Monday, August 10, 2009

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition

Elder Scrolls: Morrowind Game Of The Year is one of the most detailed game worlds ever created. Morrowind sets a new standard in adventure, with its amazing graphics, in-depth gameplay and hundred of game paths! Delve into new, epic-sized dungeons and visit the Capital City of Mournhold and the Clockwork City of Sotha Sil Fight new creatures including bears and wolves, lich lords and goblins, ice minions and spriggans Direct the construction of a mining colony and face the threat of savage werewolves Become a werewolf and indulge your thirst for the hunt Great gameplay, an immersive storyline and incredible graphics -- all that you crave in a role-playing adventure has arrived!
Customer Review: A pretty good game.
When I first started playing this game, I said "No. This game sucks". But after giving it a shot and kept playing it, I learned that it is a pretty good game. There is a lot to explore and a lot of different armor and weapons to get. It's also neat how you can custimize your character however you want, like with fighting abilities, magic abilities, and so much more. Sure the graphics aren't the best, but it is still fun. This game does a really good job with just throwing you into a huge world, and leaving you feeling helpless at times wondering where the heck you are supposed to go, gives you a real lost feel to it.
Customer Review: Good, but not great.
I played Oblivion before I played this, and so I'm kind of spoiled on the graphical look and gameplay. However, sheer amount of player-made material makes this game very customizable. It also helps that that this will actually run well on my old laptop. :D

Thailand is an amazing place to live. The friendly people, delicious food and beautiful scenery are just a few reasons to live here. However, the culture is very different from what most westerners are familiar with. Below is a list to help you determine if some of the more curious Thai cultural oddities have rubbed off on you.

You see an elephant in the street and don't think "Oh wow! An elephant!" but instead complain about how it's slowing down traffic.

You wake up in the morning with a hankering for rice and noodles, not eggs and toast.

You think that riding your motorcycle the wrong way down one-way streets, running red lights and riding on the wrong side of the road are perfectly normal.

You think that Singha and Chang are actually pretty decent beers.

You see a family of four and their dog riding together on a single motorcycle and you only wonder what they ate for dinner.

You wear sweaters and sweatshirts despite the steaming hot weather.

You are deeply concerned when your favorite rice dish goes up in price by $0.15 to a staggering $0.60.

The language actually starts to make a little sense.

You have no problems eating raw pig organs mixed with pig blood and spices.

10 year olds riding motorcycles in the streets do not faze you.

You think Sangsom and Mekong are actually pretty decent whiskeys.

You haven't cooked a meal in months, besides what can be made with a hot water maker.

You find that some of the Thai music is actually pretty decent.

Shaking somebody's hand feels weird.

You can ride a motorcycle with 10 grocery bags, a bookshelf and a hot pizza box strapped to it.

You ask for every meal extra spicy.

You put spicy fish sauce on everything.

About The Author

Tom Bak is a professional software developer with over ten years of programming experience on diverse projects, including seven years of videogame experience with numerous published console game titles. He is currently working on a free word game and an online word puzzle.

videogame com

Sunday, August 9, 2009

NYKO TECHNOLOGIES 80650 Airflow Ex Pc Game Controller

Nyko has just extended its range of PC controllers with the Air Flo EX for PC. Like its predecessor, the Air Flo PC, it is a perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and precision. And here's the kicker - now you get powerful driver software that allows you to create multiple custom button configurations. PLUS you can use the controller to emulate keyboard and mouse functions, allowing you to use the Air Flo EX with all games, even titles that are not game pad compatible. And unique Air Flo technology keeps your hands cool and dry, so you can play as long as you want with ease.
Customer Review: A Good Computer Controller for a Good Price
I was surprised to get a controller I enjoyed for a decent price. I have had this for over a year and have not experienced any trouble with it. The buttons are customizable, and some games will automatically set the game controller with the controls if it's installed and plugged in. With several extra buttons and 2 joysticks, I would recommend this to anyone who is tired of the keyboard and wants the game to feel real.
Customer Review: different
works ok. the airflow is nice, but noisy. the unit seems kind of bulky.

Model: Solar Functional Energy Cycle of Business

The recent recession of 2008 that engulfed so many economies in the world is gradually moving toward depression in some countries. Japan is already moving towards long contraction. There is doubt in everyone's mind whether an economist or a common man about 'How long will this recession last and which countries are going to have severe impact'? This question will be answered by the 'Kantian Energy Cycle C/T-A-R. Kantian Energy cycle is determined by the solar functional energy 'C', which is a derivative of solar rays transformed by T-A-R energy components.

'Solar functional Energy' and its principal components 'T-A-R' will be able to analyze and explain these downward trends of the past and that is present today. They can be used to predict the forthcoming economic trends in the future. You will surprise to know that the basic structure of T-A-R components present today in 2008 and the following strategic years is very much like the TAR structure present in 1873 and 1929. 1929 structure of T-A-R is closer to that of 2008. The intensity of T-A-R is likely to be wilder in later parts of 2009 onward to create as much worse an economic downturn as that was in 1929 great depression. But this time the focal point is more towards the Japanese economy than USA.

In Japan the asset price bubbles had last started in1986 and lasted till 1990 when the bubble had burst. The economy of Japan remained in long drawn depression till 2002/03 when the stocks and asset prices bottomed out. It is virtually from this period only asset prices in many countries took an aggressive upward move.

How do T-A-R basics and solar functional Energy analyze and explain the price and market movement is given below but for this you have to briefly understand about this Solar energy profile and TAR network.

T-A-R is a composite energy module having electrical components of positive charges ('A') referred to as Proton and negative charges('T') referred to as Electron that transform sunrays on the way to earth into electrical energy. After the conversion sunrays becomes source of 'solar functional energy' termed as 'C' that establishes a functional relationship with earth and its resources to turn these into economic produce or wealth by taking human help through activating the brain software in human beings. You may not agree to or may dispute this theory but a patient glance and analytical watch on the following case studies will surprise you to accept this. The only condition is to shed any preconception and ego.

The biggest operational constraint faced by this Solar Functional Energy is the presence of dark energy 'R' that is potent enough to corrupt its functionality at the right level. Whenever 'R' intercepts the focus of solar functional energy or its components 'T' or 'A' on earth it makes it/ them non-functional or weakly functional. 'T' and 'A' move clockwise and focus earth. 'R' intercepts them by moving anticlockwise. They do this in a way to converge and diverge at certain intervals and thereby create cyclical energy contents and capsules of various potencies that ultimately affects the economies and their operational levels.

The most potent T-A-R positioning is when 'T' and 'A' are converging to and 'R' is just diverging as in 1922 when the American stock market went on rampaging till the great depression started or in 1960s when US economies boomed for years.

The weakest T-A-R positioning is when 'T' and 'R' are converging with focus on power points and 'A' is just diverging from their module. This has occurred in 1929 (the sample is furnished in the following paragraph)

The following charts will exhibit these permutation and combinations along with the solar divisions of earth in C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8.C9, C91 C92 and C93. Our earth is divides in 12 parts of 30 degree the base point being Greenwich at 00 East and West as follows:

Focus on Japan in 2008 on T-A-R scale


C9 - C91 - C92 - C93 - C1 - C2 - C3 - C4 - C5 - C6 - C7 - C8

A -- R.7 -- R ---------------------------------- T

------------------------------ T-3C ------- R ---- T+2C

Japan, the world's second biggest economy, has officially fallen into an economic recession. The nation's export business continues to crumble against the rising Yen and the Japanese economy is set for its longest ever contraction. Focus of 'T' on C5 the economic zone of Japan and the power point always makes this country vulnerable and let yen appreciate against dollar and other currencies. This is repeated in the year 2007 when 'T' had its first focus on C5 in August. R92 also had its focus on C5 along with. Both together had their negative focus on C2 in the month of May-June. This joint focus on C2 did not damage the economies that should have if A8 would not have the simultaneous focus on C2. In 2008 when A8 had its focus shifted to C9 T+6R module became aggressive and at R+C in March 2008 it had it had its first impact on many economy and its spiraling prices. Gold and crude oil prices had relented for the first time. From July-August the crisis set firmly.

The island's Gross Domestic Product - the entire value of one nation's products and services - made an unexpected drop of 0.5 in the quarter July-September. There was downfall in the first quarter from April-June. A recession is defined by two successive quarterly GDP drops for a nation or continent. On annualized basis it was 1.8% shrink. Japan's export dependent economy was also hit by sluggish overseas shipments as the global financial crisis hit international trade. The latest snapshot of the Japanese economy was even worse than the forecast for a contraction of about 0.2% quarter on quarter made earlier by some analysts. The government said the economy shrank a revised 1.0% in the second quarter, which was also slightly worse than it was thought previously. Many companies have started undercutting employments. Sony corp. is about to cut 8000 of jobs. Signs of the nation's economic decline can be seen in Sony's profit outlook cut of 57%, and in the Japanese software market to have 21 percent drop from last year. Perhaps the biggest danger for Japan's videogame market was the news that the nation saw its volume of business investments drop 1.7 percent from the previous quarter.

The nation now joins a growing list of major countries that have posted successive GDP losses, such as Germany, Italy, Spain and Ireland. A report last week suggested that USA is likely to officially enter a recession soon.

USA will be facing worst type of deflationary situation. Many other economies will also be running similar situation. R9 that is also the power point of USA will have the focus of 'R' in 2010 will again erupt the worsening situation for USA. T-A-R structure in 2008-2016 is presented below for a deep study and analysis.

TAR components in 2007 and 2008 as shown below is T5 (Japan) R92 focusing on Japan with R+180 degree focus. This module is called T+6R that have the capacity to cause severe downfall in Japan not for single year but for years together. This module got activated in February-March 2008 and its long term impact is to relax only in 2016 when Japan economic zone is to get a joint focus of R+A. This is the first phase of the depression for Japan.

The focus of 'T' on C5 in 2007 and 2008 is damaging for Japan. T+6R formed by T5 and R92 are a negative module to restrict growth in Japan. 'A' is not in the module of T+6R and this is moving away from 'T' that provides the electron charges to the proton 'A' to make it productive for economic development and growth. This divergence further aggravates the situation to take this country to the quagmire of depression for long.

K.M PANDIT is an honors graduate in economics and possesses a certificate in marketing management. He remained engaged as professional managers in reputed organizations for about 25 years. He also took up job of academic writing in Research-Academia USA in which he helped students in writing their project works in Economics and marketing management.

His interest in business cycle was aroused in 1996 when he witnessed many ups and downs in global economy especially in Japan. He became very serious about finding the reason for this. He studied the problems deeply and later opened 'Center of Business Intelligence & Forecasting in Kolkata to have professional study on the subject. His study encompasses stock market, commodity market metal markets including gold and silver to learn the system in trends. This book will be centric to gold to highlight the fundamental theory of Solar Functional Energy and TAR econometrics to answer about the most intricate question of why and how the cycle of growth and decline starts. He became member of Kitco gold forum to contribute his forecasts about gold market trends. He contributed his basic theory to his blog to let people and investors know about the new theory of forecasting. There was massive flow of comments on his writings with reservations and doubts but when his forecasts came true letters of appreciation followed. He published his first e book on 'Solar Functional Energy' He plans his next book on full theory on ' Kantian Energy Cycle of Business' that can answer all the pertinent and mind boggling problems of business cycles.

nintendo videogame

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Polar Games 2

Play golf and pool with polar bears in Polar Games 2. From the tropics to the poles, Polar Golfer Pineapple Cup and Polar Pool promise hilarious good times in the latest installment of Polar Games. Reunite with your Polar Games friends to stroll and shoot down tropical fairways in Polar Golfer Pineapple Cup: ocean hazards, erupting volcanoes and brand new comical characters make Pineapple Cup a hole in one. Swing away with one paw and improve your score with power rings that keep you sailing over scorching lava rock. Grab your favorite Hawaiian shirt and head for the green in Pineapple Cup. Take off your lei and travel down to the arctic in Polar Pool, a billiards game played only the way an inner-tubing polar bear can play. Send your bear sliding across the icy billiards table to slam balls into pockets in 8-ball, 9-ball and Power Pool. Play in single or multiplayer mode to unlock new characters and pool tables during play. Chalk up your cue and prepare for Polar Pool billiards like you've never seen them played.

Customer Review: Polar Games 2 is great fun
We have the first Polar Games DVD, so thought this would be fun, too. It's even better! Great challenges and visuals.
Customer Review: Great Fun!!
I'm not a big game person but this is fun & addictive. I bought it for my husband but I've gotten more use out of it than he has. The graphics are great!

Nintendo Wii still sells like warm bread from the oven and it'll still be fun in 2009. Why is it still so difficult to find in some places?

That is just it - some places - it's not quite as difficult anymore to buy the Wii as it once was. In the UK for example, the store Argos have the console in stock just about 100% of the time now, but of course it's not like that everywhere.

Wii's main competitor, the Sony PS3, is still getting slaughtered in terms of sales. Wii Mario Kart and Wii Fit both sold incredibly well on release and continue to do so, with the Wii Fit selling out the whole of the stock sent to the US by Nintendo in the very first few days. Wii supplies in the UK are particularly short at Christmas due to the rush of parents who promised their kids one only to discover that they can't find one anywhere. Buy it summertime instead.

This console sells so well possibly because the Wii Sports in particular is a good way to lose weight and remains just as much fun now as it did when it was first released, if not more. There is another factor which makes this console unique and attractive for non-gamers - getting fit. Wii Fit's Balance Board works kind of like two scales fused together, which, as its designers found, makes it instantly more fun than just one. And boy, can you work out on it.

The audience is expanding even more as Wii sales are nearly double that of the PS3's. My guess is that Nintendo did not anticipate how quickly their latest console would be adopted by people outside of it's normal market. I think it is selling so well not just because of the "hard to get" principal, but also because it has opened up a much larger market for video games. We're witnessing a substantial change in the videogame marketplace with the Wii, one that even Nintendo couldn't predict and it remains a unique system that appeals to many non traditional gamers.

Maybe a Wii2 is on the way. Who knows eh?

John Milligan.

An excellent resource for all those consoles and games you've ever wanted, including the Nintendo Wii, Wii Fit, ps3, xbox 360 and Ipod Nano 8GB and lots more. No searching all over the web for different bargains. There's loads of choice here with all the top sellers and best prices. You certainly will not be disappointed.

So, if you're hungry for that bargain console, game or accessory, then go to the website, have a good browse and enjoy your shopping experience.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Fc Twin Video Game System

FC twin system include the system -av cable ac adapter and 2 controllers that allows you to play nintendo and super nintendo games
Customer Review: Love it
I bought this for my parents for x-mas. They love it. Very well shipped no problems what so ever. Thak you I would buy from this seller in the near future again.
Customer Review: recommend
I would recomend this system to any adult or child that would like to remember old time with the old nes system. With this system you could play old nes and super nintendo games. The sound and grafic are ok. You could not find a system as good as this. Shipping was fast and system is original.

What if I showed you how you can make $2000 per month, just by playing games?
Don't believe me? By the end of this article your perspective on work will have completely changed. Why? Because you'll have learned that you don't need some run of the mill job to make a living. And you'll have greater insight into how you can slowly accumulate wealth as a video game tester by doing what you love. At the end of this article, I provide a link that will get you started right away. In the meantime, read on to learn more about this fantastic money-maker!

In today's world it is important to choose a career that generates enough money to enjoy the best things in life. There are so many career options like law, medicine, accounting and other business ventures. If you're looking for an unconventional career then I suggest you find one that keeps your interest and sparks your passion. After all, most people find the greatest success in a career that they enjoy. Did you know one could get a job by playing or creating video games? There are many different types of careers available for the people who have an interest in this field.


According to my opinion, video game programmers are the core operating employees of this industry. These programmers create the necessary codes for the proper game operations. The programming part is not always easy. Sometimes it is a challenging job to do. It sometimes involves complex functions and troubleshooting that make the job demanding in terms of your patience and dedication. A person who has a talent in mathematics as well as analytical knowledge is always a fit in this field.

Video Game Tester

From my personal experience I can say that video game testing is a career where one can get paid bucket-loads of cash for playing unreleased games. The employees responsibility is to play beta games, as a general user does, and sees if there is anything wrong with the gameplay. As a newbie in this industry one can start as a video game tester. Its a terrific way to get your foot in the door. As a video game tester one needs to have passion for games and some relevant educational background as well (knowledge of the Windows Operating System etc.).


Being an Animator is another exciting career option in the videogame industry. Animators give a real life touch to games. After the process of programming & testing, the animators do their job to make the games more interesting. Basically animation is nothing but real life acting by the game characters. The basic demand of this job is to create characters that will be seen by the gamers around the world. One opting for this career should preferrably have a degree in animation.

Sound Designer

The responsibility of Sound designer is to create music and sound effect for the video games. Game Music is either done digitally or by true instruments. As the demand of video games increases, the style of game audio is also increasing. Nowadays the sound designers want to create the appropriate sounds required for a particular game. Thus the job has become a creative experimentation.

If somebody wants to be a successful sound designer then firstly the person must have a keen interest in sound and music. Secondly the person must have the right knowledge about recording technology and last but not the least the person must be familiar with upcoming trends in game music. A good video game degree can help a person to build up the above mentioned talents.

Game Designer

The job responsibility of a video game designer is to create the experience while playing a game. They make sure that games are fun to play with. They design the game from beginners level to advance level, like they handle the core mechanism of a game. A good designer should possess enjoyment in games, with knowledge of programming and artistic skills.

As a video game testing professional I can say that this industry has release a passion in me for my work and I have truly found happiness in my career.

Are you still sitting on your butt playing the latest PS3 game and NOT GETTING PAID? Don't be such a sucker. You can be making some sweet sweet cash right now for going about your normal video game playing routine. Click Here To Learn More About How To GET PAID Testing Video Games

videogame music

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sally's Salon [Game Download]

A lot of beauty fads and diet crazes have come and gone, but weight and skin problems are still here. Although these trends can help you lose a little weight or attain flawlessly beautiful legs for a year or two, your troubles will most likely come back if you do not make it a habit to take care of your body and skin. If you want to permanently lose weight, maintain an acne-free skin, and banish cellulite, you have to follow these eight habits for long-lasting beauty.

1. Get Ample Sleep

Many people sacrifice sleep in order to watch a movie, spend time with friends, do extra work, or just extend leisure hours. Since sleep is very important not only for maintaining your youth and beauty, but also in preventing a lot of diseases; it is a good habit to consider your priorities when it comes to weighing the reasons why you have to cut your sleep hours. If you just need to wait for your favorite program or extend your videogame playtime, then they are not worth skipping sleep for. If you fail to sleep soundly the night before, you can always take a 20-minute nap during the day to help you get through your day.

2. Drink Up

Water is crucial in many bodily functions so it is imperative that you drink not less than 8 glasses a day. Although soups and other beverages are also considered as fluids and can replace water, it is still wiser to choose water over other types of beverages because water does not contain calories, sugar or sodium.

3. Plan Your Meals For The Week

If you want to minimize eating out or having unhealthy food delivered to your house or place of work, it would be wise to take time in planning your meals for a week in advance. Meals planned ahead usually are healthier because you had time to think about them and consider their impact on your waist or skin.

4. Mind The Sugar

If there is one taste that all people from around the world truly love, it is sweet taste. However, most foods that are sweet contain high amounts of sugar, which is dangerous if taken in large amounts. Know that eating food that have high concentration of sugar can trigger obesity, metabolic diseases, diabetes and many other illnesses.

5. Quit Smoking

Studies have shown that cigarette smoking can make you look and feel several years older than your real age. Furthermore, dangerous respiratory diseases have also been linked to smoking. If you want to maintain your healthy and beautiful skin, you should stay away from this bad habit for good.

6. Have A Healthy Snack Ready

A lot of people have hunger pangs about two to three hours after eating their main meals, such as lunch or breakfast. In times like these, it is ideal to have a healthy snack ready so that you will not be tempted to grab a chocolate bar from the vending machine or order a burger with fries from a fast food chain. Nuts, apples, celery sticks, light cheese strings are some examples of healthy snacks.

7. Fit In Exercise In Your Busy Schedule

Being busy and having a tight schedule is not an excuse for skipping exercise. You need exercise to boost circulation and tone your body. If you want to be fit and healthy, you ought to undergo cardiovascular exercises and weight training. Exercise is also important in preventing the formation of cellulite on your thighs, legs, arms and tummy.

8. Moisturize Your Skin

Another important habit that should come naturally to you is putting on moisturizing creams on your face, neck and body. For the face and neck, you have to choose moisturizers that prevent wrinkles and other blemishes. On your hands and feet, find lotions that contain Aloe for smoother skin.

If you have cellulite problems, you should use an anti-cellulite lotion that does not only reduce the appearance of cellulite, but also helps keep your skin smooth and silky. One anti-cellulite product that can do that is Celrase.

If you are interested to know more about Celrase, visit

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

angry videogame

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Transformers the Game

Control the outcome in the battle for Earth this summer with Transformers, the official game of the blockbuster film. Protect the earth as Autobots or destroy it as Decepticons as you lead the Transformers in the epic battle for control of planet Earth! Make a choice: Protect Earth as Autobots or destroy it as Decepticons. With dual campaigns, the fate of the world is in your hands.
Customer Review: AVOID! DO NOT BUY!
What a horrible game..the camera is the worst I have ever seen. It focuses on you instead of what's in front of you. It is my opinion that whoever designed the game should be drawn and quartered. I was dizzy after playing for 10 minutes. There is no way to change the angle either..only to spin the camera faster or slower as you fight. You can do a reset with the minus button, but that lasts 2 seconds. You can also fight with just the nunchuck and hold the remote still..that helps to a degree, but you will eventually get frustrated and want to eject the disc and snap it in 2! Activision is on my poop list. DO NOT BUY!
Customer Review: Ugh...
The camera is TERRIBLE. The missions are repetitive. Combat becomes almost entirely melee, which sucks. Each character is way to alike on the Autobot side. Has a high requirement for Wii Remote motion, in other words, it isn't responsive. Badly adapted to the movie.

Model: Solar Functional Energy Cycle of Business

The recent recession of 2008 that engulfed so many economies in the world is gradually moving toward depression in some countries. Japan is already moving towards long contraction. There is doubt in everyone's mind whether an economist or a common man about 'How long will this recession last and which countries are going to have severe impact'? This question will be answered by the 'Kantian Energy Cycle C/T-A-R. Kantian Energy cycle is determined by the solar functional energy 'C', which is a derivative of solar rays transformed by T-A-R energy components.

'Solar functional Energy' and its principal components 'T-A-R' will be able to analyze and explain these downward trends of the past and that is present today. They can be used to predict the forthcoming economic trends in the future. You will surprise to know that the basic structure of T-A-R components present today in 2008 and the following strategic years is very much like the TAR structure present in 1873 and 1929. 1929 structure of T-A-R is closer to that of 2008. The intensity of T-A-R is likely to be wilder in later parts of 2009 onward to create as much worse an economic downturn as that was in 1929 great depression. But this time the focal point is more towards the Japanese economy than USA.

In Japan the asset price bubbles had last started in1986 and lasted till 1990 when the bubble had burst. The economy of Japan remained in long drawn depression till 2002/03 when the stocks and asset prices bottomed out. It is virtually from this period only asset prices in many countries took an aggressive upward move.

How do T-A-R basics and solar functional Energy analyze and explain the price and market movement is given below but for this you have to briefly understand about this Solar energy profile and TAR network.

T-A-R is a composite energy module having electrical components of positive charges ('A') referred to as Proton and negative charges('T') referred to as Electron that transform sunrays on the way to earth into electrical energy. After the conversion sunrays becomes source of 'solar functional energy' termed as 'C' that establishes a functional relationship with earth and its resources to turn these into economic produce or wealth by taking human help through activating the brain software in human beings. You may not agree to or may dispute this theory but a patient glance and analytical watch on the following case studies will surprise you to accept this. The only condition is to shed any preconception and ego.

The biggest operational constraint faced by this Solar Functional Energy is the presence of dark energy 'R' that is potent enough to corrupt its functionality at the right level. Whenever 'R' intercepts the focus of solar functional energy or its components 'T' or 'A' on earth it makes it/ them non-functional or weakly functional. 'T' and 'A' move clockwise and focus earth. 'R' intercepts them by moving anticlockwise. They do this in a way to converge and diverge at certain intervals and thereby create cyclical energy contents and capsules of various potencies that ultimately affects the economies and their operational levels.

The most potent T-A-R positioning is when 'T' and 'A' are converging to and 'R' is just diverging as in 1922 when the American stock market went on rampaging till the great depression started or in 1960s when US economies boomed for years.

The weakest T-A-R positioning is when 'T' and 'R' are converging with focus on power points and 'A' is just diverging from their module. This has occurred in 1929 (the sample is furnished in the following paragraph)

The following charts will exhibit these permutation and combinations along with the solar divisions of earth in C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8.C9, C91 C92 and C93. Our earth is divides in 12 parts of 30 degree the base point being Greenwich at 00 East and West as follows:

Focus on Japan in 2008 on T-A-R scale


C9 - C91 - C92 - C93 - C1 - C2 - C3 - C4 - C5 - C6 - C7 - C8

A -- R.7 -- R ---------------------------------- T

------------------------------ T-3C ------- R ---- T+2C

Japan, the world's second biggest economy, has officially fallen into an economic recession. The nation's export business continues to crumble against the rising Yen and the Japanese economy is set for its longest ever contraction. Focus of 'T' on C5 the economic zone of Japan and the power point always makes this country vulnerable and let yen appreciate against dollar and other currencies. This is repeated in the year 2007 when 'T' had its first focus on C5 in August. R92 also had its focus on C5 along with. Both together had their negative focus on C2 in the month of May-June. This joint focus on C2 did not damage the economies that should have if A8 would not have the simultaneous focus on C2. In 2008 when A8 had its focus shifted to C9 T+6R module became aggressive and at R+C in March 2008 it had it had its first impact on many economy and its spiraling prices. Gold and crude oil prices had relented for the first time. From July-August the crisis set firmly.

The island's Gross Domestic Product - the entire value of one nation's products and services - made an unexpected drop of 0.5 in the quarter July-September. There was downfall in the first quarter from April-June. A recession is defined by two successive quarterly GDP drops for a nation or continent. On annualized basis it was 1.8% shrink. Japan's export dependent economy was also hit by sluggish overseas shipments as the global financial crisis hit international trade. The latest snapshot of the Japanese economy was even worse than the forecast for a contraction of about 0.2% quarter on quarter made earlier by some analysts. The government said the economy shrank a revised 1.0% in the second quarter, which was also slightly worse than it was thought previously. Many companies have started undercutting employments. Sony corp. is about to cut 8000 of jobs. Signs of the nation's economic decline can be seen in Sony's profit outlook cut of 57%, and in the Japanese software market to have 21 percent drop from last year. Perhaps the biggest danger for Japan's videogame market was the news that the nation saw its volume of business investments drop 1.7 percent from the previous quarter.

The nation now joins a growing list of major countries that have posted successive GDP losses, such as Germany, Italy, Spain and Ireland. A report last week suggested that USA is likely to officially enter a recession soon.

USA will be facing worst type of deflationary situation. Many other economies will also be running similar situation. R9 that is also the power point of USA will have the focus of 'R' in 2010 will again erupt the worsening situation for USA. T-A-R structure in 2008-2016 is presented below for a deep study and analysis.

TAR components in 2007 and 2008 as shown below is T5 (Japan) R92 focusing on Japan with R+180 degree focus. This module is called T+6R that have the capacity to cause severe downfall in Japan not for single year but for years together. This module got activated in February-March 2008 and its long term impact is to relax only in 2016 when Japan economic zone is to get a joint focus of R+A. This is the first phase of the depression for Japan.

The focus of 'T' on C5 in 2007 and 2008 is damaging for Japan. T+6R formed by T5 and R92 are a negative module to restrict growth in Japan. 'A' is not in the module of T+6R and this is moving away from 'T' that provides the electron charges to the proton 'A' to make it productive for economic development and growth. This divergence further aggravates the situation to take this country to the quagmire of depression for long.

K.M PANDIT is an honors graduate in economics and possesses a certificate in marketing management. He remained engaged as professional managers in reputed organizations for about 25 years. He also took up job of academic writing in Research-Academia USA in which he helped students in writing their project works in Economics and marketing management.

His interest in business cycle was aroused in 1996 when he witnessed many ups and downs in global economy especially in Japan. He became very serious about finding the reason for this. He studied the problems deeply and later opened 'Center of Business Intelligence & Forecasting in Kolkata to have professional study on the subject. His study encompasses stock market, commodity market metal markets including gold and silver to learn the system in trends. This book will be centric to gold to highlight the fundamental theory of Solar Functional Energy and TAR econometrics to answer about the most intricate question of why and how the cycle of growth and decline starts. He became member of Kitco gold forum to contribute his forecasts about gold market trends. He contributed his basic theory to his blog to let people and investors know about the new theory of forecasting. There was massive flow of comments on his writings with reservations and doubts but when his forecasts came true letters of appreciation followed. He published his first e book on 'Solar Functional Energy' He plans his next book on full theory on ' Kantian Energy Cycle of Business' that can answer all the pertinent and mind boggling problems of business cycles.

xbox 360 videogames

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Xbox 360 Elite Console 120GB with 2 Bonus Games

Xbox 360 sets a new pace for digital entertainment. More than just a cutting-edge game system, Xbox 360 also integrates high-definition video, DVD movie playback, digital music, photos, and online connectivity into one sleek, small tower.

Under the Hood

Xbox 360 with wireless controller
Xbox 360, shown with wireless controller, is a sleek, customizable gaming and entertainment system
Xbox 360 is much smaller than its predecessor--it measures approximately 3.3 by 12.2 by 10.2 inches and weighs 7.7 lbs. It's powered by custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU with three symmetrical cores each running at 3.2 GHz. It also carries a custom ATI graphics processor 10 MB of embedded DRAM. This is powerful enough to draw 500 million triangles per second. In other words, it makes for great looking games in standard TV definition, and even better thanks to built-in support for HDTV 1080i televisions. It also supports the widescreen 16:9 format.

The unit has a 12x dual-layer DVD-ROM drive, which plays both the game media and progressive-scan DVD movies right out of the box. For game-save and media storage this console package includes a 120GB hard drive. Along with storing files, the hard drive will make the Xbox 360 backward-compatible with part of the existing Xbox game library.

Control your Gameplay
Xbox 360 uses a refined button layout for its controllers. Back and Start buttons sit at the center of the controller and between them is a new Xbox Guide button, which instantly takes the user to the Xbox 360 user interface. From there, they can check for friends online, access personal digital content like photos and songs, and more. The black and white buttons of the first Xbox controllers have been replaced with new shoulder buttons placed above the left and right triggers. Xbox 360 can accommodate up to four wireless controllers and has three USB 2.0 slots to use for wired controllers or for streaming your digital media from digital cameras, MP3 players, and any Windows XP-based PC. Microsoft has also created a video-conferencing camera, sold separately, that will work with the system.

Xbox 360 user interface
Xbox 360 shown with the ultimate gaming package

The Media Experience

All Xbox 360 titles can be played in either standard or high-definition resolution in 16:9 widescreen, with anti-aliasing for smoother graphics. Game designers will be able to take advantage of the system's multi-channel surround sound. The Xbox 360's digital media allows users to supplement any game's music from tracks in their own personal library.

Xbox 360 Console Chooser

Go Live

A built-in Ethernet port allows users to connect their system to a broadband connection for access to the new Xbox Live Silver. The included service lets anyone create a Gamertag and gamer card to express your online identity, chat live with voice chat, and connect to the Xbox Live Marketplace to buy expansions, maps, and other digital items for your games. The subscription service Xbox Live Gold adds to that online competition, game stats, and video chat/messaging. The separately sold wireless adapter supports the common 802.11a, -b, and -g standards.

What's in the Box?

  • Xbox 360 Elite console (black)
  • 120GB hard drive
  • Wireless Controller (black)
  • Xbox Live Headset (black)
  • HDMI port
  • HDMI cable
  • Xbox Live Silver membership
  • One-month subscription to Xbox Live Gold
  • LEGO Indiana Jones Game
  • Kung Fu Panda Game

Customer Review: Don't waste your money
This system is not worth the money. While it worked fine for a year, just after it went out of warranty, it died and Xbox offered me no other option but to fix it at full price. Not supprised after this that it happened since it was a Microsoft product. Have to spend a quarter of the original purchase price in order to fix it after a year. Could spend the same amount of money and get a PS3 that actually works and doesn't break after a year. Also, at least with the PS3, you don't have to pay for online service every month and gives better graphics. This system costs you more in the longrun than the PS3, so stay away from the Xbox 360.
Customer Review: Here is my little ditty regarding Microsoft's "World Class Service".
To whom it my concern: My original console, serial number (004194371107), was sent for repair and was in flawless condition, other than the "Three Red Light" problem. The replacement console, serial number (010497771207), was sent to me in a condition that was not what I expected: "Upon receiving the 360 after MS "repaired" the RRoD problem it wobbled front-to-back and left-to-right severely. In addition the power supply port was not aligned with the case opening. I contacted MS customer support and shipped the console back in order to correct those problems. The console was shipped back to me with the exact same problems. Contacted MS customer support and sent the console in a third time to correct the previously mentioned problems. Once again, the console was shipped to me with additional problems. This time it had a missing USB cover and a slight wobble; I was going to live with the wobble till I saw the missing USB cover. Sent the console in again to correct the missing USB cover problem and received it back, once again, with a missing USB cover". I would respectfully like to ask for a replacement console, excluding serial number (010497771207), that is in the same condition that my original console was in, which was flawless. Sincerely, Wade This has been an ongoing problem since December, over two months and counting. Microsoft's short sightedness will affect their bottom line in the future. I have three kids, all boys, and we currently have two Live accounts and planed on purchasing two additional accounts-my second oldest kid was promised a live account for his B-Day. My two oldest kids have Zune's and I was planning to purchase one in the near future. That's all changed since dealing with MS Xbox customer this point I'm contemplating the closing of all Live accounts and not purchasing Xbox/Zune "anything" in the future. In addition, I might sell all of my "360" hardware and software and switch to Linux or nurse my XP OS as longs as I can. Again, the problems MS faces are with its future. My three boys' will grow up without any MS products in their home and will hear of the horror stories related in dealing with MS products and the related MS customer service.

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