Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pokemon Emerald (Prima Official Game Guide)

It's a Team Aqua and Team Magma rematch!
·Tips for collecting the 200 + 2 Pokémon to complete the Hoenn Pokédex
·How to clear all 7 Battle Frontier arenas and get the Silver Symbols
·Detailed walkthrough guides you through story mode
·Maps cover every region, including all-new, as-yet-unexplored areas
·Field, Battle, and Contest moves lists, plus Items list
·How to play Pokémon Emerald with Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire, Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreen, and Pokémon Colosseum
Customer Review: Excellent
Book came in very good condition. It has all the information my son need for his games.
Customer Review: Badly designed
This book is nearly useless. Instead of providing a walkthrough, where one typically can follow the steps and progress through the game, the editor chose to sort by location. This means that when you look up Meteor Falls you see something you may be able to do now as well as what you'll need to do in the same location later in the game. To make matters worse there is no distinction made between the two events so it's difficult to know if the later events are able to be done now, or if it's something you'll have to come back for. The only real reason to pick this up is for the Pokédmon listing that corresponds to this specific game, in other games Pokémon acquire abilities at different levels

Science fiction has emerged as acceptable in the literary cannon with the inclusion of a wide selection of science fiction writers as worthy of studying. At least this was one of the facts I learnt of a genre which I had for long associated with popular thrillers when we discussed Contemporary American Literature in the US a year or so ago.

Science fiction is a broad genre of fiction often involving speculations on current or future science or technology usually in books, art, television, films, games, theater, and other media. In the age of television, computers and other technology, the fascination of contemporary fiction writers with technology has become an extension of the sphere of social realism for the exploration of writers..

Science fiction is akin to fantasy. But it differs from it in that, its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically postulated laws of nature though some elements might still be pure imaginative speculation.

Science fiction is largely then writing entertainingly and rationally about alternate possibilities in settings that are contrary to known reality including:

A setting in the future, in alternative time lines, or in a historical past that contradicts known historical facts or archaeological records

A setting in outer space, other worlds, or one involving aliens.

Stories that contradict known or supposed laws of nature.

Stories that involve discovering or applying new scientific principles, such as time travel or psionics,

Stories that involve the discovery or application of new technology, such as nanotechnology, faster-than-light travel or robots,

Stories that involve the discovery or application of new and different political or social systems

Science fiction also involves imaginative extrapolations of present day phenomena, such as the thoughtful projection forward of contemporary medical practices such as organ transplants, genetic engineering, and artificial insemination or the evolving social changes such as the rise of the suburb and the growing disparity between the rich and poor.

Science fiction has a widening range of possibilities in themes and form. It embraces many other subgenres and themes.

Science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein defines it as "realistic speculations about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method." For Rod Serlin whilst "fantasy is the impossible made probable, Science Fiction is the improbable made possible.There are thus no easily delineated limits to science fiction. For even the devoted fan- has a hard time trying to explain what it is.

Hard science fiction, gives rigorous attention to accurate detail in quantitative sciences producing many accurate predictions of the future, but with numerous inaccurate predictions emerging as seen in the late Arthur C. Clarke who accurately predicted geostationary communications satellites, but erred in his prediction of deep layers of moondust in lunar craters.

"Soft" science fiction its antithesis describes works based on social sciences such as psychology, economics, political science, sociology and anthropology with writers as Ursula K. Le Guin and Philip K. Dick. and its stories focused primarily on character and emotion of which; Ray Bradbury is an acknowledged master.

Some writers blur the boundary between both. Mack Reynolds's work, for instance, focuses on politics but anticipates many developments in computers, including cyber-terrorism.

The Cyberpunk genre, a portmanteau of "cybernetics" and "punk" ,emerged in the early 1980s." First coined by Bruce Bethke in his 1980 short story"Cyberpunk," its time frame is usually the near-future and its settings are often dystopian. Its common themes include advances in information technology, especially of the Internet (visually abstracted as cyberspace (possibly malevolent), artificial intelligence, enhancements of mind and body using bionic prosthetics and direct brain-computer interfaces called cyberware, and post-democratic societal control where corporations have more influence than governments. Nihilism, post-modernism, and film noir techniques are common elements. Its protagonists may be disaffected or reluctant anti-heroes. The 1982 film Blade Runner is a definitive example of its visual style with noteworthy authors in the genre being William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Pat Cadigan, and Rudy Rucker.

Science fiction authors and filmmakers draw on a wide spectrum of ideas. Many works overlap into two or more commonly-defined genres, while others are beyond the generic boundaries, being either outside or between categories.The categories and genres used by mass markets and literary criticism differ considerably.

Time travel stories popularized by H. G. Wells' novel The Time Machine with antecedents in the 18th and 19th centuries are popular in novels, television series ( Doctor Who), as individual episodes within more general science fiction series ( "The City on the Edge of Forever" in Star Trek, "Babylon Squared" in Babylon 5, and "The Banks of the Lethe" in Andromeda )and as one-off productions such as The Flipside of Dominick Hide.

Alternate history stories based on the premise that historical events might have turned out differently. using time travel to change the past, or simply set a story in a universe with a different history from our own. Classics in the genre include Bring the Jubilee by Ward Moore, in which the South wins the American Civil War and The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick, in which Germany and Japan win World War II. .

Military science fiction exploits conflicts between national, interplanetary, or interstellar armed forces; in which the main characters are usually soldiers. It has much details about military technology, procedures, rituals, and history; and sometimes using parallels with historical conflicts. Examples include Heinlein's Starship Troopers followed by the Dorsai novels of Gordon Dickson. Prominent military SF authors include David Drake, David Weber, Jerry Pournelle, S. M. Stirling, and Lois McMaster Bujold. Joe Haldeman's The Forever War , a Vietnam-era response to the World War II-style stories of earlier authors is a critique of the genre. Baen Books cultivates military science fiction authors. Television series within this subgenre include Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1 and Space: Above and Beyond. There is also the popular Halo videogame and novel series.

Related genres include speculative fiction, fantasy, and horror,. alternate histories (which may have no particular scientific or futuristic component), and even literary stories that contain fantastic elements, such as the work of Jorge Luis Borges or John Barth. Magic realism works have also been said to be within the broad definition of speculative fiction.

Fantasy is closely associated with science fiction. Many writers, including Robert A. Heinlein, Poul Anderson, Larry Niven, C. J. Cherryh, C. S. Lewis, Jack Vance, and Lois McMaster Bujold have therefore worked in both genres. Writers such as Anne McCaffrey and Marion Zimmer Bradley have written works that appear to blur the boundary between the two related genres Science Fiction conventions routinely have programming on fantasy topics and fantasy authors such as J. K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien (in film adaptation) have won the highest honor within the science fiction field, the Hugo Award. Larry Niven's The Magic Goes Away stories treat magic as just another force of nature subject to natural laws which resemble and partially overlap those of physics.

In general, science fiction is the literature of things that might someday be possible, and fantasy is the literature of things that are inherently impossible.with magic and mythology being amongst its popular themes.It is common to see narratives described as being essentially science fiction but "with fantasy elements." such narratives being termed "science fantasy"..

Horror fiction is literature of the unnatural and supernatural, aimed at unsettling or frightening the reader, sometimes with graphic violence. " Although not a branch of science fiction, its many works incorporates science fictional elements. Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, is a fully-realized science fiction work , where the manufacture of the monster is given a rigorous science-fictional grounding. The works of Edgar Allan Poe also helped define the science fiction and the horror genres. Today horror is one of the most popular categories of film.

Modernist works from writers like Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, and StanisBaw Lem bordering Science Fiction and the mainstream.have focused on speculative or existential perspectives on contemporary reality. According to Robert J. Sawyer, "Science fiction and mystery have a great deal in common. Both prize the intellectual process of puzzle solving, and both require stories to be plausible and hinge on the way things really do work." Isaac Asimov, Anthony Boucher, Walter Mosley, and other writers incorporate mystery elements in their science fiction, and vice versa.

Superhero fiction is a genre characterized by beings with hyper physical or mental prowess, generally with a desire or need to help the citizens of their chosen country or world by using their powers to defeat natural or supernatural threats. Many superhero fictional characters have involved themselves (either intentionally or accidentally) with science fiction and fact, including advanced technologies, alien worlds, time travel, and interdimensional travel; but the standards of scientific plausibility are lower than with actual science fiction.

Some of the best-known authors of this genre include Stan Lee, Keith R. A. DeCandido, Diane Duane, Peter David, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman, George R. R. Martin, Pierce Askegren, Christopher Golden, Dean Wesley Smith, Greg Cox, Nancy Collins, C. J. Cherryh, Roger Stern, and Elliot S! Maggin.

As a means of understanding the world through speculation and storytelling, science fiction has antecedents back to mythology, though precursors to science fiction as literature began to emerge from the 13th century (Ibn al-Nafis, Theologus Autodidactus) to the 17th century (the real Cyrano de Bergerac with "Voyage de la Terre la Lune" and "Des tats de la Lune et du Soleil") and the Age of Reason with the development of science itself. Voltaire's Micromgas was one of the first, together with Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels. Following the 18th century development of the novel as a literary form, in the early 19th century, Mary Shelley's books Frankenstein and The Last Man helped define the form of the science fiction novel] later Edgar Allan Poe wrote a story about a flight to the moon. More examples appeared throughout the 19th century. Then with the dawn of new technologies such as electricity, the telegraph, and new forms of powered transportation, writers like Jules Verne and H. G. Wells created a body of work that became popular across broad cross-sections of society. In the late 19th century the term "scientific romance" was used in Britain to describe much of this fiction. This produced additional offshoots, such as the 1884 novella Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott. The term would continue to be used into the early 20th century for writers such as Olaf Stapledon.

In the early 20th century, pulp magazines helped develop a new generation of mainly American SF writers, influenced by Hugo Gernsback, the founder of Amazing Stories magazine. In the late 1930s, John W. Campbell became editor of Astounding Science Fiction. A critical mass of new writers emerged in New York City. Called the Futurians, This group included Isaac Asimov, Damon Knight, Donald A. Wollheim, Frederik Pohl, James Blish and Judith Merril. Other important writers during this period included Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, and A. E. Van Vogt. Campbell's tenure at Astounding is considered to be the beginning of the Golden Age of science fiction, characterized by hard SF stories celebrating scientific achievement and progress. This lasted until postwar technological advances, new magazines like Galaxy under Pohl as editor, and a new generation of writers began writing stories outside the Campbell mode.

In the 1950s, the Beat generation included speculative writers like William S. Burroughs. In the 1960s and early 1970s, writers like Frank Herbert, Samuel R. Delany, Roger Zelazny, and Harlan Ellison explored new trends, ideas, and writing styles, as was a a group of writers, mainly in Britain, who became known as the New Wave. In the 1970s, writers like Larry Niven and Poul Anderson began to redefine hard SF while Ursula K. Le Guin and others pioneered soft science fiction.

In the 1980s, cyberpunk authors like William Gibson turned away from the traditional optimism and support for the progress of traditional science fiction. Star Wars helped spark a new interest in space opera, focusing more on story and character than on scientific accuracy. C. J. Cherryh's detailed explorations of alien life and complex scientific challenges influenced a generation of writers.

Emerging themes in the 1990s included environmental issues, the implications of the global Internet and the expanding information universe, questions about biotechnology and nanotechnology, as well as a post-Cold War interest in post-scarcity societies; Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age comprehensively explores these themes. Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan novels brought the character-driven story back into prominence.

The Next Generation began a torrent of new SF shows, of which Babylon 5 was among the most highly acclaimed in the decade. There was also the television series Star Trek. :A general concern about the rapid pace of technological change crystallized around the concept of the technological singularity, popularized by Vernor Vinge's novel Marooned in Realtime and then taken up by other authors. Television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and films like The Lord of the Ring created new interest in all the speculative genres in films, television, computer games, and books. According to Alan Laughlin, the Harry Potter stories have been very popular among young readers, increasing literacy rates worldwide

While SF has provided criticism of developing and future technologies, it also produces innovation and new technology. The discussion of this topic has occurred more in literary and sociological than in scientific forums.

Cinema and media theorist Vivian Sobchack examines the dialogue between science fiction film and the technological imagination. Technology does impact how artists portray their fictionalized subjects, but the fictional world gives back to science by broadening imagination. While more prevalent in the beginning years of science fiction with writers like Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Frank Walker and Arthur C. Clarke, new authors like Michael Crichton still find ways to make the currently impossible technologies seem so close to being realized]

This has also been notably documented in the field of nanotechnology with University of Ottawa Professor Jos Lopez's article "Bridging the Gaps: Science Fiction in Nanotechnology." Lopez links both theoretical premises of science fiction worlds and the operation of nanotechnologies.

Science fiction has brought in the primacy of technology as a culture making it otherwise called 'technoculture' which in literature describes a new proximity between the author and technology. From the computer code accompanying the text of Laurie Anderson's stories from the Nerve Bible to the metaphors of binary computer logic used by Thomas Pynchon in The Crying of Lot 49 to the full partnership of computer and authorship represented by hypertext fiction, many recent literary developments suggest a shift in paradigm linking creativity with the telecommunications machine that now facilitate- and mediate - human contact. This has also resuscitated science fiction as an experimental literary genre that has for over three decades being producing compelling dystopian visions, social allegories, and innovative variations on traditional forms of fantasy. constituting a new and powerful engagement with technology as a social and creative force.

The possibilities just as the dangers of technologies are immense. The present day technologies might be used by women and other historically disenfranchised groups as tools to embody and enforce new social relations. In Feral Lasers Gerald Vizenor's crossblood trickster technician Almost Browne harnesses first-world technology to produce holographic laser light shows that project the ghosts of the past over the landscapes of the Quidnunc reservation and urban Detroit. And Almost Browne asserts the cause of light rights in the courtroom where he is being tried for causing a public disturbance,whilst people inspired by him deploy the lasers to revise histories to hold their memories, and to create a new wilderness over the interstates.

Born and schooled in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Arthur Smith has taught English for over thirty years now at various Educational Institutions. He is now a Senior Lecturer of English at Fourah Bay College where he has been lecturing for the past eight years.

Mr Smith's writings have been in various international media like West Africa Magazine, Index on Censorship, Focus on Library and Information Work,,, and He participated in a seminar on contemporary American Literature in the U.S. in 2006. His growing thoughts and reflections on this trip which took him to various US sights and sounds could be read at

His other publications include: Folktales from Freetown, Langston Hughes: Life and Works Celebrating Black Dignity, and 'The Struggle of the Book'

videogame music

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ear Force X3 Headset: Chat + Wireless Game Audio, for Xbox 360

PC gamers rely on headphones to eliminate distracting noise around them, so they can concentrate on their game play and hear every nuance of the game audio. Stereo headphones with an integrated PC microphone are incompatible with the Xbox 360, so gamers are forced to choose between using standard headphones and talking online. Conventional Xbox communicator headsets cover one ear for chat, leaving only a single ear for hearing game audio from the speakers. The Ear Force X3 overcome this problem by pumping game audio AND online chat through high-fidelity headphones to deliver the privacy, clarity, and competitive edge of PC headphones on the Xbox 360 platform. They're also designed to enhance the Microsoft Xbox 360 gaming experience by enabling the user to independently control volume of amplified chat and game audio - a first for wireless headphones. Designed for premium sound, the X3s feature 40mm drivers in each ear cup and are powered by low distortion DC-coupled amplifiers for deep, rich bass sound. Engineered for long-gaming sessions, the headphones incorporate a soft, cushioned, adjustable headband, deep ear pads and tilting ear cups to fit the contours of the gamer's head. No matter if your priority is physical comfort, headset options or audio clarity, the Ear Force X3 wireless Xbox headphones will hold up to the test. Headset usable with other gaming systems (mic for Xbox 360 only)
Customer Review: BE VERY CAUSIOS
When I frist got these head phones they where great. I got them for Christmas 2008 and they worked well...until February 2009. The mike according to my friends on live "sounded like I was mumbling every word" and when I switch back to my 15 dollar mike they could hear me better. Maybe it is just mine, maybe I broke it but this is a Major Issue for a set of 100 dollar headphones. I recommend them but if you buy them, keep your old mike.
Customer Review: Best. Headset. EVER!
Well... Let me start off with saying that I have been gaming my whole life, I have owned everything from PS2's to Xbox originals, to the latest Xbox 360. When the Xbox 360 launched it was created to be the leader in console gaming both for hardcore and casual gamers. I am a Hardcore gamer, I game A LOT! I know my way around when it comes to consoles, and I know my hardware and Accessories... So, I purchased this headset a couple months back, and from the date I purchased this I have not put it down! The Sound quality is amazing! and I really have not noticed a SINGLE problem with it! I will list some pros that I haven't seen posted on here thus far: Pros: - The Headsets Sound quality is amazing, I play a lot of shooter games (CoD4, Halo , BF-BC etc) and I have never been able to hear what I hear when I am wearing this Unit! The Things you hear are - rain, Footsteps, long distance firing, and much more - with the recent Music games that have started to dominate the video game market (rockband / Guitar Hero) I play in my living room and my family gets very annoyed to hear the "annoying" songs that I play in those games broadcast through the house and these headphones have completely eliminated that FOREVER!!!! - WIRELESS - I have used several Wireless headsets that cause "Fuzz" and "Distortion" but I have NO problem with these at all! :) - You can change anything, if the volume of the game is to loud you can turn it down, or if you need more chat volume you can turn that up, it is a very easy method right on the headphones themselves! - Overall I find NO real problem with these headsets... I love them to death, I tried to go back to a garbage MS mic after I got the Turtle Beach X3 just to see how different it was... and I could not stand it! These Headsets are by far the best I have ever used! and I have used a lot!!! Cons: - The only con that I find in this item is that they don't come with rechargeable batteries... (they come with batteries but not rechargeable ones) so I went to best but, and bought a 4pack of rechargeable batteries ($5.00) and everything from there on out has been perfect!!! Overall I would rate this Item with a 10/10! I have used it for awhile now, and have had no problems, and the quality is incredible! I always go by the saying "you get what you pay for" well that is the case here, I had 3 Microsoft Mics break on me last year alone, that's $60.00 a year, at that rate... so I invested in this and have had no problems for about 7-8months!!! I would suggest this item to anyone looking to get a good quality, superbly designed headset, and get the best bang for your buck!

Criticality of Training in Today's Organizations

Like every successful organization, your strategy needs to include recruiting and retaining the best quality employee possible. In an expanding economy with a tightening job market, higher performing companies recognize the challenge of retaining staff. With multiple generations present in today's workplaces, providing customized and targeted training is key.

A convergence of multiple environmental, socioeconomic, and technological influences present you with the challenge of retaining staff. You need to ramp up your training and development efforts. Training plays a critical role in your employee's ability to actively contribute to operational, strategic and financial goals for the company.

Through training, an employee learns the company's vision and strategies. He also learns how he can add skills, knowledge and abilities to his resume in order to assume different and growing roles within your organization. The employee understands that he's an integral part of the whole. He sees just how critical his participation is in achieving business objectives and goals.

An employee needs consistent and repetitive messages over time about your company's core values and expectations for individual and team-based performance. Then, synergies of compounded performance develop to enhance your organization's overall productivity and achievement. The employee buys into the vision. He begins to actively participate in his own self-development. His loyalty to the company increases. In this model of a high performing organization, your challenge becomes building a training organization within the human resource function that will stimulate, inform and help to retain your employees.

How Training Is Changing

The evolution of technology and daily use of computers in the workplace has already impacted how employees receive training. Many e-learning providers are responding to workplace needs or legal mandates to provide specific training to employees. In 2006, in the state of California, AB 1825 went into effect, mandating that sexual harassment prevention training must be conducted for supervisors at least once every two years. Many law firms and e-training providers have jumped on the bandwagon to develop "interactive" e-learning programs that can satisfy a portion of the mandated new training requirement. Employees can use self-paced, technology-based training to learn course content, ask "on-line editors" questions, and take a test at the end of the section to show what they learned. Programs like this can also track participants and generate hard copy reports to demonstrate a company's compliance with the mandated training.

The Department of Homeland Security is uses new simulation and modeling software to conduct homeland security training in a cost-effective manner. Trainees use reality based simulations to learn critical information. New recruits learn their success and failures before they experience them firsthand in live combat. Wired magazine's article, "The War Room" describes how f/x artists, research scientists, Pentagon experts, and videogame developers came together to create the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT), a research and development group at the University of Southern California. ICT's virtual training uses an old forum to teach soldiers how to best navigate difficult combat situations involving tiers of decisions for reacting: storytelling.

The New Training Paradigm

Professors from Indiana and Warwick universities (Kim et al.) titled, "Surveying the Future of the Workplace: E-Learning: The Rise of Blending, Interactivity, and Authentic Learning." Companies answered 49 questions related to e-learning. Their responses were overwhelmingly optimistic, indicating they support and embrace e-learning or blended learning. Blended learning is a marriage of traditional, face-to-face lectures and and online training. Today's conventional wisdom on workplace training says that blended learning presents alternative venues for companies to train employees. It reinforces key messages and reaches people with different learning styles through a variety of learning opportunities.

Companies were asked what technology-based applications and instructional methods would be used in the future. They indicated " ...authentic cases and scenario learning, simulations or gaming, virtual team collaboration and problem solving, and problem-based learning would be more widely used in the coming decade." (Kim et al.) Distributed learning environments can be represented by virtual communities, blogging, instant messaging, and computer-supported group collaboration and problem solving (Bonk & Graham). Predictions of "environments that simultaneously facilitate both distributed environments and face-to-face interactions are on the horizon requiring that e-training facilitators assume broader and varied roles."

E-learning facilitators "wear four pairs of shoes," according to e-learning experts Ed Hootstein and Zane Berge. They assume the roles of instructor, social director, program manager and technical assistant. E-learning facilitators can create examples for situational and authentic learning in addition to traditional instruction through a variety of e-technology applications. These include e-mail, groupware, audio and video conferencing. "The vast array of electronic tolls available for analysis, design, planning, problem solving, and giving presentations enable learners to perform sophisticated and complex tasks and solve problems in creative ways." (Hootstein)

The ultimate goal in developing technology based training according to Berge is "to make the technology transparent." Because of advancements over time in the availability and economy of technology in today's workplace, the e-learning facilitator can focus on the content and delivery of the materials to teach key learnings.

Authentic, or experiential learning has also come into vogue. We draw upon our knowledge and life experiences to learn and understand, and personal behavior can be changed as a result. This learning is based upon "consciousness, experience, and reflection." (Grimmett) It's about making a connection, bringing home the example at hand to resonate with the participant in a meaningful way to change a person's perception and belief system.

Next Steps and Summary

Major corporations such as Sun Microsystems, Cisco, Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft already use blended, authentic learning in their training systems (Bonk & Graham). This emergence of blended learning provides the next generation of training application and delivery systems. It teaches employees key lessons in a variety of ways. It provides a greater opportunity for learning through technology, face-to face situations and authentic learning experiences.

E-learning will need to be evaluated to determine " learners' achievement and satisfaction, followed by clearer reward systems and incentives for e-learning completion, and training that helps learners self-regulate their learning." (Kim et al.). These thoughts reflect the next steps for companies to develop to encourage employee's participation in blended learning programs. Even so, blended learning using authentic situations now represents an opportunity for companies to build their own training and development function and take advantage of the myriad of resources that are available through this new and evolving training paradigm.

2007- Regan HR, Inc.

Becky Regan, M.A., CCP began her own consulting practice in 1995, Regan HR, Inc. to provide human resources consulting services to businesses in California. She has been successful in growing her business through reputation and client referrals. Her work as a consultant includes the full spectrum of HR technical expertise, including C-level recruitment, compensation studies (design, market and executive pay studies, sales compensation plans), training & teaching, interim assignments as a HR Director for organizations, and employee relations, including workplace investigations and written responses to formal complaints.

For more HR tips and to receive my FREE "The Top 5 Secrets to Building a Better Organization that Every HR Pro Must Know" report go to

Friday, May 29, 2009

Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP (Flame)

Many decried the original Game Boy Advance's reflective LCD screen and its reliance on external light sources. The Game Boy Advance SP's main feature--optional backlighting--fixes this complaint nicely, but it's the wealth of other features that makes this system so surprisingly good.

At first look, you might think the SP is a sleek travel alarm clock. When closed, it's just as tall and deep as the original GBA, but only half as wide. Due to its clamshell design, the screen is always protected from everyday scratches. A small button in the center of the console turns on the backlighting element for use in low-light situations, like in a moving car.

Game Boy Advance angle diagram The SP comes with a well-designed power adapter that recharges a built-in battery; its prongs fold in for easier storage. Our informal tests found that it takes about four hours to fully charge (you can even play it while it's plugged in and charging), and the battery lasts about 11 hours with the backlighting constantly on--your results may vary. Using the backlighting less often will conserve battery power.

With separately sold cables, you can connect the Game Boy Advance SP to other GBAs for multiplayer gaming (above) or to the Nintendo GameCube (below) to access secret levels, exchange data, or use other special features that vary from game to game.
The quality of the backlighting is very good. It's bright and clear when looking directly at it, but degraded from other angles. This is only a problem for friends who are watching the screen from over your shoulder.

But size, power, and affordability do not come without trade offs. There's no headphone jack here, though Nintendo promises an adapter. The system isn't very loud at its highest volume, and the sound can be turned down to socially acceptable levels. The L and R shoulder buttons are a fraction of the size they were on the GBA, and thus are harder to hit. Also, the reduced size of the SP is slightly less comfortable for adult hands than the GBA, but perhaps more comfortable for smaller hands. The cartridge port placement on the lower part of the console is fine for GBA games, since they are flush with the console body, but older Game Boy Color carts will stick out in a way that takes some getting used to.

Open it up and the hinge will seek out a preferred, pre-set angle (about 150 degrees), though you can open it a bit wider or narrower for your own comfort. The hinge stands up well to lateral pressure, and over all, the SP seems just as rugged as its predecessor--which has proven to be very rugged, indeed. --Porter B. Hall

Unit Specifications

  • CPU: 32-Bit ARM with embedded memory
  • Memory: 32 KB with 96 KB VRAM (in CPU), 256 KB WRAM (external of CPU)
  • Screen: 2.9-inch reflective TFT color LCD
  • Display Size: 1.6 by 2.4 inches (40.8 by 61.2 mm)
  • Resolution: 240 x 160 pixels in a wide-screen aspect ratio
  • Colors: 511 simultaneous colors from a palette of 32,768
  • Software: Fully compatible with Game Boy and Game Boy Color game paks
  • Light Source: Front light integrated with LCD
  • Size (closed): 3.3 by 3.23 by .96 inch
  • Weight: Approximately 5 ounces
  • Power Supply: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery
  • Battery Life: 10 hours continuous play with light on; 18 hours with light off; 3 hours recharging

Customer Review: Not for seniors
I wanted a simple 'puzzle' handheld game that didn't involve rapid finger and thumb movement because I'm simply too old for kid's games. This is a kid's game and nothing I read in advance prepared me for that. Apparently all the reviews are written by youngsters who love to wail at the keys before losing to a relentless clock. The game console (used) arrived in excellent condition but it was just a shell. NO included games, NO instructions. I ordered two games (Tetris, Mario Bros) which also came without instructions. Eventually I figured out what was needed but, again, not what I wanted. I've asked the kids selling Wii, PS2 & 3, etc., and none seemed to understand I wanted puzzle or adventure games - NOT action games requiring manual dexterity, so they didn't know what I should buy. I'm afraid the days of King's Quest and Liesure Suit Larry are gone forever, or at least anyone that knows about such things are nowhere to be found. Guess I'll go watch some TV...
Customer Review: Great game
Game has been handed down from my 7yr old to my 5yr old and still gets a lot of play.

Video game consoles are getting popular today because of the technology and the features when compared to that of the PC games. Initial video game console came with a cassette like circuit where you need to insert them into the consoles main box. Then games came into PC that was more fascinating than that of the ordinary video game because of its graphics and a variety of games available under different programming languages. Now, it has reached the next level like the Xbox or PlayStation, etc. The reason to this is some drawbacks in playing games in a PC in certain aspects. One of the major drawbacks is the graphics as PC requires special graphic cards to play certain games.

Microsoft's Xbox

Xbox is one such advanced gaming console available today in the market. Xbox is a product of Microsoft who themselves have developed the hardware for the console. We are all aware that, Microsoft is well known leader in writing program code. Xbox 360 is the latest product in videogame console released in the year 2005.


Xbox 360 hardware was developed by Microsoft Corporation with Microsoft's own program codes running on each and every component. It mainly consist of two processors namely the central processing unit (CPU) and the graphical processing unit (GPU). The console boxes consist of a power ring around which LEDs light will be glowing in green or red. The heat sinks are fixed firmly to the microprocessor by means of two X clamp beneath the motherboard. The added feature in Xbox 360 is the CD-ROM where you can add new games to the console where you like playing them. The storage space in this console also has been increased when compared to that of the previous version of console.

Design Failure

Since its introduction into the market many Xbox 360 users have complained about the red light error in their console. In any kind of consoles, it has some inbuilt setups to caution the users about the status of the console. Likewise, Xbox has the lights around the power ring to indicate these errors and also will display the cause of failure on the screen with some error number.

Error E74

Most of the users complain about a particular error called E74. This error results in glowing of three red lights in the power ring area. This problem is commonly known among gamers as 'THE RED RING OF DEATH' or RRoD. This error might lead to the death of the motherboard if the problem was not properly fixed. The cause for this error is the overheating of the console.

How To Fix

This can be fixed by removing the X clamps in the motherboard. The heat sinks do not provide enough air supply to the processors and the heated air is not properly removed from that area causing the processors to fail.

Repairing of console can be done in two ways. One by sending the console to Microsoft service station or by repairing by own. If you have the warranty, then the repair is done at free of cost. But, if the warranty period is over then you have to pay for the repair which will cost you more.

The simple solution for this problem is that you can repair the console by your own. There are some video tutorials in the internet using which you can fix your Xbox in just one hour. The repair work is pretty simple and I myself have done the repair work in my Xbox 360. These videos will tell you how to remove the X clamps from the motherboard and how to fix them back without the clamps.

Xbox 360 Video Tutorials - Fix Your Xbox in just One Hour From Now

Repair your Xbox 360 by watching some of the online videos and fix your Xbox 360 now. You can fix your Xbox in just one hour from now and start playing the games again. Save over $100 and also the valuable play time. Just by using your household tools you can fix your Xbox and its very simple to do. Just give me ten minutes and I will show you how to fix your Xbox now. Visit to Fix your Xbox 360 now.

videogame music

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hoyle Card Games 2009

Step up to the best deal in town and test your skill. Shuffle the cards and deal yourself in to the greatest card games of all time. Hoyle drops you right into the action with over 150 classic games, official rules, tips and strategies. From classic games like Cribbage to new favorites like online Texas Hold'em, HoyleCard Games 2009 has something for everyone. Now with built-in compatibility for both PC and Mac users alike ESRB Rated T for Teen
Customer Review: Not as good as previous versions.
I have been purchasing Hoyle Card Games since the 2005 version. I am disappointed in this new 2009 version. The cards are so small that I can't read them. Also, I cannot locate all these new characters that are supposed to be included. They need to work on it!
Customer Review: Not Mac compatible
I have bought this item 3 times now the first one worked for 1 month and then quit. I then purchased it again, it would not load on to my Mac, I then bought it again thinking something was wrong with the CD, nope, it would not load. Thinking it was me I took the game with me to the Mac store when I had my Mac upgraded and asked the tech to load it. He could not get it to load either. So I am so done. I have wasted far to much money on this game and will never try to purchase a Hoyle Card Game again.

The popular auction site,, attracts more buyers than any other website on the Internet today. That is why it is one of the best ways to make money online. There are many sellers competing on the site., and that is why finding the most popular products to sell on eBay and making them available to buyers is the best way to maximize profits.

You can buy just about anything on eBay, but you don't want to sell just anything there. The reason is that if you sell items that are not popular with buyers, your auctions will often end without selling, and you will end up with more fees than sales.

Of all the sellers who sell on the site, those who sell popular products in hot, lucrative niches are usually the sellers who make the most money. They know what to sell, where to get the products, and they know how to get them sold.

Finding popular products to sell on eBay is one of the most important elements for successful sellers. So what are the most popular products selling on eBay? They are not constant but are always changing because buyer trends are always changing. However, there are some things that are fairly constant when it comes to buying trends. One thing is that consumers are always interested in the latest electronic products, especially those that make their lives easier. This is why new cell phones such as the iPhone are always popular.

Other products that are popular with buyers are those that are entertaining. That is why the latest videogame system is always popular with buyers. There are other hot, lucrative niches that are popular with eBay buyers, such as name brand clothing, name brand accessories, and collectibles. Wise sellers are always busy looking for and finding the most popular products to sell on eBay, because these are the products that sell the best.

Would you like to learn more about the most popular products selling on eBay?

You can download the free Guide here: Secret eBay Niches

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Game of the Year Edition

On the heels of the amazing success of the original game, which has earned countless awards from publications around the world and won numerous Game of the Year and RPG of the Year awards, comes the enriched and expanded Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition. This new product will allow players who have never played the 2006 Game of the Year to experience Oblivion for the first time with additional content. Included with the original game is the official expansion, The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles, and the downloadable content, Knights of the Nine. In addition, gamers can continue their existing games of Oblivion and experience the new quests and areas offered by the expansion and downloadable content. ESRB rated RP for Rating Pending
Customer Review: Fantastic!
I can't believe how much depth and realism there is in this game! Stunning graphics, immersive game play, and huge replay factor make this a fantastic bargain. This game was far ahead of its time which accounts for the wonderful reviews it gets even now (2009). If you like exploring huge worlds with a wide variety of friends and foes this game is for you. If you like having the ability to play different play styles; i.e. hack and slash, stealth and strategy, in-depth professions, this game is for you. If you want the best bang for your buck, this game is for you. This is a must have for the PS3.
Customer Review: Not another bug!
This is a very beautiful game, but it's boring and full of bugs! The leveling system forces you to adjust your gameplay and really takes the enjoyment out of it. Also, there is a very serious bug that corrupts your save game data. It has cause me to restart my character 3 times already; that's 60 hours of gameplay down the drain. Apparently this bug has been in the series since Morrowind. If you are going to get this game, get it for the PC where there is hope for patches and mods.

Once again, there is a technology format war looming on the horizon. Many people don't remember the VHS - Betamax battle that broke out when video players were first introduced, making it possible for people to watch movies at home. This was a case of two non-compatible technologies, each of which was a format for taping full length feature films. Ultimately VHS won out, and the movie companies put out their products in that format - thus dooming Betamax and the product manufacturers that had adopted their technology, not to mention the thousands of consumers that had invested in Betamax players. We now find ourselves on the verge of creating a new set of sore losers.

Skirmishes over LCD versus plasma screen HD TV technology are ongoing, but that type of technology contest isn't as acute because you can watch TV or a movie on either type of screen. Currently, you can also play every DVD available on any DVD player that is in production and on the market. The next generation of DVD players, however, is coming over the horizon in the form of two distinct and incompatible technologies.

Toshiba versus Sony

Toshiba has developed a proprietary technology dubbed high definition DVD (HDDVD) and to support their format has developed alliances with Microsoft and Universal Films, among others. The HDDVD disks will be available in 15GB and two sided, 30GB versions.

By way of comparison, the current DVDs have enough storage for two hours of standard definition (SD) images, while the one-sided 15 gigabyte HDDVD disk can store up to eight hours of high definition (HD) images. The difference between SD and HD is simply twice the number of pixel lines displayed on the screen in the HD format, thus providing a crisper picture. The increased capacity of these disks will also allow for interactive features such as screen-in-screen director's discussion of movie scenes playing behind him that today's standard DVDs cannot support.

In the other corner is the Blu-Ray technology developed by Sony, who has lined up support from Apple, Disney and 20th Century Fox. Both formats use blue laser technology, which has a shorter wavelength than red, allowing it to read the smaller digital data "spots" packed a lot more densely onto a standard-size disc. Blu-Ray disks are designed to carry up to 50GB of digital material, which may mean that Sony wins the compression competition.

The Early Rounds

Sony Pictures released the first six films on Blu-Ray disks in June of this year, and have released a few more since. Samsung has a Blu-Ray DVD player in the stores, while Sony's hardware division has released a Blu-Ray compatible PC. Toshiba has its initial HDDVD player on the market and there are a limited number of titles available in the format, mostly re-releases of previous first-run features.

Sony clearly jumped out to an early lead, with support from Dell, HP, Mitsubishi and a number of other hardware manufacturers. In addition, Sony Pictures also owns Columbia and MGM, giving them an enormous library to work with. Sony will also fold its technology into the PlayStation 3 gaming machine, their proprietary product whose 2nd version rules the roost in the videogame market.

On the Toshiba side of the battlefield, proponents argue that the HDDVD disks will be cheaper to produce and that it will be comparatively easy for disk replicators to retrofit their equipment for production purposes. The HDDVD format also makes production of recordable DVDs much simpler than with the Blu-Ray design.

Further, an alliance with Microsoft will be a formidable edge in this battle, should it turn into a protracted conflict. Microsoft's operating systems are going to be important cogs in the development of future home viewing systems, as the technology moves closer to merging the functions of computers and televisions. If movie downloads become a commercial success, PC compatibility will be critical for these disks.

The Consumer Issues

One of the reasons that Microsoft aligned with Toshiba's technology is that HDDVD provides for "mandatory managed copy." What that means is that unlike with today's conventional DVDs, managed copy allows consumers to make legitimate copies of their HD movies and enjoy this content around the home or across their personal networks. Making this feature mandatory will ensure a consistent consumer experience across all next-generation DVD content.

Then there is the element of iHD, which is the concept of maximizing high definition video for transport across the internet. This is a specific set of video specs which the, a group of tech and media companies, is pushing as a cross-platform standard.

The theory is that next-generation HD movies will provide a level of interactive experience well beyond that of today's conventional DVDs. iHD technology is meant to provide a broad foundation to enable new interactivity with standards-based development tools and technologies.

The pitch for this standard is that it will provide consumers with enhanced content, navigation and functionality for HD films. The business reality is that Microsoft plans to implement iHD support in its Windows Vista operating system, which will not only be a significant step towards integrated video and computer systems but will make help drive adoption of the new Microsoft platform.

Duel to the Death Unlikely

There is some indication that all of these conflicting issues may ultimately force a compromise - some sort of merger or unification of the two technologies. Hardware manufacturers are hedging their bets, with the latest wrinkle being that Blu-Ray-aligned Hewlett Packard has requested that mandatory managed copy and the iHD standard be included in Blu-Ray's feature set. Sony has agreed to include the managed copy feature, but said no to iHD.

The Betamax - VHS battle was a tussle over hardware with the movie companies playing a predominant role, one Sony lost. This time around, there is much more uncertainty about how the next generation of home video will roll out. How will the Web and the PC fit in? Will the movies be delivered via disk or via download? How will the film industry protect its content rights and how can the hardware companies maximize their role?

PCs have become a commodity. If a scenario arises where every household needs a new computer to match up with new video technology, the Dells and HPs of this world stand to win big. If competing technology keeps people from investing in either, every involved business will suffer. If the film and DVD houses have to produce two sets of content and two disks for every film, their margins will grow considerably thinner as well. The tech bloggers seem to be increasingly inclined to believe that unification of some sort is inevitable. The corporations with the most to lose are too smart not to insist on it.

Madison Lockwood is a customer relations associate for She brings years of experience as a small business consultant to helping prospective clients understand the ways in which a website may benefit them both personally and professionally. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting, ecommerce hosting, vps hosting, and web design services to a wide range of customers. Established in 1999, Apollo prides itself on the highest levels of customer support.

new videogame

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Elder Scrolls: Morrowind (Game of the Year)

This Game of the Year Edition contains bonus content from both the Bloodmoon and Tribunal sagas! / For XBOX / Rated T: Teen Direct the construction of a mining colony and face the threat of savage werewolves Become a werewolf and indulge your thirst for the hunt. New armor and weapons including Nordic Mail and Ice blades
Customer Review: good gameing
its a good game fell short of my expectations but the person i bought it for seems to enjoy it so i guess its good
Customer Review: Great Game
This is one of the best games ever made, the music score is beautiful. This game will leave memories for the rest of your life, play this game! I Love you Bethesda!!!!

The current recession has undoubtedly spurred an unending number of articles, analyses, and commentaries on corners of the business world that haven't been struck as hard by the economic slowdown as others. Everyone is looking to make some more money while things are generally tight, and finding an unaffected business opportunity is an utterly logical way of doing that. It can often take a lot of searching, though: particularly because writers continue to spotlight the same handful of business sectors over and again. Home repair, car repair, healthcare, education, and a few others keep turning up as viable businesses during recession, but that's old news. At least one is often overlooked: entertainment.

When researching recession and the industries that have historically thrived under its conditions, one of the first things that comes up is a seedy list of taboo industries like liquor and prostitution. It may seem a little inappropriate to mention it, but there is reason for that trend. These industries survive because people weighted with the troubles tied to a lagging economy just want to escape reality, at least for a time. And that is the same root reason for which more innocent forms of entertainment succeed during economic dry spells as well.

There is one caveat to this pursuit of escape, however. Even though people are looking to get away from their troubles, they still remain relatively cognizant of their economic condition, which makes them reticent to go hog wild on entertainment luxuries they may have once indulged in. High-price items like concert, theater, and sports tickets all take a back seat to cheaper forms of entertainment.

During the Great Depression, it was incredibly common to find theaters packed to their breaking points on a regular basis, because 15 cents for a movie, though not cheap, was a price people were willing to pay to get away from life. Today, with the prominence and monetary value of at-home entertainment options, people are just as likely to stay in, rent an action flick, watch their sitcoms, or gather round the gaming console and take each other on in a shoot-em-up.

In fact, this is truer than anyone could have foreseen. With only two months remaining to the end of 2008, the cumulative growth of the American economy this year is expected to reach only 2.4%, which in itself is pretty pathetic. But, when you compare that to the year's growth rate of the videogame industry, it could almost make a grown businessman cry. By end of year, the gaming market is expected to have grown at least 20%. And videogames aren't alone; DVD sales and rentals are up too. In its first week on the shelf, the Blu-Ray version of the Movie Iron Man set a new record for sales, moving over 500,000 copies, and the regular DVD version of the movie sold over five million copies, amassing just under $100mil in that same week. What makes that truly amazing is that it was also the week that Congress decided to throw $700bil to bail out the stock market.

The clear conclusion is that though the vast majority of the American business world is suffering immensely under the weight of economic decline, at-home entertainment simply is not. Now, readers could take that only to mean that Blockbuster, Nintendo, and Best Buy are laughing themselves all the way to the bank, but that's only half the story. Below are a list of franchises that specialize in this booming industry as well, franchises that an entrepreneur would be wise to investigate further if 20% growth sounds appealing.

Play N Trade

With over 500 stores currently in operation around the world, Play N Trade is universally recognized as the dominant retail franchise in videogame industry. The goal of every store is to provide the best gaming outlet with a comprehensive stock of products (including retro gaming gear alongside today's trendsetting merchandise) and an enjoyable atmosphere in which customers can sit down and try games before purchasing. Franchisees work semi-absentee, and the corporate center does everything within its power to support each franchise, ensuring fun for franchisees, employees, and customers.

The Exchange

This franchise has one goal and one goal only, to provide consumers with the greatest selection of movies, music, and games available. To date, 30 years of experience in the industry has culminated in a method of operation that includes one of the most remarkable POS computing systems available, known as Exchangeware. This custom program makes the process of purchasing, pricing, trading, and selling media as simple and streamlined as can be. To boot, this franchise business comes with a complete startup package, making life for the franchisee as simple as possible also.


This home based business has become increasingly popular in recent months, as more and more entrepreneurs recognize how profitable it really is. Franchisees, who primarily work from home, stage automated DVD rental machines at various everyday locations like grocery stores and shopping centers, where passing customers can then insert a dollar and rent a new movie for the night. There is virtually no overhead, little upkeep, and it can be run entirely solo.

Gamer Doc

Though Gamer Doc is the newest franchise to the videogame world, the central management team has over 30 years of cumulative experience in matters of franchising. This combination of long-term knowhow and newness to the field make this business for sale one of the freshest and most promising business opportunities currently on the market. What they have made is a retail establishment that has the knowledge to serve hardcore gamers but also the simplicity and hospitality to cater to first-time gamers who may otherwise be turned off to the industry.

There are many ways to go in the entertainment world, but the fact remains that entertainment is a solid source of income even while times are generally tough. Of all industries, this is the one that has what it takes to not just weather a recession, but take full advantage of it.

Find more franchise business opportunities including computer & internet franchises and video game store franchises at Franchise Gator.

ds videogame

Monday, May 25, 2009

Nintendo NES System - Video Game Console Bundle (Includes 2 Controllers / Zapper / Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt)

Super Mario Bros.: The classic tale of an Italian plumber smashing bricks and stepping on mushrooms and turtles in order to rescue the princess. Duck Hunt: The basic light zapper game for the NES. Two game modes allowed the player to either shoot ducks with the help of the trusty hound or to fire at clay pigeons.
Customer Review: Great game, good value, excellent service.
My son really wanted this game because the previous one we picked-up at a yard sale stopped functioning properly. I thought the price charged was very reasonable and we received it within a matter of days, with all the components promised and in excellent working condition. I have nothing but good things to say about this seller and his product.
Customer Review: New fun for my nieces
This game is so much fun, my nieces love it, they thinnk it is the newest console for 2009. LoL, I got six games with it, and a lot of other stuff. It is great

Selling products on eBay is one of the best ways to make money on the Internet today, and it is an art, not a science. Those sellers who manage to sell the top selling items on eBay are invariably the most successful.

The popular auction site has become the largest marketplace in the world, and there are literally millions of people selling stuff on the popular auction site. There are even more buyers who visit the site looking for items to purchase. This is the power of the most popular auction site online: the millions of buyers who go to the site with money in their pockets looking for something to buy, and those buyers determine the top selling items on eBay.

Of all the people who sell there, only a small percentage make the really big bucks. What makes the difference between those who make lots of money and those who just make a few bucks here and there? Those sellers who make it big do so by listing the top selling items in hot, lucrative niches.

Selling popular products is the single most important element when it comes to making big money on eBay. Lots of sellers make money, but those who make the really big money manage to find and list in the top selling items.

So what are the top selling items on eBay? These change constantly as market trends change, but at this writing some of the most popular products include video gaming systems and videogame accessories. Two of the most popular systems are the Sony Playstation system and the Wii system. People who play games on these systems buy many accessories that go along with the games, and manufacturers are coming up with more creative accessories all the time. One of the reasons this niche is so popular is that many videogame enthusiasts purchase every new accessory that becomes available.

Would you like to learn more about the top selling items on eBay?

You can download the free Guide here: Secret eBay Niches.

new videogame

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Curious George 3 Pack Collection | Pre-K ABC, Preschool Learning Games & Paint & Print Studio

Three popular Curious George preschool titles in a great gift-worthy set! Includes: Curious George Young Readers' Series: Pre-K ABCsCurious George Young Readers' Series: Preschool Learning GamesCurious George Paint & Print Studio

I'm thinking about bringing Dance Dance Revolution into my Intermediate classroom.

Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a video game by Konami that was released in the arcades of Japan in 1998 and is now available across several home entertainment systems, including Playstation, Wii, and Xbox.

Players stand on a dance platform with arrows pointing up, down, left, and right. By listening to the music and watching a computer screen, players need to tap the corresponding arrows on the beat.

There are different levels of difficulty, so game play can range from simple to challenging. On the Nintendo Wii, Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party includes the use of the wii remote. Up to 4 players have to move both their hands and feet to the beat.

Overall, DDR is a high-interest, low-skill activity that appeals to the video-game generation, and as a teacher who continually looks for innovative ways to achieve curriculum expectations through technology, DDR is in my sights.

In April 2007, the NY Times reported on how some Physical Education classes are using Dance Dance Revolution to get Grade 7 students moving.

* A projected 1,500 schools in West Virgina are expected to be using the game by the end of the decade.

* "At least 10 states" in the US are using DDR as a "regular part of their physical education curriculum" to fight obesity.

* DDR appeals to school boards and educators as a non-competitive form of movement (compared to traditional sports.)

You could use DDR as an extra-curriculuar club, to meet daily physical activity (DPA) requirements, or as part of a phys-ed program.

* Most students will be watching the screen and practicing moving to the beat while they wait for their turn on the mats.

* Depending on how much you're willing to spend, you could have up to 4 people actually playing on the videogame system.

* You can set the difficulty level for each player independently, which means that an expert and a beginner could be playing at the same time.

If you're ready to start a classroom blog, we're here to help at where you'll find this information and more detailed information about how to use Dance Dance Revolution in the classroom.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hoyle Puzzle & Board Games 2009

There's something for everyone with HOYLE Puzzle Games 2009. It's the biggest and best assortment of 21 classic and challenging favorites. This great collection features traditional puzzle game standards like Hangman, Mahjongg and Anagrams PLUS mind-bending puzzle classics like Sudoku, Kakuro and Crosswords. All games are designed with the official rules from HOYLE, the Official Name in Gaming. Challenge friends, family or play alone and take the high score. Automatically earn HOYLE Bucks: the more you play, the more you earn. Get new backgrounds, music tracks, etc. As a bonus, you receive Big Bang Board Games. Play Checkers, Chess, Backgammon and others against animated computer opponents. And now it comes with built-in compatibility for both PC and MAC users alike.

Challenge friends, family or play alone and take the high score Automatically earn HOYLE Bucks - the more you play, the more you earn Get new backgrounds, music tracks, etc Bonus - you receive Big Bang Board Games Play Checkers, Chess, Backgammon and others against animated computer opponents Built-in compatibility for both PC and MAC users alike
Customer Review: not hoyle's usual quality
Did not work on one computer with windows vista and not as user friendly as card games disc was
Customer Review: Interesting Games
This program has many new and old board games Some are harder than others, but of the ones I have tried, they are all quite good. There are different level for different skills, so you aren't stuck on one level all the time. I have enjoyed it.

Advergaming, considered to be one of the newest marketing and advertising strategies, is rapidly becoming the darling of the advertising industry. Though the term "advergames" wasn't coined until 2001 in a Wired magazine's "Jargon Watch" column, advergaming as a marketing tool is actually older than most people realize.

The first real advergame was a customized videogame incorporating brand messages and was distributed on floppy disk by American Home Foods to promote the Chef Boyardee brand during the 80's. Advergames are used to promote products or services, organizations, and even opinions and viewpoints. Today, with the advent of the internet, and smaller, faster processing chips used in computers, cellular phones, PDAs, and interactive television programming, advergaming has grown into a formidable industry.

Advergaming is generally categorized in three different ways. In the first category, companies provide interactive games on their websites, hoping visitors to the site become engaged in the game, thus spending more time on the website and becoming more familiar with a brand or product. The second category is generally recognized as games that are created by groups or organizations for commercial, political or educational purposes, and then published and sold as any other game. For example, the United States Army sponsored a game called "America's Army" in an effort to increase recruitment. The third category includes games that promote products, brands, or services within the game itself. For example, an interactive baseball game might have banners around the field that promote Coca-Cola, or a football team might be the "Tide Titans." The advertising is similar to a character in a movie holding a can of Red Bull, or stopping for coffee at a Dunkin' Donuts.

Advergames aren't just for kids, either. In a 2004 study performed by Comscore MediaMetrix, 25% of the gamers on PCs are 35-44 years of age, 25% of gamers playing free online games are 25-34 years old, and 33% of those who play premium games are 25-34 years old. Additionally, income varies among the age groups.

Unlike television commercials, advertising and marketing within advergames is not perceived as an intrusion by the players. Gamers are voluntarily interactive, and the promotional materials contained within the advergames are viewed as simply part of the game; this makes the gamers a part of the marketing action rather than sideline observers. Repeat visits to websites via the internet or cell phones are high among advergamers, and as a result, product or brand recognition and loyalty is also high among the interactive players. And advergamers regularly spread the word about games they particularly like to friends and family. Additionally, because players can access advergames during work hours over the internet, a greater segment of the population can be reached in a time previously considered untouchable by advertisers.

Copyright (c) 2006 Scott Heath has a highly experienced and talented development team. Whose members have assisted with the creation of some of the top online gaming portal sites. Affiliated with .

www videogame

Friday, May 22, 2009

Nintendo DS Lite Game Traveler Essentials - Black

Customer Review: Decent quality
I bought this set for my teenage boy. So far he is happy with a quality. Styluses fit console exactly like the original ones from Nintendo. Case fits three cards, locks good. Even though it should work great for carrying cards, be careful not to loose them while opening this case, since there are no latches to hold cards in place. Overall, great value for the price: I couldn't find better deal anywhere else.

The new Sony Play Station, the 32 bit videogame console of fifth generation was launched by Sony Computer Entertainment in December 1994. Sony PlayStation was the first of the ubiquitous PlayStation series of console and hand-held game devices to get launched. Holding the record of being the first PlayStation and PS video game console to reach the 100 million mark, Sony cuddled the idea of developing a Nintendo compatible. Nintendo compatible was mainly a Sony-branded console but was considered as a home entertainment system playing based on the format used in SNES-CD discs. But later the plans were kept under the wraps.

The Sony PlayStation got first launched in Japan in 1994. Later it made entry in the U.S. in 1995 and the Europe in the same year. The Sony PlayStation was a big success in the continents of America and Europe. It tasted a huge success in the American continent along with Europe. Its successor Sony PlayStation 2 continued the triumph in the two continents in the later stages. The logo of the PlayStation was designed by Manabu Sakamoto, who later was appointed for designing the logo for Sony's VAIO computer products. Both the logos were big successes taking his name to new heights. Sony PlaySation created history with celebrating the success run for a continuous eleven year period. Since its launch in 1994, the PlayStation enjoyed one of the longest production runs in the video game industry, with merely no competitor. In the production run, obviously like any other electronic gadget Sony PlayStation also had to experience various variants, mostly accompanied by a change in the part number. The Sony Play Station was earlier based on substantially the same hardware as the SCPH-750x and 900x, other model consoles, but with a deleted the serial port, the controller / memory card ports moved to the main PCB and the power supply replaced with a DC-DC converter which was also on the main PCB.

Sony also released a version dubbed "Dual Shock" later, which included a controller with 2 analog sticks and a built in force-feedback feature.

Sony Playstation 3

Alice Erin is an Expert Author. He has written good quality articles on Gadgets

new videogame

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nintendo DS Action Replay Ultimate Codes For Use With Pokemon Games

Get to the heart of your favorite Pokémon games on the Nintendo DS, and unlock their best-kept secrets! With DS Action Replay Ultimate Codes for Pokémon, you can use all sorts of cheats and codes that cant be achieved any other way.DS Action Replay Ultimate Codes for Pokémon lets you play your games in ways the programmers never anticipated, with exciting cheats such as Infinite Health, Infinite Money, Infinite Items and Quick Level-Up. You can unlock hard-to-get Pokémon, win every battle and finally fill your Pokédex. At last you can catch em all!Its easy to use too. Just insert the DS Action Replay Ultimate Codes for Pokémon cartridge, choose the game you want to hack and the cheats you wish to use, then when instructed, swap it for the game cart. Because the device harnesses the power of Datels exclusive Action Replay codes engine, it gets to the heart of the games with hacks and enhancements that aren't available in any other way. There are literally thousands of codes on offer here, all of which are exclusive to DS Action Replay Ultimate Codes for Pokémon.DS Action Replay Ultimate Codes for Pokémon includes cheats, codes and hacks for the following games: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Explorers of Darkness; Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Explorers of Time; Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Blue Rescue Team; Pokémon Pearl; Pokémon Diamond; Pokémon Ranger; Pokémon Dash and Pokémon Trozei!

I'm thinking about bringing Dance Dance Revolution into my Intermediate classroom.

Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a video game by Konami that was released in the arcades of Japan in 1998 and is now available across several home entertainment systems, including Playstation, Wii, and Xbox.

Players stand on a dance platform with arrows pointing up, down, left, and right. By listening to the music and watching a computer screen, players need to tap the corresponding arrows on the beat.

There are different levels of difficulty, so game play can range from simple to challenging. On the Nintendo Wii, Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party includes the use of the wii remote. Up to 4 players have to move both their hands and feet to the beat.

Overall, DDR is a high-interest, low-skill activity that appeals to the video-game generation, and as a teacher who continually looks for innovative ways to achieve curriculum expectations through technology, DDR is in my sights.

In April 2007, the NY Times reported on how some Physical Education classes are using Dance Dance Revolution to get Grade 7 students moving.

* A projected 1,500 schools in West Virgina are expected to be using the game by the end of the decade.

* "At least 10 states" in the US are using DDR as a "regular part of their physical education curriculum" to fight obesity.

* DDR appeals to school boards and educators as a non-competitive form of movement (compared to traditional sports.)

You could use DDR as an extra-curriculuar club, to meet daily physical activity (DPA) requirements, or as part of a phys-ed program.

* Most students will be watching the screen and practicing moving to the beat while they wait for their turn on the mats.

* Depending on how much you're willing to spend, you could have up to 4 people actually playing on the videogame system.

* You can set the difficulty level for each player independently, which means that an expert and a beginner could be playing at the same time.

If you're ready to start a classroom blog, we're here to help at where you'll find this information and more detailed information about how to use Dance Dance Revolution in the classroom.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nintendo DS Lite Game Traveler Essentials - White

There are so many ways to market your products or business these days. With the definition of marketing becoming increasingly vague, each day, people are being very open-minded about new marketing practices. Take Google AdWords, for example. It wasn't likely for businesses to spend billions of dollars each year on things like pay-per-click search engine advertising, ten years ago. Now, it's the fastest and most cost-effective marketing technique available.

It may cost you anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 to run an ad in a small print magazine. But how would you know if people are reading your ads or even seeing them? How many people read your ad? What are the demographics? How effective was the ad? How many people buy your advertised product in comparison to the number that read your ad? These things cannot be measured through conventional advertising as easily or as quickly as they can with today's technology-driven advertising methods.

Unless you can afford to hire four-figure marketing analysts, advertising specialists, and spend millions on marketing research, to firms like Neilson, then you need to start using low-cost marketing techniques. These techniques can be just as affective for your small business, are far more rewarding, and involve less risk.

Here are the five low-cost marketing techniques I've found to be most effective in Internet Marketing.

As far as Internet Marketing goes, word-of-mouth advertising seems to be the most promising technique of all. Affiliate marketing, email marketing, direct marketing, JV marketing, and network marketing all use the "word of mouth" technique. Any commercial or ad can tell you that this product is great and that you really need to buy it, but there's nothing more convincing than a friend telling you that. How many times do you remember hearing that infamous catch-phrase, kids always get, "if all your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you do it too"? The reality is that kids actually do jump off of a bridge just because their friends are doing it. Teenagers don't all go out to buy the same brand jeans or the latest videogame console because they really need it. They just follow the crowd, because they want to be a part of the crowd. This is what managers call bounded rationality. A consumer's decision to buy a product may not always seem rational, but it is rational within their frame of mind.

The second low-cost marketing technique I find to be extremely useful in a highly competitive market is what I like to call the get personal technique. This is yet another growing trend in Internet Marketing. It helps create a slow and steady rapport with individual potential customers. If you sound like a friend, act like a friend, and look like a friend - then you must be a friend! It seems silly, I know, but it actually works. Establishing a friendly and informal relationship with your customers is a good way to keep customers coming back and buying more from you. You'd be surprised at how an informal e-mail from you, using the customer's first name, and talking to them about your life on a personal note will work wonderings in creating life-long customer relationships that pay-off.

I know many of you probably have gotten sick of hearing about AdWords, but there seems to be one marketing technique in particular that delivers the most success with this program. I've heard some call this the never stop selling technique. The beauty of AdWords is that you are free to use it how you want. Some people believe they have no control over the way their ads are displayed, and use AdWords with a point, click, and try your luck approach. That couldn't be further from the truth! The biggest difference between an ad campaign that has a 15 or 20% conversion ratio and one that only gets 0.1 - 5% conversion is the constant trial and error process used by the expert marketers. The key is to never stop testing (i.e. never stop selling).

Here are some quick tips for you to improve your AdWords campaigns with the "never stop selling" technique:

Check your add analytics and stats every 3 hours.

Change ads every 24 hours.

Avoid using the same titles in the same ad campaign.

Compare between site-targeted and keyword-targeted ad results.

Capitalize the first letter of each word in your ads (especially the title).

Remember you have very little space to write your ads in, use it wisely, and keep in mind that it's the tiniest changes that make the biggest difference. If you find you have a higher CT conversion with site-targeted ads, but a lower sales conversion then go back and negate the differences. Recalculate your cost-benefit and change your bids to reach the optimal sales conversions with lowest cost in advertising expenditures. Just because the customer walked out of the store doesn't mean the sale can't be made. Keep customers coming back with new ads, different targeting strategies, and constant testing.

Tracking your CTs is vital in making this technique work more affectively. One of my favorite AdWords experts has taught me that everything on the Internet can be measured. So we should take advantage of that and really measure our results.

Now here's another one that still works fairly well to this day. The article marketing technique is one of the cheapest forms of Internet marketing around. Websites like articlemarketer are making this process easier and more dynamic. This program offers a lifetime subscription for around $200 and allows you to submit your articles to thousands of e-zines and article databases for a very cheap price. Usually this technique proves more effective with those of you selling informational products or services. However, it can still work for other products when applied properly.

Giving people free information to sell them on your products or services is a form of promotional advertising. You offer them a free sample and if they like what they see they can buy with confidence. Typically your customers will think "if I can get this much information for free - just think how much information I'll get when I pay for the product or service". Throw in a free report with your newsletter. Post links to your website on your blogs. All this information will be your free sample to attract more customers.

Finally, we come to the free advertising technique. This is probably the least effective of Internet Marketing techniques, but I felt it was still worth mentioning since some have reported good results with this technique in the past. The trick to free advertising is that it isn't really advertising to anyone except the advertisers themselves. It's more like a glass of water that's stirred constantly to give the illusion of expansion in a very finite environment. People that join safe lists, banner exchange programs, or any of those types of free advertising gimmicks, aren't joining to read or see YOUR advertising. They're joining to advertise their own products. That's why the water always stays inside the glass. It never goes anywhere. However, there is one way around this. Because it's free you're not really loosing anything, but the time spent on setting up these programs. So instead of trying to advertise in the middle of all the noise and end up frustrating yourself in the process, try to build relationships with other advertisers. This can actually be a flip-side to free advertising and I've seen it work before.

Upon testing the effectiveness of a large safe list program offering a double opt in list of more than 50,000 members, I found that only 1 out of every 1,000 emails were even remotely interesting. That means that the chances of me buying into any of the products or services offered in the tens of thousands of emails, I received every week, were probably 1 to every 1 million emails. If that's not a long shot I don't know what is. But the reason anyone even bothers with these programs is because they hope that they would get that lucky one-in-a-million chance and land a sale. My advice to you is don't waste your time. Unless you can think of a creative way to implement the previous four techniques into these free advertising programs, you really don't stand a chance of making any real sales. For example, don't try to sell products. Offer free samples and bring the leads to your website. Then get them to join your mailing list. That way you can drive them away from all the noise and have a nice serene conversation about your products. They're much more likely to buy from you when they get a chance to clearly hear you out.

So let's wrap up. To review we'll go over all the techniques very briefly. You might want to write these down on flashcards and keep them on your desk while brainstorming. They will remind you of how you don't always need a huge budget to market your products. Here are our five low-cost marketing techniques:

Word of Mouth (get people selling for you)

Get Personal (be a friend and they will trust you)

Never Stop Selling (don't let failure stop you from trying harder)

Article Marketing (free samples build consumer confidence)

Free Advertising (opportunity can be where you least expect it)

Not all of these techniques may work for you, but with a little creativity and some determination you can market your products to great success on a shoestring budget. The important thing is that you put in the effort. You can throw all the money in the world at marketing techniques and strategies, but without the strenuous efforts of squeezing every last drop of benefit from your marketing campaign, you are still leaving money on the table.

If you're starting a small business and wish to learn more about small business startup, visit the website to find affordable small business services.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Game Cube Dreamcube Pro Wired Controller With Rumble - Gray


Selling on eBay continues to be a great way to make money online, and those sellers who manage to sell the most popular products usually make the most money. Finding the top selling items on eBay is not easy for some, but it is a necessary function for successful sellers. This is because the way to attract buyers online is to offer the products they are searching for and make those products available to buyers.

The usual best sellers are videogame systems and videogames, especially the newest on the market, any other new technological products, the latest cell phones and smart phones, computer products, and designer clothing and accessories. These are products that are always in demand with buyers, but there is also a lot of competition in these niches. The ideal niche contains products in demand by buyers but with little competition among sellers.

Aside from these usual best sellers, there are other very profitable products among the top selling items on eBay. These niches don't show up in any eBay Pulse list or other top ten list but are, nevertheless, hot products that are very profitable for some eBay sellers.

How does one go about finding the top selling items on eBay? The best way to find these profitable hot niches is to spend time researching completed listings. Although conducting research is time consuming, it is well worth the time and effort. By taking the time to perform the time-consuming task of searching for and finding hot, profitable products, you will very likely see your online profits soar.

Would you like to learn about the hot, profitable niches on eBay?

You can download this free Guide: Secret eBay Niches

wii videogame

Monday, May 18, 2009

Guild Wars: Game of the Year for PC

You'll prove your worth with every battle as skill, not hours played, decides your fate. Create your champion from over thirty different profession combinations and hundreds of unique skills. Your skill will be your legend. Are you up for the challenge?
Customer Review: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a great game for all ages over 5. It is a mix between mideval and fantasy.
Customer Review: VERY GREAT GAME!!
This game is great!!! the virtual world has great graphics and is so large. This game even works on pretty slow computers! I play this game all the time and i am glad its one of those games were you can play for a couple minutes, log off but still have fun in those couple of minutes. If you are looking for a fantasy fighting game this is the one to bye. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!

Nintendo is literally changing the game, and this is only the beginning, whether veteran gamers like it or not. As they attract new customers, old people, young people, girls who don't already play videogames and people who look down on them, we can take a brief look at the company itself.

Founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi in 1889, Nintendo started in the playing cards game. Today the company is led by Satoru Iwata, the fourth and current president. Nintendo is one of the largest companies in Japan and was instrumental (if not the sole catalyst) in re-creating the videogame market.

Nintendo's near monopoly on the home video game market left it with a degree of influence over the industry exceeding even that of Atari during Atari's heyday in the early 1980s and today it seems that Ninendo sells less but makes more money. It has been profitable practically every year since it moved into the video game industry over two decades ago and has long held a dominant position in handheld gaming, developed through a strategy of focusing on playability.

The company has recently gone on record to admit that demand is simply much higher than supply for their current Wii and Wii Fit while the DS is up 142% over last year. The company's own employees have even been put on a strict Wii system purchase limit.

The company says it wants to be the games company that puts smiles on the faces of people of all ages and genders, and following the sales of Wii and Wii Fit, there are likely to be grins all around at the HQ. Nintendo's official website saw the largest increase in traffic recently, while the Sony PlayStation website saw a moderate decrease.

The company's products are actually cheaper than that of the competition and are one of the oldest and most successful console game developers. If you want a console to play games or to use for excercise you won't go far wrong with Nintendo.

John Milligan.

For your Nintendo consoles or games please visit the above site and go to the homepage. You can also scroll down to the superb Amazon Store for more choice if you wish.

An excellent resource for all those consoles and games you've ever wanted, including the Nintendo Wii, Wii Fit, ps3, xbox 360 and Ipod Nano 8GB and lots more. No searching all over the web for different bargains. There's loads of choice here with all the top sellers and best prices. You certainly will not be disappointed.

So, if you're hungry for that bargain console, game or accessory, then go to the website, have a good browse and enjoy your shopping experience.

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