Friday, March 13, 2009

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Game of the Year Edition

On the heels of the amazing success of the original game, which has earned countless awards from publications around the world and won numerous Game of the Year and RPG of the Year awards, comes the enriched and expanded Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition. This new product will allow players who have never played the 2006 Game of the Year to experience Oblivion for the first time with additional content. Included with the original game is the official expansion, The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles, and the downloadable content, Knights of the Nine. In addition, gamers can continue their existing games of Oblivion and experience the new quests and areas offered by the expansion and downloadable content. ESRB rated RP for Rating Pending
Customer Review: Fantastic!
I can't believe how much depth and realism there is in this game! Stunning graphics, immersive game play, and huge replay factor make this a fantastic bargain. This game was far ahead of its time which accounts for the wonderful reviews it gets even now (2009). If you like exploring huge worlds with a wide variety of friends and foes this game is for you. If you like having the ability to play different play styles; i.e. hack and slash, stealth and strategy, in-depth professions, this game is for you. If you want the best bang for your buck, this game is for you. This is a must have for the PS3.
Customer Review: Not another bug!
This is a very beautiful game, but it's boring and full of bugs! The leveling system forces you to adjust your gameplay and really takes the enjoyment out of it. Also, there is a very serious bug that corrupts your save game data. It has cause me to restart my character 3 times already; that's 60 hours of gameplay down the drain. Apparently this bug has been in the series since Morrowind. If you are going to get this game, get it for the PC where there is hope for patches and mods.

Even the youngest members of the family can help out around the house

Theres a pattern in American households thats been emerging and its harmful for kids. Kids have essentially gone from being contributors to the household, to being waited on hand and foot. Too many moms see household duties as being outside the realm of their childs responsibilities and their ability. Its not only sad, its also untrue.

In fact, if kids are fully capable of contributing to the mess of a house, why cant they be expected to contribute to its cleaning? The problem rests with moms. As mothers we often look at housework as the old saw if you want it done right, youll have to do it yourself. But, thats defeating for everybody.

Kids quickly learn that the auto-mom will handle all the messes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, and other household jobs if they can prove their incompetence. And Moms get something out of being the only one who cleans the toilet right, or folds the towels like they do in department stores. But this has to stop. Otherwise, trying to keep home and hearth together will be a 24-hour-a-day job and well end up with children wholl leave the home one day and not have the vaguest clue about how to handle household duties.

Have the expectation that kids will do the jobs youve assigned them
One of the things that can undermine the process of kids helping out around the house is a parents expectation that they wont do it. Expect that they will do the jobs, check on their progress, and assign appropriate rewards and consequences to the job, and its amazing how well kids will perform.

Parents have to realign their minds that kids are fully capable -- and often willing -- to participate in the running of the household and the housekeeping that goes with it. As an example, if you asked your son to take out the trash before dinner, remove the videogame privilege until its done.

Yes, it is easier to just do it ourselves, but thats not practical and it sets a bad example, showing kids that in the real world, theres someone there to clean up after you. As anyone will tell you, the real world demands that you pick up after yourself. However, not all kids are ready for every household task.

Training kids to clean properly also relies on giving them age-appropriate jobs around the house -- and not expecting perfection. That doesnt mean they should be allowed to do a sloppy job, either.

As the Cleaning Editor of BellaOnline, I dig cleaning. Thats why Im the editor of that site. But, I dont expect my kids to have the same standards that I do. But, I expect them to be able to do an acceptable job appropriate to their age and abilities. When my kids do a poor job, I simply tell them the shirt needs to be refolded, for example, and have them correct the situation to the best of their abilities.

The whole family pitches in when we need to go somewhere and have to clean in a hurry or when we need to do a thorough cleaning. Having kids clean the house teaches them responsibility, appreciation and care for their surroundings, and self-pride in a job well done. Thats something every child should experience for themselves.

Housekeeping Chores and Duties for Children

Ages 3 to 5

* Help straighten a room

* Help make their bed

* Bring items from one room to another

* Help set or set the table

* Help clear or clear the table

* Bring towels to the laundry

* Swiffer

* Gather trash

Ages 6 to 10

* Sweep

* Make their bed every day

* Do dishes

* Straighten and pick up

* Load/unload dishwasher

* Vacuum

* Fold & put away laundry

* Dust

* Clean baseboards window sills

* Take out trash

Ages 11 to Until theyre out of the house

* Sweep, Vacuum

* Make their bed every day

* Straighten and pick up

* Operate Washer/Dryer; do laundry

* Clean bathrooms

* Dust

* Clean windows

* Do dishes/load and unload dishwasher

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter feng shui e-zine and is dedicated to helping her readers develop successful, prosperous, and supportive environments with feng shui. To subscribe, logon to and receive this special report Fr*ee "16 Feng Shui Secrets for Greater Prosperity."

new videogame

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