sales conversion then go back and negate the differences. Recalculate your cost-benefit and change your bids to reach the optimal sales conversions with lowest cost in advertising expenditures. Just because the customer walked out of the store doesn't mean the sale can't be made. Keep customers coming back with new ads, different targeting strategies, and constant testing.

Tracking your CTs is vital in making this technique work more affectively. One of my favorite AdWords experts has taught me that everything on the Internet can be measured. So we should take advantage of that and really measure our results.

Now here's another one that still works fairly well to this day. The article marketing technique is one of the cheapest forms of Internet marketing around. Websites like articlemarketer are making this process easier and more dynamic. This program offers a lifetime subscription for around $200 and allows you to submit your articles to thousands of e-zines and article databases for a very cheap price. Usually this technique proves more effective with those of you selling informational products or services. However, it can still work for other products when applied properly.

Giving people free information to sell them on your products or services is a form of promotional advertising. You offer them a free sample and if they like what they see they can buy with confidence. Typically your customers will think "if I can get this much information for free - just think how much information I'll get when I pay for the product or service". Throw in a free report with your newsletter. Post links to your website on your blogs. All this information will be your free sample to attract more customers.

Finally, we come to the free advertising technique. This is probably the least effective of Internet Marketing techniques, but I felt it was still worth mentioning since some have reported good results with this technique in the past. The trick to free advertising is that it isn't really advertising to anyone except the advertisers themselves. It's more like a glass of water that's stirred constantly to give the illusion of expansion in a very finite environment. People that join safe lists, banner exchange programs, or any of those types of free advertising gimmicks, aren't joining to read or see YOUR advertising. They're joining to advertise their own products. That's why the water always stays inside the glass. It never goes anywhere. However, there is one way around this. Because it's free you're not really loosing anything, but the time spent on setting up these programs. So instead of trying to advertise in the middle of all the noise and end up frustrating yourself in the process, try to build relationships with other advertisers. This can actually be a flip-side to free advertising and I've seen it work before.

Upon testing the effectiveness of a large safe list program offering a double opt in list of more than 50,000 members, I found that only 1 out of every 1,000 emails were even remotely interesting. That means that the chances of me buying into any of the products or services offered in the tens of thousands of emails, I received every week, were probably 1 to every 1 million emails. If that's not a long shot I don't know what is. But the reason anyone even bothers with these programs is because they hope that they would get that lucky one-in-a-million chance and land a sale. My advice to you is don't waste your time. Unless you can think of a creative way to implement the previous four techniques into these free advertising programs, you really don't stand a chance of making any real sales. For example, don't try to sell products. Offer free samples and bring the leads to your website. Then get them to join your mailing list. That way you can drive them away from all the noise and have a nice serene conversation about your products. They're much more likely to buy from you when they get a chance to clearly hear you out.

So let's wrap up. To review we'll go over all the techniques very briefly. You might want to write these down on flashcards and keep them on your desk while brainstorming. They will remind you of how you don't always need a huge budget to market your products. Here are our five low-cost marketing techniques:

Word of Mouth (get people selling for you)

Get Personal (be a friend and they will trust you)

Never Stop Selling (don't let failure stop you from trying harder)

Article Marketing (free samples build consumer confidence)

Free Advertising (opportunity can be where you least expect it)

Not all of these techniques may work for you, but with a little creativity and some determination you can market your products to great success on a shoestring budget. The important thing is that you put in the effort. You can throw all the money in the world at marketing techniques and strategies, but without the strenuous efforts of squeezing every last drop of benefit from your marketing campaign, you are still leaving money on the table.

If you're starting a small business and wish to learn more about small business startup, visit the Business-Geek.com website to find affordable small business services.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes [Game Download]

Advertising is a tool. When used properly works very effectively as compared to other ways of communicating to the masses and is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization.

Advertising is not difficult once you have identified your customers and targeted your market. This helps you determine when, where, what, and how to advertise. It's a way of making people aware of a product and such awareness can have a positive impact on the company's bottom line and image and has become more art than science. Good ads can create markets and boost products that aren't the best technology.

Using Search Engines as Advertising

Online advertising now makes up a very significant portion of all advertising in the United States and continues to grow incredibly fast. Search engines now offer advertising space next to their search results which exposes the advertisers. Major search engines like Google are interested in expanding into all forms of advertising, including the $7 billion outdoor market billboards.

Search engine marketing, as well as web advertising, is earning money from clicking on ads, and the main reason why web advertising is effective, as web advertising in the form of text ads is extremely targeted. Search remains the big daddy and according to eMakerter. It will account for 40% of the $25 billion that marketers will spend online this year.

With search engine advertising, advertisers pay either a fixed price to have their ads linked to specific keywords, such as "videogame," or bid against other advertisers in an auction. The ads generally run across an array of sites, and advertisers pay only when users click on the ads

Video Advertising

Online video is getting is getting more popular by the day and a massive amount of people are going online just to watch. Video sites like YouTube are so popular in the video sharing world that marketers have found it a great place to submit their videos a get lots of visitors. They simply put an interesting video of their services and get lots of traffic, it's just that simple.

The four major career paths in advertising are account management, creative, media and research. So what ever form of advertising you my use, make sure you advertise your business to see your business grow.

Business to Business Reviews offers more information, tips and advice, visit: Work from Home Business Opportunity.

psp videogame

Friday, June 26, 2009

FC Twin System plays NES and Super Nintendo games (Silver/Black)

he world's most popular 8 bit & 16 bit video game system. Play 8 bit Nintendo NES Games and 16 bit Super Nintendo Games on the same console!
Customer Review: Very decent clone system!
In 07 i was looking for a cheap alternative to the original systems because my SNES finally broke down and i heard about the FC Twin but i thought it was to good to be true. So i went down to my local pawn shop and saw the FC Twin sitting on the shelve for $40 and picked it up. I popped in Super Mario All Stars and it worked perfectly i am very happy with this system but i know some games do not work such as Castlevania 3 and Kirbys Super Star but i never had those games so that doesn't matter. This system comes with av cables, power adapter, and two controllers but if you don't like them you can use regular Super Nintendo controllers and this system makes improvements over the SNES 2 and looks just like it. So overall i do recommend this system if you want a cheaper alternative than the original systems than this is the system for you. Relive some of your child hood memories with this system and create new ones. So spend less time blowing into the cartridges and play your favorite NES and SNES games!
Customer Review: Very decent system
This system is very convient and allows you to relive both systems you enjoyed as a kid or gamer alike.

Advertising is a tool. When used properly works very effectively as compared to other ways of communicating to the masses and is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization.

Advertising is not difficult once you have identified your customers and targeted your market. This helps you determine when, where, what, and how to advertise. It's a way of making people aware of a product and such awareness can have a positive impact on the company's bottom line and image and has become more art than science. Good ads can create markets and boost products that aren't the best technology.

Using Search Engines as Advertising

Online advertising now makes up a very significant portion of all advertising in the United States and continues to grow incredibly fast. Search engines now offer advertising space next to their search results which exposes the advertisers. Major search engines like Google are interested in expanding into all forms of advertising, including the $7 billion outdoor market billboards.

Search engine marketing, as well as web advertising, is earning money from clicking on ads, and the main reason why web advertising is effective, as web advertising in the form of text ads is extremely targeted. Search remains the big daddy and according to eMakerter. It will account for 40% of the $25 billion that marketers will spend online this year.

With search engine advertising, advertisers pay either a fixed price to have their ads linked to specific keywords, such as "videogame," or bid against other advertisers in an auction. The ads generally run across an array of sites, and advertisers pay only when users click on the ads

Video Advertising

Online video is getting is getting more popular by the day and a massive amount of people are going online just to watch. Video sites like YouTube are so popular in the video sharing world that marketers have found it a great place to submit their videos a get lots of visitors. They simply put an interesting video of their services and get lots of traffic, it's just that simple.

The four major career paths in advertising are account management, creative, media and research. So what ever form of advertising you my use, make sure you advertise your business to see your business grow.

Business to Business Reviews offers more information, tips and advice, visit: Work from Home Business Opportunity.

new videogame

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cabela's Big Game Hunter

Hunters have always loved the best-selling Big Game Hunter series. Now Cabela's delivers the most compelling hunting game ever offered for the first time on PlayStation 2. Twenty-four different North American big game animals to hunt. Play Career Hunt or jump right into the action with Quick Hunt for immediate satisfaction. Realistic 3D animal models reflect a variety of ages, genders, and sizes. You will be mesmerized by the detail and expansive landscapes in 32 different locations that accurately reflect the natural environments from Montana to west Texas. Your hunting experience will be complete as you choose from a wide selection of today's best-selling firearms, bows, scents, clothes, stands, blinds, plus ATVs, boats and a truck. ESRB Rated T for Teen
Customer Review: Brandon's Big Game Hunter Review
I bought this game for my son for Christmas, and he loves it. It is not too violent, but seems to satisfy his taste for "real" game hunting. I would recommend this video game to others.
Customer Review: Bring on the next animal!
I love reading all of the poor reviews by the nose up in the air activists and new century gamers who don't have a clue as to what a hunting game should be. First off this game succeeded where the other Big Game Hunter games failed. It brought adventure back into hunting without being to ridiculous like the over zealous Dangerous Hunts 2 which was almost impossible to finish due to it's extremely hard game play. It also avoided the whole (animals charging out of the wilderness aspect) such as the case was with Cabela's Alaskan Adventure. This game was first and foremost a beautiful game to look at. The graphics were more than acceptable and even an improvement over many of Cabela's previous titles. People sometimes forget that this is an older system and one that was a dramatic improvement over PS1. They may not be (PS3 Graphics) but they're not bad at all for PS2. The CAREER HUNT game play was really a whole lot of fun with doing such things as sneaking up on animals and taking that long distance shot, to fighting the (main character) animals which are waiting for you at the end of each region. You meet guides and various people along the way who actually have personalities and provide you with information and/or ask favors. There are also MINI-GAMES along the way in which you get a chance to shoot birds and small animals for prizes. You also get to interact with your environment a little such as using buttons to climb walls and cross logs while unlocking various weapons and items along the way. Some of the main animals are easy to kill while others are extremely hard to kill and although the amount of bullets some of these animals can take may be unrealistic, it certainly does make for a much more interesting and adventurous game. The instant hunts are a welcome change as far as I'm concerned do to the fact that they provide you with all the equipment you need right off the bat and the objectives actually vary from hunt to hunt. The coolest thing in the world is when you take that first shot and actually see the bullet penetrating the air around it nailing the target form various camera angles. The Hunter-Sense is a much better way to view the animals rather than the red dots from the previous installments of this game. Overall if you are actually in the mood for a fun game that isn't to hard or to easy and gives you a chance to hunt several different kinds of animals including Wild Boars, African Kudus, Cougars, Jackals, and even deadly cats such as Panthers and Lions as well as traveling to various locations around the globe, than this game should become part of your collection. I own every one of the Cabela's games and this is by far one of my favorites. P.S. to the Animal Activists.....it's a f__king computer program!! It's not real!! Save a tree, hug a seal, but please above all else: Shut the ____ up!

I'm thinking about bringing Dance Dance Revolution into my Intermediate classroom.

Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a video game by Konami that was released in the arcades of Japan in 1998 and is now available across several home entertainment systems, including Playstation, Wii, and Xbox.

Players stand on a dance platform with arrows pointing up, down, left, and right. By listening to the music and watching a computer screen, players need to tap the corresponding arrows on the beat.

There are different levels of difficulty, so game play can range from simple to challenging. On the Nintendo Wii, Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party includes the use of the wii remote. Up to 4 players have to move both their hands and feet to the beat.

Overall, DDR is a high-interest, low-skill activity that appeals to the video-game generation, and as a teacher who continually looks for innovative ways to achieve curriculum expectations through technology, DDR is in my sights.

In April 2007, the NY Times reported on how some Physical Education classes are using Dance Dance Revolution to get Grade 7 students moving.

* A projected 1,500 schools in West Virgina are expected to be using the game by the end of the decade.

* "At least 10 states" in the US are using DDR as a "regular part of their physical education curriculum" to fight obesity.

* DDR appeals to school boards and educators as a non-competitive form of movement (compared to traditional sports.)

You could use DDR as an extra-curriculuar club, to meet daily physical activity (DPA) requirements, or as part of a phys-ed program.

* Most students will be watching the screen and practicing moving to the beat while they wait for their turn on the mats.

* Depending on how much you're willing to spend, you could have up to 4 people actually playing on the videogame system.

* You can set the difficulty level for each player independently, which means that an expert and a beginner could be playing at the same time.

If you're ready to start a classroom blog, we're here to help at http://blog.classroomteacher.ca where you'll find this information and more detailed information about how to use Dance Dance Revolution in the classroom.

videogame com

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Lord of the Rings Shadows of Angmar Prepaid 60-Day Game Time Card

Customer Review: Good Game - Game card is a little tricky to enter in the website
This is a fun MMORG to play. I prefer it to Guild Wars, but had to get use paying a monthly fee. This card makes it a little easier for me (I can get a few cards at once). It is a little tricky to enter the code in the turbine website. The link to enter the code is in a pretty small font and it is too easy to confuse it with place to enter the product key. Have fun and enjoy.

Xbox 360 is videogame console developed by Microsoft Corporation and introduced in the year 2005. The hardware for the Xbox was built by Microsoft after years of research in the hardware field. Though Microsoft is a giant in producing software, they are very new to the hardware field. Microsoft has involved themselves into this field because of the growing demand in this area and there is a worldwide craze for video gaming.


The two main components of Xbox 360 are the CPU and the GPU. It has a power ring to indicate the status of the console. Heat sinks are provided to absorb the heat generated with the processors and intercoolers are provided to cool them. It has the capability of connecting the console to any external joysticks according to the games. It has a CD-ROM using which we can add new games to the system and has a large storage space for saving the game.


After its introduction to the market, many hardware failures have been reported to the Microsoft regarding its Xbox 360 console. Microsoft has stated that these problems were due to the overheating of the console. It also added that, the failure in the intercooler is also a cause for this problem. The power used by the intercooler is very large and that the power is taken from the main source to the motherboard. All these reasons combine together and make the power ring to glow in red color. The most commonly occurring problem is the three red light error.

Since Microsoft is very new to the hardware field, they also lacked in testing the device which they developed. Poor design of the device lead to the inadequate air flow to the processors to cool them. Though there are two heat sinks for each processor, the problem has raised only with the graphical processing unit. Regarding this hardware failures, Microsoft has announced that for those whose consoles warranty period has not expired need not pay any amount of money to get their console repaired. Also apart from this you need to wait for getting the console back to you. Once you have send the console to Microsoft service centre, you have to wait for at least four to eight weeks to get them back.


For those who do not prefer this solution can opt for another alternate solution. You can repair the console by yourself in your home. For this you need to watch some video tutorials which are available in the internet and require some simple tools like screw driver, etc. The main objective is that you need to remove the X clamp from the motherboard and fix the heat sink without the help of the X clamp. So, you need some crew and bolt to fix the heat sink to the motherboard. It's very easy. This arrangement helps to provide a better air flow to the motherboard. The most important benefit is that you can fix the console within one or two hours and you can start playing game on the same day.

Xbox Repair Videos - Watch the Tutorials Now

Repair your Xbox 360 by watching the videos online and fix your Xbox 360 now. You can fix your Xbox in just one hour from now and start playing the games again. Save over $100 and also the valuable play time. Just by using your household tools you can fix your Xbox and its pretty simple. Just give me ten minutes and I will show you how to fix your Xbox now. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/xboxredlightfix to Fix your Xbox 360 now.

new videogame

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Poker Superstars III [Game Download]

Giving holiday presents for kids and teens, regardless of gender, might not be as easy as you think. Remember that Christmas gift ideas that have worked for you when you were younger may not be applicable today. For one, kids and teens of today have different hobbies and interests from when you were in their age. In order to get an idea of what types of gifts the young generation might like, you should probably surf the Internet or read magazines for their particular age group. It may also be best to just talk to them to know what their hobbies, sports, and interests are before you head to the mall or click on an online shop.

Toys are still the best option for boys and girls that are under nine or ten years old. Stuffed toys, dolls and even play sets are usually what young girls like. However, it would be best to know what character they prefer or what type of movies and television programs they watch so that you do not have to rack your brain just to come up with great Christmas gift ideas.

As for little boys, some of the things you might want to consider are train sets, super hero figures, vehicles, and even comic books. Aside from toys, other useful things that you can give young children include educational materials, such as coloring books, dictionaries, board games, and even puzzles. Again, it would really be great if you spend some time asking the kids about their likes and dislikes so that whatever you are going to give them will not go to waste. Imagine how it would appear if you give a dinosaur toy to a kid that is afraid of big reptiles.

Coming up with cool Christmas gift ideas for teenage boys is not really as hard as you think. More often than not, the latest gadgets and videogame consoles are what they prefer. Anything that would make them look cool will surely touch their hearts. If this is too expensive for you, giving them perfume or just about anything that would enhance their looks and mojo are also welcomed.

Teenage girls are also not that difficult to please. Aside from makeup kits, accessories, and perfume, anything that glitters will surely be appreciated. Since girls at this age want to feel like grownup women, Christmas gift ideas such as spa kits, beauty products or even sleep mists and accessories will be much appreciated.

Need a holiday gift? Everyone has been stressed and restless with the economy this year, so get them something they can really use. Give the gift of a good night's sleep at http://www.ScentToSleep.com

Hope you enjoyed the article topic christmas gift ideas. Make your purchase today.

new videogame

Monday, June 22, 2009

Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance SP Accessory Bundle Kit - Rapid Home Travel Charger + Car Charger with IC Chip

Customer Review: Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance SP Accessory Bundle Kit
Purchased this as a stocking stuffer for my daughter for Christmas. None of the chargers in this kit even fit my daughters DS!! Returned it and still have not heard from the seller and it has been almost a month! Will not purchase from Bargaincell again.
Customer Review: Well-priced and works perfectly
I received this in a timely manner. It was packaged well and everything works great! I'd definitely buy from this seller again.

Does your teen spend the majority of his free time indoors on the computer, only taking breaks for snacks and the bathroom? Does he ignore friends, family, even showers, while his grades plummet and belligerence soars? He might have a video game addiction.

When time spent playing video games reaches a point that it harms a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person may be caught in a cycle of addiction. The Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence say video game addiction is becoming this country's most increasingly worrisome epidemic, comparable even to drug and alcohol abuse. It isn't just affecting teenagers. In older addicts, compulsive gaming can jeopardize jobs or relationships.

Signs of Addiction

According to the Center for On-Line Addiction, warning signs for video game addiction include:

  • Playing for increasing amounts of time
  • Thinking about gaming during other activities
  • Gaming to escape from real-life problems, anxiety, or depression
  • Lying to friends and family to conceal gaming
  • Feeling irritable when trying to cut down on gaming

Physical signs of addiction include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Back, neck aches
  • Headaches
  • Dry eyes
  • Failure to eat regularly or neglect personal hygiene

Addiction Dangers

As many as one in 30 computer game players have symptoms and withdrawal similar to those of gambling and drug addicts, psychologists say. Even the most casual teen gamers are affected by video games and suffer from low self esteem issues compared to their more athletic and social peers. The studies also revealed, younger gamers were more likely to become lifetime addicts and social outcasts.

Getting help

A support group called On-Line Gamers Anonymous is twelve-step, self-help organization and web site dedicated to helping those addicted to computer/ video/console/on-line games. They also welcome the gamer's friends and family.

You can call the OLGA Hot Line at 612-245-1115.


nintendo videogame

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Lord of the Rings Shadows of Angmar Prepaid 60-Day Game Time Card

Customer Review: Good Game - Game card is a little tricky to enter in the website
This is a fun MMORG to play. I prefer it to Guild Wars, but had to get use paying a monthly fee. This card makes it a little easier for me (I can get a few cards at once). It is a little tricky to enter the code in the turbine website. The link to enter the code is in a pretty small font and it is too easy to confuse it with place to enter the product key. Have fun and enjoy.

Giving holiday presents for kids and teens, regardless of gender, might not be as easy as you think. Remember that Christmas gift ideas that have worked for you when you were younger may not be applicable today. For one, kids and teens of today have different hobbies and interests from when you were in their age. In order to get an idea of what types of gifts the young generation might like, you should probably surf the Internet or read magazines for their particular age group. It may also be best to just talk to them to know what their hobbies, sports, and interests are before you head to the mall or click on an online shop.

Toys are still the best option for boys and girls that are under nine or ten years old. Stuffed toys, dolls and even play sets are usually what young girls like. However, it would be best to know what character they prefer or what type of movies and television programs they watch so that you do not have to rack your brain just to come up with great Christmas gift ideas.

As for little boys, some of the things you might want to consider are train sets, super hero figures, vehicles, and even comic books. Aside from toys, other useful things that you can give young children include educational materials, such as coloring books, dictionaries, board games, and even puzzles. Again, it would really be great if you spend some time asking the kids about their likes and dislikes so that whatever you are going to give them will not go to waste. Imagine how it would appear if you give a dinosaur toy to a kid that is afraid of big reptiles.

Coming up with cool Christmas gift ideas for teenage boys is not really as hard as you think. More often than not, the latest gadgets and videogame consoles are what they prefer. Anything that would make them look cool will surely touch their hearts. If this is too expensive for you, giving them perfume or just about anything that would enhance their looks and mojo are also welcomed.

Teenage girls are also not that difficult to please. Aside from makeup kits, accessories, and perfume, anything that glitters will surely be appreciated. Since girls at this age want to feel like grownup women, Christmas gift ideas such as spa kits, beauty products or even sleep mists and accessories will be much appreciated.

Need a holiday gift? Everyone has been stressed and restless with the economy this year, so get them something they can really use. Give the gift of a good night's sleep at http://www.ScentToSleep.com

Hope you enjoyed the article topic christmas gift ideas. Make your purchase today.

angry videogame

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bee Movie Game

Product Description
From the makers of "Shrek" and "Madagascar" comes the next DreamWorks Animation film, "Bee Movie" written, produced, and starring Jerry Seinfeld. "Bee Movie" Game offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience, as you play Barry B. Benson in this pulse-pounding adventure from the never-before-seen perspective of a bee. Try your hand at racing cars, chasing targets, flying at high speed and more. As Barry B. Benson, you are on a journey to save the bee's production of honey that takes you to New York City and beyond. Master the hustle of the hive and venture outside the hive to navigate the hazards and excitement of the outside world. Are you fly ... er, bee enough?


  • Driving fun: drive race cars, scooters, taxicabs, trucks, and more.
  • Fly and chase: Fly, hover, and dive at high speed through the skies. Chase after cars and dodge traffic through the dangerous streets of New York.
  • Slow down time: control and slow down time with your bee reflexes.
  • Buzz and pollinate: Buzz around to cause chain reactions to occur. Use your handy Pollinator Gun to blast away dangers.
  • Multiplayer: compete in multiplayer mini-games to see who dominates.
  • Bonus points: win bonus points with racing, classic arcade, and puzzle games.

Customer Review: A Suprisingly Good Game!
A Surprisingly Good Game! I tend to find myself unable to stay away from games that were originally big blockbuster movies. Games like Catwoman, Batman Begins, Spiderman, etc. The Bee Movie game is a direct tie-in with the animated movie. It was only fourteen bucks on Amazon, so i just couldn't help but feel pulled into this impulse purchase. I am not gonna go into specifics of the game. But if you enjoy Mario & Crash Bandicoot games, this will be right up your alley. The graphics and visuals of the game are excellent and you feel immersed in the world of Barry Benson (Jerry Seinfeld). You literally feel transported into his world. Pick this up & add it to your library as it's a great title to have.

With interactive digital skateboard parks we will also see a whole new wave of digital recordings for skateboard riders. Through CAD/CAM technologies and digital video will come the video material needed for virtual-reality skateboard parks, where the rider stands on a board in his or her living room, which is mounted on a platform in front of a large high-definition flat-panel screen. At first these systems will show up at theme parks and then eventually be incorporated into the lineup of videogames by Sony or Microsoft Corp.

You can expect these virtual-reality living room games to be used by kids during rainy days or inclement weather. As more and more people buy these systems the prices will come down. Currently these technologies are not is expensive as you might think because the skateboard can be mounted to the platform, which will record the speed attained by the foot motion and as the rider leans from side to side that to will be recorded and displayed on the screen.

The Online Think Tank estimates the Virtual Reality/Video Game Immersion Industry to be well worth 5 Billion Dollars by 2012 and grow by over 8-15% per year. Skateboarding or Hover Board type augmented or virtual reality gaming will be a sub-sector of that market, which once introduced will surely grow along with the total market.

Interactive virtual-reality games such as this are good to help a rider practice without getting hurt doing very complex trick maneuvers. It will also keep young riders active during bad weather and give them a workout, meaning that we might prevent onset juvenile diabetes. Not to mention that such a videogame/virtual-reality system will be extremely fun, challenging and exhilarating, especially for grown up kids who cannot perform as well as they once did in their youth. The 'glory day' reliving of the Baby Boomers and X'ers childhood will be a percentage of the users.

Professional skateboard riders could sell their best trick performance is to an online trading system such as on eBay, so others might try to match their skill. This would allow riders who spend all their time skateboarding to earn a living for their efforts. It would also be a good way to get additional content for videogames or to be used in Hollywood movies.

Holographic virtual-reality living room gaming is on its way and this will allow a writer to experience a near reality skateboarding session totally immersed in the activity. It will also give the rider confidence in his or her ability to overcome fear, build self-confidence and attain an expert skateboarding level.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

videogame music

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hasbro Classic Game Collection

Those classic board games that enticed a generation of players are now ready for your PC / ESRB E Everyone

Whoever said that video gaming is a childish pastime clearly hasn't seen the prices of videogames these days. For $50 and above per product, video gaming is no longer a right. It's a luxury that only adults - given their purchasing power - can actually enjoy.

Indeed, with the rising cost of videogame software, the hobby has become an expensive investment. Review websites are enjoying wide readerships because people want to know - for certain - whether or not a video game is worth the money they'll spend on the same.

Sadly, reviews aren't always as accurate as one would expect them to be. Videogame reviews are always subjective, always dependent on the likes, dislikes and other idiosyncrasies beholden to the reviewer. And if recent controversies are to be believed, videogame reviews are also dependent on how much advertising dough the company has spent on the review website's pages.

Thankfully, most games - particularly PC games - offer free PC game demos. These demos are partial representations of the actual game. They may allow the player to play the game for a limited amount of time, or they may allow the player to play a small portion of the game, say a level or two. The game company hopes that such small immersion in the game's virtual world would be enough to lure the player into buying the full version.

Videogame companies also hope that these demos will be better versions of game reviews, as the prospective buyer himself can gauge the merits of the game to see if it's the right one for him.

Many video gaming companies have made it a habit to release free PC game demos. Ubisoft is, perhaps, the most prominent of them all. With hits like the Call of Duty series, the Rainbow 6 series and the Ghost Recon series, players have come to expect that Ubisoft's titles will have demos distributed prior to their release.

Ubisoft, just like other videogame companies, have another reason for releasing these demos, namely, for beta testing purposes.

Beta testing refers to that stage of the videogame's creation when bugs are being sought and the engine is being test driven to perfection. Beta testing is doubly important for videogames with online components (which account for 95% of the videogame software programs released these days), as this stage not only challenges the engine itself but also the infrastructure and stability of the videogame's would-be server.

Unlike the usual free PC game demos, however, videogames being beta tested allow users to download a game client that more or less comprises the entire game.

There are two types of beta testing: open and closed. Open beta testing allows everyone who has the means to download the game client to do so. Closed beta testing only allows a selected number of people - usually invited - to download and test the game client.

Where can you download these PC game demos? There are many websites that host every PC game demo ever released. You can try Gamespot.com, Fileplanet.com and even IGN.com for a comprehensive listing of these demos as well as access their amazingly fast servers.

Adam Leeds is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about diamonds and jewels, please visit Free PC Games Today for current articles and discussions.

www videogame

Thursday, June 18, 2009

D_Skin 20 Pack (DVD/Game/CD)

Protect your discs the easy way...with Protective Disc Skins from d skin. They protect your DVD, data, video game and music discs from scratches even while they play.Just snap a d skin onto your favorite discs and consider them protected. The beauty is, d skin stays on your discs even while they play. That's right - your discs are totally readable right through the Skin. Once your discs are skinned, there's nothing to take off or put on when you're playing, storing or transporting. One d skin does it all.
Customer Review: 5 stars must read
okayb first off i just got this today so far its half good and half bad it plays my ps2 games pretty fine a little noise on some but not enough to effect the way it plays for use of ps2 games in the ps2 slim when ps2 slim is modded 5 stars i don't know if it plays in the slim when the slim ps2 is not modded, i tryed to play dvds in my modded ps2 slim with d-skin's on and it won't read the disk and i put it in a new dvd player it would not work so for use of protecting your dvds on a mac dvd player ps2 or laptop 1 star. for use of protecting ps2 games 5 stars... one of the reasons i rated this 5 stars i because its the thing that protects it while it plays
Customer Review: good item to have
I have two small kids so I need to protect our DVDs. These worked fine in most of our players. Maybe had a problem with one, but it was not big deal. Definitely good to have if you have kids.

Comic book and graphic novel criticism is rarely found outside of niche publications such as Wizard, or the many fan-driven sites that litter the web. Occasionally a mainstream newspaper will publish an article on the medium as a whole, or offer a retrospective on an under appreciated author, usually Alan Moore; but for the most part it is rare to come across comic reviews in any shape or form. I used to believe that this was simply down to media prejudice - and largely it probably is - but when I decided to dedicate my precious spare time to the joys of graphic novel criticism, I soon learnt that the "funny books" were far from the easiest medium to offer an objective evaluation of.

In the era of Stan Lee, comic plots rarely extended beyond an issue. The Fantastic Four would thwart Doctor Doom's plans for world domination and still be home in time to laugh at the Thing's working class idiosyncrasies. While this limited the writers somewhat, it did allow for episodic adventures that were entirely self-contained. Casual readers could pick up the occasional issue and never be far behind the soap opera antics of their favourite characters. Of course, pre-80s comics were considered an enjoyable but disposable pastime. Most were binned after being read, and forgotten soon after.

Naturally, things have changed. Sequential art is now accepted as an art form, though whether such an acceptance entails any benefits is another matter altogether. The contemporary comic book has become a far slower affair, with the sort of storyline that would have filled a single issue back in the sixties now stretched across several. While this makes for far superior graphic novel narratives, it does alienate the casual reader, and leaves the regular collector dangling on tenterhooks before the serial has had time to resume. More importantly, this approach to serial storytelling has rendered the reviewing of individuals comic issues a little pointless - who reviews the first half of a film, or a television drama only up to the first commercial break?

Of course, we could leave the reviews until our favourite series are collected in trade paperback format, but this approach is equally problematic. Many series have reached double digit number of volumes. Should each volume of The Sandman, The Walking Dead, or Y: The Last Man be reviewed individually, or should the series be critiqued as a whole? If comic book critics were to wait until a series had concluded before laying down their position, then very few new books would get the endorsement that quality appraisal offers.

Of course, there are no answers here. The comic medium will continue to suffer the prejudice of literary circles, and isolate those with only a passing interest. But I love the fact that any individual can have his say on the internet, and would rather be guided by the opinions of another comic enthusiast than the tepid, uninspired drivel from a mainstream film or videogame magazine that has temporarily jumped aboard the superhero zeitgeist. With or without mainstream attention, the comic book appears to be stuck comfortably in its niche. Is that such a bad thing?

Carl Doherty occasionally assumes the guise of a freelance writer specialising in cultural nonsense of the pop and junk varieties. For more of his pungent diatribes on the twisted world of comic books, including a daily graphic novels review, and his weekly webcomic The Scribe, visit holycr4p! Graphic Novel Reviews

ds videogame

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nintendo NES System - Video Game Console

Pre-owned 8-bit NES system with NEW internal 72 pin connector professionally installed. No more blinking & flashing on screen!
Customer Review: NES controller
Great sysystem,albeit a knockoff of the original. Only drawback-you have to start at the beginning everytime. Can't save the game! Barbara O
Customer Review: Nintendo
Sadly it didn't work. However the seller was great in taking it on return and testing to find the problem I found.

Science fiction has emerged as acceptable in the literary cannon with the inclusion of a wide selection of science fiction writers as worthy of studying. At least this was one of the facts I learnt of a genre which I had for long associated with popular thrillers when we discussed Contemporary American Literature in the US a year or so ago.

Science fiction is a broad genre of fiction often involving speculations on current or future science or technology usually in books, art, television, films, games, theater, and other media. In the age of television, computers and other technology, the fascination of contemporary fiction writers with technology has become an extension of the sphere of social realism for the exploration of writers..

Science fiction is akin to fantasy. But it differs from it in that, its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically postulated laws of nature though some elements might still be pure imaginative speculation.

Science fiction is largely then writing entertainingly and rationally about alternate possibilities in settings that are contrary to known reality including:

A setting in the future, in alternative time lines, or in a historical past that contradicts known historical facts or archaeological records

A setting in outer space, other worlds, or one involving aliens.

Stories that contradict known or supposed laws of nature.

Stories that involve discovering or applying new scientific principles, such as time travel or psionics,

Stories that involve the discovery or application of new technology, such as nanotechnology, faster-than-light travel or robots,

Stories that involve the discovery or application of new and different political or social systems

Science fiction also involves imaginative extrapolations of present day phenomena, such as the thoughtful projection forward of contemporary medical practices such as organ transplants, genetic engineering, and artificial insemination or the evolving social changes such as the rise of the suburb and the growing disparity between the rich and poor.

Science fiction has a widening range of possibilities in themes and form. It embraces many other subgenres and themes.

Science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein defines it as "realistic speculations about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method." For Rod Serlin whilst "fantasy is the impossible made probable, Science Fiction is the improbable made possible.There are thus no easily delineated limits to science fiction. For even the devoted fan- has a hard time trying to explain what it is.

Hard science fiction, gives rigorous attention to accurate detail in quantitative sciences producing many accurate predictions of the future, but with numerous inaccurate predictions emerging as seen in the late Arthur C. Clarke who accurately predicted geostationary communications satellites, but erred in his prediction of deep layers of moondust in lunar craters.

"Soft" science fiction its antithesis describes works based on social sciences such as psychology, economics, political science, sociology and anthropology with writers as Ursula K. Le Guin and Philip K. Dick. and its stories focused primarily on character and emotion of which; Ray Bradbury is an acknowledged master.

Some writers blur the boundary between both. Mack Reynolds's work, for instance, focuses on politics but anticipates many developments in computers, including cyber-terrorism.

The Cyberpunk genre, a portmanteau of "cybernetics" and "punk" ,emerged in the early 1980s." First coined by Bruce Bethke in his 1980 short story"Cyberpunk," its time frame is usually the near-future and its settings are often dystopian. Its common themes include advances in information technology, especially of the Internet (visually abstracted as cyberspace (possibly malevolent), artificial intelligence, enhancements of mind and body using bionic prosthetics and direct brain-computer interfaces called cyberware, and post-democratic societal control where corporations have more influence than governments. Nihilism, post-modernism, and film noir techniques are common elements. Its protagonists may be disaffected or reluctant anti-heroes. The 1982 film Blade Runner is a definitive example of its visual style with noteworthy authors in the genre being William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Pat Cadigan, and Rudy Rucker.

Science fiction authors and filmmakers draw on a wide spectrum of ideas. Many works overlap into two or more commonly-defined genres, while others are beyond the generic boundaries, being either outside or between categories.The categories and genres used by mass markets and literary criticism differ considerably.

Time travel stories popularized by H. G. Wells' novel The Time Machine with antecedents in the 18th and 19th centuries are popular in novels, television series ( Doctor Who), as individual episodes within more general science fiction series ( "The City on the Edge of Forever" in Star Trek, "Babylon Squared" in Babylon 5, and "The Banks of the Lethe" in Andromeda )and as one-off productions such as The Flipside of Dominick Hide.

Alternate history stories based on the premise that historical events might have turned out differently. using time travel to change the past, or simply set a story in a universe with a different history from our own. Classics in the genre include Bring the Jubilee by Ward Moore, in which the South wins the American Civil War and The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick, in which Germany and Japan win World War II. .

Military science fiction exploits conflicts between national, interplanetary, or interstellar armed forces; in which the main characters are usually soldiers. It has much details about military technology, procedures, rituals, and history; and sometimes using parallels with historical conflicts. Examples include Heinlein's Starship Troopers followed by the Dorsai novels of Gordon Dickson. Prominent military SF authors include David Drake, David Weber, Jerry Pournelle, S. M. Stirling, and Lois McMaster Bujold. Joe Haldeman's The Forever War , a Vietnam-era response to the World War II-style stories of earlier authors is a critique of the genre. Baen Books cultivates military science fiction authors. Television series within this subgenre include Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1 and Space: Above and Beyond. There is also the popular Halo videogame and novel series.

Related genres include speculative fiction, fantasy, and horror,. alternate histories (which may have no particular scientific or futuristic component), and even literary stories that contain fantastic elements, such as the work of Jorge Luis Borges or John Barth. Magic realism works have also been said to be within the broad definition of speculative fiction.

Fantasy is closely associated with science fiction. Many writers, including Robert A. Heinlein, Poul Anderson, Larry Niven, C. J. Cherryh, C. S. Lewis, Jack Vance, and Lois McMaster Bujold have therefore worked in both genres. Writers such as Anne McCaffrey and Marion Zimmer Bradley have written works that appear to blur the boundary between the two related genres Science Fiction conventions routinely have programming on fantasy topics and fantasy authors such as J. K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien (in film adaptation) have won the highest honor within the science fiction field, the Hugo Award. Larry Niven's The Magic Goes Away stories treat magic as just another force of nature subject to natural laws which resemble and partially overlap those of physics.

In general, science fiction is the literature of things that might someday be possible, and fantasy is the literature of things that are inherently impossible.with magic and mythology being amongst its popular themes.It is common to see narratives described as being essentially science fiction but "with fantasy elements." such narratives being termed "science fantasy"..

Horror fiction is literature of the unnatural and supernatural, aimed at unsettling or frightening the reader, sometimes with graphic violence. " Although not a branch of science fiction, its many works incorporates science fictional elements. Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, is a fully-realized science fiction work , where the manufacture of the monster is given a rigorous science-fictional grounding. The works of Edgar Allan Poe also helped define the science fiction and the horror genres. Today horror is one of the most popular categories of film.

Modernist works from writers like Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, and StanisBaw Lem bordering Science Fiction and the mainstream.have focused on speculative or existential perspectives on contemporary reality. According to Robert J. Sawyer, "Science fiction and mystery have a great deal in common. Both prize the intellectual process of puzzle solving, and both require stories to be plausible and hinge on the way things really do work." Isaac Asimov, Anthony Boucher, Walter Mosley, and other writers incorporate mystery elements in their science fiction, and vice versa.

Superhero fiction is a genre characterized by beings with hyper physical or mental prowess, generally with a desire or need to help the citizens of their chosen country or world by using their powers to defeat natural or supernatural threats. Many superhero fictional characters have involved themselves (either intentionally or accidentally) with science fiction and fact, including advanced technologies, alien worlds, time travel, and interdimensional travel; but the standards of scientific plausibility are lower than with actual science fiction.

Some of the best-known authors of this genre include Stan Lee, Keith R. A. DeCandido, Diane Duane, Peter David, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman, George R. R. Martin, Pierce Askegren, Christopher Golden, Dean Wesley Smith, Greg Cox, Nancy Collins, C. J. Cherryh, Roger Stern, and Elliot S! Maggin.

As a means of understanding the world through speculation and storytelling, science fiction has antecedents back to mythology, though precursors to science fiction as literature began to emerge from the 13th century (Ibn al-Nafis, Theologus Autodidactus) to the 17th century (the real Cyrano de Bergerac with "Voyage de la Terre la Lune" and "Des tats de la Lune et du Soleil") and the Age of Reason with the development of science itself. Voltaire's Micromgas was one of the first, together with Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels. Following the 18th century development of the novel as a literary form, in the early 19th century, Mary Shelley's books Frankenstein and The Last Man helped define the form of the science fiction novel] later Edgar Allan Poe wrote a story about a flight to the moon. More examples appeared throughout the 19th century. Then with the dawn of new technologies such as electricity, the telegraph, and new forms of powered transportation, writers like Jules Verne and H. G. Wells created a body of work that became popular across broad cross-sections of society. In the late 19th century the term "scientific romance" was used in Britain to describe much of this fiction. This produced additional offshoots, such as the 1884 novella Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott. The term would continue to be used into the early 20th century for writers such as Olaf Stapledon.

In the early 20th century, pulp magazines helped develop a new generation of mainly American SF writers, influenced by Hugo Gernsback, the founder of Amazing Stories magazine. In the late 1930s, John W. Campbell became editor of Astounding Science Fiction. A critical mass of new writers emerged in New York City. Called the Futurians, This group included Isaac Asimov, Damon Knight, Donald A. Wollheim, Frederik Pohl, James Blish and Judith Merril. Other important writers during this period included Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, and A. E. Van Vogt. Campbell's tenure at Astounding is considered to be the beginning of the Golden Age of science fiction, characterized by hard SF stories celebrating scientific achievement and progress. This lasted until postwar technological advances, new magazines like Galaxy under Pohl as editor, and a new generation of writers began writing stories outside the Campbell mode.

In the 1950s, the Beat generation included speculative writers like William S. Burroughs. In the 1960s and early 1970s, writers like Frank Herbert, Samuel R. Delany, Roger Zelazny, and Harlan Ellison explored new trends, ideas, and writing styles, as was a a group of writers, mainly in Britain, who became known as the New Wave. In the 1970s, writers like Larry Niven and Poul Anderson began to redefine hard SF while Ursula K. Le Guin and others pioneered soft science fiction.

In the 1980s, cyberpunk authors like William Gibson turned away from the traditional optimism and support for the progress of traditional science fiction. Star Wars helped spark a new interest in space opera, focusing more on story and character than on scientific accuracy. C. J. Cherryh's detailed explorations of alien life and complex scientific challenges influenced a generation of writers.

Emerging themes in the 1990s included environmental issues, the implications of the global Internet and the expanding information universe, questions about biotechnology and nanotechnology, as well as a post-Cold War interest in post-scarcity societies; Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age comprehensively explores these themes. Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan novels brought the character-driven story back into prominence.

The Next Generation began a torrent of new SF shows, of which Babylon 5 was among the most highly acclaimed in the decade. There was also the television series Star Trek. :A general concern about the rapid pace of technological change crystallized around the concept of the technological singularity, popularized by Vernor Vinge's novel Marooned in Realtime and then taken up by other authors. Television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and films like The Lord of the Ring created new interest in all the speculative genres in films, television, computer games, and books. According to Alan Laughlin, the Harry Potter stories have been very popular among young readers, increasing literacy rates worldwide

While SF has provided criticism of developing and future technologies, it also produces innovation and new technology. The discussion of this topic has occurred more in literary and sociological than in scientific forums.

Cinema and media theorist Vivian Sobchack examines the dialogue between science fiction film and the technological imagination. Technology does impact how artists portray their fictionalized subjects, but the fictional world gives back to science by broadening imagination. While more prevalent in the beginning years of science fiction with writers like Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Frank Walker and Arthur C. Clarke, new authors like Michael Crichton still find ways to make the currently impossible technologies seem so close to being realized]

This has also been notably documented in the field of nanotechnology with University of Ottawa Professor Jos Lopez's article "Bridging the Gaps: Science Fiction in Nanotechnology." Lopez links both theoretical premises of science fiction worlds and the operation of nanotechnologies.

Science fiction has brought in the primacy of technology as a culture making it otherwise called 'technoculture' which in literature describes a new proximity between the author and technology. From the computer code accompanying the text of Laurie Anderson's stories from the Nerve Bible to the metaphors of binary computer logic used by Thomas Pynchon in The Crying of Lot 49 to the full partnership of computer and authorship represented by hypertext fiction, many recent literary developments suggest a shift in paradigm linking creativity with the telecommunications machine that now facilitate- and mediate - human contact. This has also resuscitated science fiction as an experimental literary genre that has for over three decades being producing compelling dystopian visions, social allegories, and innovative variations on traditional forms of fantasy. constituting a new and powerful engagement with technology as a social and creative force.

The possibilities just as the dangers of technologies are immense. The present day technologies might be used by women and other historically disenfranchised groups as tools to embody and enforce new social relations. In Feral Lasers Gerald Vizenor's crossblood trickster technician Almost Browne harnesses first-world technology to produce holographic laser light shows that project the ghosts of the past over the landscapes of the Quidnunc reservation and urban Detroit. And Almost Browne asserts the cause of light rights in the courtroom where he is being tried for causing a public disturbance,whilst people inspired by him deploy the lasers to revise histories to hold their memories, and to create a new wilderness over the interstates.

Born and schooled in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Arthur Smith has taught English for over thirty years now at various Educational Institutions. He is now a Senior Lecturer of English at Fourah Bay College where he has been lecturing for the past eight years.

Mr Smith's writings have been in various international media like West Africa Magazine, Index on Censorship, Focus on Library and Information Work, myfreearticlecentral.com, freeonlinelibrary.com, mabaylareview.org and nathanielturner.com He participated in a seminar on contemporary American Literature in the U.S. in 2006. His growing thoughts and reflections on this trip which took him to various US sights and sounds could be read at lisnews.org.

His other publications include: Folktales from Freetown, Langston Hughes: Life and Works Celebrating Black Dignity, and 'The Struggle of the Book'

new videogame

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nintendo Universal Game Max Pink

Customer Review: Holds everything you need and is pink!
This is the perfect size... it holds my DS, my 16 card case, my guitar hero stuff, earphones, and still has more room. Well made too.
Customer Review: Great Case for the DS
I purchased this case for my grandson's DS. My daughter says he loves it so much he wears it around the house. It is also like a small backpack.

What if I showed you how you can make $2000 per month, just by playing games?
Don't believe me? By the end of this article your perspective on work will have completely changed. Why? Because you'll have learned that you don't need some run of the mill job to make a living. And you'll have greater insight into how you can slowly accumulate wealth as a video game tester by doing what you love. At the end of this article, I provide a link that will get you started right away. In the meantime, read on to learn more about this fantastic money-maker!

In today's world it is important to choose a career that generates enough money to enjoy the best things in life. There are so many career options like law, medicine, accounting and other business ventures. If you're looking for an unconventional career then I suggest you find one that keeps your interest and sparks your passion. After all, most people find the greatest success in a career that they enjoy. Did you know one could get a job by playing or creating video games? There are many different types of careers available for the people who have an interest in this field.


According to my opinion, video game programmers are the core operating employees of this industry. These programmers create the necessary codes for the proper game operations. The programming part is not always easy. Sometimes it is a challenging job to do. It sometimes involves complex functions and troubleshooting that make the job demanding in terms of your patience and dedication. A person who has a talent in mathematics as well as analytical knowledge is always a fit in this field.

Video Game Tester

From my personal experience I can say that video game testing is a career where one can get paid bucket-loads of cash for playing unreleased games. The employees responsibility is to play beta games, as a general user does, and sees if there is anything wrong with the gameplay. As a newbie in this industry one can start as a video game tester. Its a terrific way to get your foot in the door. As a video game tester one needs to have passion for games and some relevant educational background as well (knowledge of the Windows Operating System etc.).


Being an Animator is another exciting career option in the videogame industry. Animators give a real life touch to games. After the process of programming & testing, the animators do their job to make the games more interesting. Basically animation is nothing but real life acting by the game characters. The basic demand of this job is to create characters that will be seen by the gamers around the world. One opting for this career should preferrably have a degree in animation.

Sound Designer

The responsibility of Sound designer is to create music and sound effect for the video games. Game Music is either done digitally or by true instruments. As the demand of video games increases, the style of game audio is also increasing. Nowadays the sound designers want to create the appropriate sounds required for a particular game. Thus the job has become a creative experimentation.

If somebody wants to be a successful sound designer then firstly the person must have a keen interest in sound and music. Secondly the person must have the right knowledge about recording technology and last but not the least the person must be familiar with upcoming trends in game music. A good video game degree can help a person to build up the above mentioned talents.

Game Designer

The job responsibility of a video game designer is to create the experience while playing a game. They make sure that games are fun to play with. They design the game from beginners level to advance level, like they handle the core mechanism of a game. A good designer should possess enjoyment in games, with knowledge of programming and artistic skills.

As a video game testing professional I can say that this industry has release a passion in me for my work and I have truly found happiness in my career.

Are you still sitting on your butt playing the latest PS3 game and NOT GETTING PAID? Don't be such a sucker. You can be making some sweet sweet cash right now for going about your normal video game playing routine. Click Here To Learn More About How To GET PAID Testing Video Games

angry videogame

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Game of the Year Edition

On the heels of the amazing success of the original game, which has earned countless awards from publications around the world and won numerous Game of the Year and RPG of the Year awards, comes the enriched and expanded Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition. This new product will allow players who have never played the 2006 Game of the Year to experience Oblivion for the first time with additional content. Included with the original game is the official expansion, The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles, and the downloadable content, Knights of the Nine. In addition, gamers can continue their existing games of Oblivion and experience the new quests and areas offered by the expansion and downloadable content. ESRB rated RP for Rating Pending
Customer Review: Fantastic!
I can't believe how much depth and realism there is in this game! Stunning graphics, immersive game play, and huge replay factor make this a fantastic bargain. This game was far ahead of its time which accounts for the wonderful reviews it gets even now (2009). If you like exploring huge worlds with a wide variety of friends and foes this game is for you. If you like having the ability to play different play styles; i.e. hack and slash, stealth and strategy, in-depth professions, this game is for you. If you want the best bang for your buck, this game is for you. This is a must have for the PS3.
Customer Review: Not another bug!
This is a very beautiful game, but it's boring and full of bugs! The leveling system forces you to adjust your gameplay and really takes the enjoyment out of it. Also, there is a very serious bug that corrupts your save game data. It has cause me to restart my character 3 times already; that's 60 hours of gameplay down the drain. Apparently this bug has been in the series since Morrowind. If you are going to get this game, get it for the PC where there is hope for patches and mods.

Does your teen spend the majority of his free time indoors on the computer, only taking breaks for snacks and the bathroom? Does he ignore friends, family, even showers, while his grades plummet and belligerence soars? He might have a video game addiction.

When time spent playing video games reaches a point that it harms a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person may be caught in a cycle of addiction. The Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence say video game addiction is becoming this country's most increasingly worrisome epidemic, comparable even to drug and alcohol abuse. It isn't just affecting teenagers. In older addicts, compulsive gaming can jeopardize jobs or relationships.

Signs of Addiction

According to the Center for On-Line Addiction, warning signs for video game addiction include:

  • Playing for increasing amounts of time
  • Thinking about gaming during other activities
  • Gaming to escape from real-life problems, anxiety, or depression
  • Lying to friends and family to conceal gaming
  • Feeling irritable when trying to cut down on gaming

Physical signs of addiction include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Back, neck aches
  • Headaches
  • Dry eyes
  • Failure to eat regularly or neglect personal hygiene

Addiction Dangers

As many as one in 30 computer game players have symptoms and withdrawal similar to those of gambling and drug addicts, psychologists say. Even the most casual teen gamers are affected by video games and suffer from low self esteem issues compared to their more athletic and social peers. The studies also revealed, younger gamers were more likely to become lifetime addicts and social outcasts.

Getting help

A support group called On-Line Gamers Anonymous is twelve-step, self-help organization and web site dedicated to helping those addicted to computer/ video/console/on-line games. They also welcome the gamer's friends and family.

You can call the OLGA Hot Line at 612-245-1115.


xbox 360 videogames

Sunday, June 14, 2009

D_Skin 20 Pack (DVD/Game/CD)

Protect your discs the easy way...with Protective Disc Skins from d skin. They protect your DVD, data, video game and music discs from scratches even while they play.Just snap a d skin onto your favorite discs and consider them protected. The beauty is, d skin stays on your discs even while they play. That's right - your discs are totally readable right through the Skin. Once your discs are skinned, there's nothing to take off or put on when you're playing, storing or transporting. One d skin does it all.
Customer Review: 5 stars must read
okayb first off i just got this today so far its half good and half bad it plays my ps2 games pretty fine a little noise on some but not enough to effect the way it plays for use of ps2 games in the ps2 slim when ps2 slim is modded 5 stars i don't know if it plays in the slim when the slim ps2 is not modded, i tryed to play dvds in my modded ps2 slim with d-skin's on and it won't read the disk and i put it in a new dvd player it would not work so for use of protecting your dvds on a mac dvd player ps2 or laptop 1 star. for use of protecting ps2 games 5 stars... one of the reasons i rated this 5 stars i because its the thing that protects it while it plays
Customer Review: good item to have
I have two small kids so I need to protect our DVDs. These worked fine in most of our players. Maybe had a problem with one, but it was not big deal. Definitely good to have if you have kids.

With the long awaited release of the Playstation 3, its sure to have gamers all around scrambling to purchase this new system. There are two different consoles and prices of the PlayStation 3: the 20GB version and the 60GB version. Each console will have something different to offer and different price tags as well.

The first version of the Playstation 3 is the 20GB version and will retail at $499.99. The next Playstation 3 is the 60GB version and will retail at $599.99.

The new console design has a more sleek and simple design and weighs less than the other console systems. The first version of the model is only going to be offered in black, but some indications state in the future other colors like; white and silver will be available.

On thing that didnt change in the new video system is the ability to sit horizontally or vertically. With an AV rack it can be placed in both positions, otherwise a horizontal position would be preferred to the fact of its curved console shape.

The traditional controllers have maintained the same image and functions through out the years. This is a warm welcome for the experienced playstation gamers. The one thing that has changed on the controller for the better is the enlargement of the L2 and R2 should buttons. An enlarged titling angle of the joystick will ensure better manipulation and wider range of motion. The force feedback vibration has been done away with, fearing the vibration might interfere with certain games that use the motion sensor.

The controller will be wireless comparable to the XBOX 360 controller. The wireless controller will operate with a Bluetooth 2.0 EDR that can transmit data at the rate of up to 3.0Mbps.

The Playstation Portable will be able to connect to the new console. The PSP can function as a remote control or as an extra controller for the Playstation 3.

The games will use a hard drive to save game and load times will be around two to three seconds.

The 60GB Playstation 3 system will offer a number of features such as four USB ports, compact flash and CD readers, Blu-ray optical disc drive, and memory stick.

The 20GB Playstation 3 will not have some of these features, which is why it costs nearly a hundred dollars less. You will have to decide for yourself which system is right for your needs.

New to Playstation is the Blu-ray disc drive. This disc can hold up to 54GB and can play games and movie discs. With the Blu-ray disc drive you can play high definition DVDs without having to purchase a separate Blu-ray DVD player.

Mohd Fairuz runs a website on video game systems. Visit his website to learn more how to determine which video game system is right for you and your kids at the following URL: http://www.netinfo4all.com/videogame/

